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622 lines (527 loc) · 24.6 KB


This document describes the merge algorithm.

The merge algorithm takes a list of process coverages (or smaller items) and outputs a single object combining the information in the inputs. The goal is to simulate the result V8 would have returned if all the code was executed by the same process instead of multiple processes. Basically, we want to sum the counts.

You can actually do an experiment to see what the merged result should look like. Write a library and multiple entry points using this library. First run each entry point in its own process. Then create a "super" entry point that requires all the other ones and run it. The process coverage you get there corresponds to the merged coverages obtained from the individual entry points.

The algorithm in this repo only depends on the individual process coverages: it does not use the source text or Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This means that the algorithm has less information than the V8 profiler.

Since the algorithm has less information, the result is usually different from what you get experimentally. The experimental result may have more and/or smaller ranges (it is more granular). Still, these results should be compatible. If you apply both to the same source text, they should return the same counts for each AST node. The result produced by the algorithm is simply more general than the experimental result.

The lack of source text information is also the reason for one the main unproven assumptions of the algorithm: the left bias rule. It will be detailed further down, but it relates to how partially overlapping ranges are handled. There are two choices "left bias" or "right bias". Choosing the wrong one may break the validity of the coverage but there is no way to decide without the source text. I know cases where you need to use the "left bias", but wasn't able to find (or create) cases where the "right bias" is required. Because of this, the algorithm uses the "left bias" variant. If a case is ever found where the "right bias" must be used, it would imply that merging coverages without the source text is ambiguous. If the left bias rule does not hold, merging without the source text is impossible.

The algorithm is associative and commutative. It means that the result does not depend on the order of the inputs and that you can have intermediate values. All of the following return the same result:

  • merge([a, b, c, d])
  • [b, c, d].reduce(a, (acc, next) => merge([acc, next]))
  • [a, b, c].reduceRight(d, (acc, next) => merge([next, acc]))
  • merge([merge([a, b]), merge([c, d])])

The algorithm is designed to be fast. It should be able to handle the Node and npm test suites. These generates thousands of process coverages (adding up to hundreds of megabytes). The initial implementation took roughly 50 seconds on my computer to process them. Careful changes to the algorithm and implementation took this time down to about 3 seconds. These times correspond to the Node.js implementation. I also wrote a Rust implementation to compare performance and force me to "double check" the algorithm. Single threaded Rust takes 4 seconds (1.2s with multithreading). Following this, I am very impressed by the V8 engine! (Disclaimer: I'm good at Node but only a beginner at Rust, help to improve the performance is welcome).


The algorithm has two main main steps: function matching and range merging. The functions are the main units of coverage. The first step finds function coverages corresponding to the same block of code. The second step is the harder part: it takes the ranges from matching functions and outputs a single list that represents the sum of the counts for all the AST nodes in the function.

Function matching

The coverages have a hierarchical structure: process coverages contain script coverages which contain function coverages. The function matching step searches FunctionCov values from different coverages that are corresponding to the same block of code. A function is matching another one if it is in the same file and covers the same span of source text.

The algorithm first matches scripts across process coverages: two scripts are matching if they have the same url. The scriptId is ignored because this value is not reliable. It depends on the load order so the presence of dynamically loaded modules (optional dependencies, conditional dependencies, etc.) affects it.

Then, for each set of matching script coverages, the functions are matched based on their span. The functions are characterized by their root range: ranges[0]. ranges[0].count is the number of times the function was called and the offsets correspond the whole function: from the first token (e.g. the function keyword) to the last one (e.g. the final closing brace }). V8 treats all the statements at the root of the file as being part of a single FunctionCov covering the entire file.

The functions are matched with the startOffset and endOffset of their root range. The functionName is ignored because it is not that reliable (multiple functions can have the same name inside the same script).

I am assuming that the source text does not change between process coverages. There are some special cases where it may happen, but in practice they correspond to dynamically generated modules that aren't covered. Assuming the source text is not dynamically modified, the matching is unambiguous.

There could be one edge case if the whole source text is a single function definition without anything outside (no assignation, no import/expert, no semicolon, no new line). I haven't tried it yet, but it may cause two FunctionCov with the same root range in the same ScriptCov. In this situation, the algorithm simply matches the two FunctionCov.

When a list of FunctionCov is matched (=corresponds to the same block of code), it is passed to the "range merging" phase to produce a single FunctionCov. This process is applied for each set of matching FunctionCov. The matching ScriptCov are then simply replaced by a ScriptCov with the same url and list of merged FunctionCov. The scriptId is just chosen to be unique. A bit of normalization is applied to improve determinism: the scripts are sorted by url, and the functions by their root range (increasing startOffset then decreasing endOffset).

Range merging

This phase is the meat of algorithm: it sums lists of ranges.

I will first give more details about the structure of ranges in a FunctionCov, then explain the expected results (including the left bias rule), and finally outline the algorithm.


Inside each FunctionCov, ranges is a list of pre-order sorted nodes from a tree covering the AST.

Let me go with an example. Here is a small function with its offsets:

(foo) => { for (const _ of "rgb") { alert(foo ?  0 : 1) } return foo ? "true" : "false"}
|                                 |           |   |      |           |       |          |
0                                 34          46  50     57          69      77         88

Calling this function once with the argument false produces this FunctionCov:

  "functionName": "",
  "ranges": [
    {"startOffset":  0, "endOffset": 88, "count": 1},
    {"startOffset": 34, "endOffset": 57, "count": 3},
    {"startOffset": 46, "endOffset": 50, "count": 0},
    {"startOffset": 69, "endOffset": 77, "count": 0}
  "isBlockCoverage": true,

The easiest way to visualize the ranges is to draw them under the function. Their representation starts and ends at the corresponding offsets, the number corresponds to the count.

(foo) => { for (const _ of "rgb") { alert(foo ?  0 : 1) } return foo ? "true" : "false"}
|                                 |           |   |      |           |       |          |
0                                 34          46  50     57          69      77         88
|                                 |           |   |      |           |       |          |
                                  [3--------------------)            [0-----)

When drawn this way, the tree formed by the ranges becomes apparent. The ranges inside a FunctionCov either nest or are disjoint: based on the inclusion relation, you can form a tree. The first range is always the root: it includes all the other ones. There is no partial overlap inside a FunctionCov: the ranges either nest (ancestor/descendant relationship) or are disjoint.

I call this tree of ranges the range tree.

Pre-order tree traversal means that you start at the root and traverse the tree by always going to the left-most node that you haven't visited yet. Every time you enter a node for the first time, you emit it. The ranges are sorted according this traversal. Another way to state it is that the ranges are sorted by increasing startOffset then decreasing endOffset.

The range tree is "covering" the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). I mean two things: the count of an AST node corresponds to the smallest range containing it, and a single range can correspond to multiple AST nodes.

For example, the alert(...) expression is contained by two ranges: the root range and range with a count of 3. The latter is the smaller one, so the count associated to alert(...) is 3: alert was called three times. The root range corresponds to both the for and return statements (count of 1).

The merge algorithm handles the ranges as a tree. Converting from a flat list to a tree is the first step of the algorithm. It then merges the trees and flattens the result back to a list.

Expected behavior

This section is about detailing the expected behavior when merging two range trees. The high level goal is to produce merged coverages compatible with the ones produced experimentally: they should sum the counts.

The range trees from matching FunctionCov can have different structures. V8 is trying to reduce the number of ranges in its coverages to reduce the file sizes. This "compression" is for example achieved by fusing together contiguous ranges with the same counts. Due to this, the structure of the tree depends on how the function was called. The same block of code can produce trees with different offsets, different amounts of nodes, or even partially overlapping ranges (when comparing trees produced by different processes). The only range guaranteed to match is the root range.

The trees are merged recursively, starting at the root. Since all the trees have the same root, merging it consists simply in summing the counts of all the root ranges.

The interesting part is when we start handling the children because they can have different ranges. The merge algorithm merges any number of coverages at the same time, but it's mostly an optimization. You can think about the expected result when merging two trees and then generalize it to many trees processed at the same time.

If you compare two numbers, there are 3 possibilities: "LesserThan", "Equal" and "GreaterThan". If you take any two arbitrary ranges, there are 13 ways to compare them one relative to the other. For our purpose, these possibilities can be grouped into 4 families (or configurations):

Configuration "equal":
        [1---------)            (Reference)
        [2---------)            Equal

Configuration "disjoint":
        [1---------)            (Reference)
[2-----)                        BeforeAdjacent
[2-)                            BeforeStrict
                    [2-----)    AfterAdjacent
                        [2-)    AfterStrict

Configuration "nested":
        [1---------)            (Reference)
[2-------------------------)    OverlapStrict
[2-----------------)            OverlapEqualEnd
        [2-----------------)    OverlapEqualStart
        [2-----)                ContainedEqualStart
            [2-----)            ContainedEqualEnd
            [2-)                ContainedStrict

Configuration "partial overlap":
        [1---------)            (Reference)
[2-------------)                PartialOverlapStart
            [2-------------)    PartialOverlapEnd

Each family describes a configuration between two children nodes (for example, we want to merge the first child of each root range). The merge algorithm can be defined based on how these 4 configurations are handled. For each of these configurations, there is a "merge rule": a description of how the counts in the result are related to the inputs. These depend on the count of the two child nodes we are merging (a and b) and the counts of their parent (A and B). The rules are given as ASCII diagrams.



This is the easiest situation: if both trees have the same structure, you just sum the corresponding counts.


       [a+B---)   [A+b---)

Any AST node contained by the range [a--) will have a count of B in the the second function coverage (inherited from the parent). Summing both, we get the count a+B. The same reasoning applies to the other child range. Notice that the original trees had a single child each, but the merged tree has two. These children do not break the "AST coverage" property because their boundaries have the same offsets and "orientation" as in the input trees (they don't split any new AST node).



The [a+b--) result comes from the same argument as for the "disjoint" configuration (AST nodes contained in [b--) have a count of a in the other coverage). Using a similar reasoning, we can find that the count for the nodes contained in [a--) but not by [b--) is a+B. This count is attached to a layer between the parent and [a+b--). Adding this nesting layer allows to not introduce new splits. It's important to understand why increasing nesting is required in this situation.

One may have thought of the following solution instead, with extra split but without an extra layers:

          ^        ^

This rule introduces a closing split and opening split at the marked positions. Those splits were not present in the original trees so it's not safe to add them. Here is an example where this would not work:

/* ... */ if (foo) { if(bar) { doAction() }    } /* ... */

(first case: called 9 times with {foo: false} and once with {foo: true, bar: true}; second case: called 18 times with {foo: true, bar: false} and twice with {foo: true, bar: true})

The valid "nested" rule and invalid "flat nested" rule would produce:

/* ... */ if (foo) { if(bar) { doAction() }    } /* ... */
valid "nested" rule:
invalid "flat" rule:

The statement if(bar) { ... } is evaluated 21 times in total, but in the invalid case, the smallest range containing this statement has a count 30.

I don't remember well, but I also think that there were issues with associativity when using the invalid variant.

It is not safe to introduce splits. That's why you need to add an extra layer. this matches experimental results.

Partial overlap


Understanding why the "nested" rule introduces an extra layer to avoid splits is important to understand the chosen "partial overlap" rule.

The partially overlapping configuration is the only configuration where you need to introduce splits in the merged tree to get matching counts on AST nodes attached to the leafs of the tree. The next best solution introduces a single split. The chosen rule (above) is the "left bias" variant because it favors the left range. The left range is untouched, but the right range is split in two. The "right bias" variant looks like this:


If the merge algorithm was working in a vacuum, there would be no way to decide which variant to use. Without the AST, you don't know which of the splits are safe and which break new AST nodes. But we're no working on some imaginary trees: they come from JS code.

A split usually corresponds to a branch in the control flow graph. It can be caused by elements such as if, for, &&, default function parameters, return, throw, etc. Out of those, the first tokens of the node is always executed, then there's a body and then an optional sequence of closing tokens. Because of this grammar, it's more common to have cases where parent/child ranges with the same endOffset rather than the same startOffset. Two ranges starting at the same offset mean the start of a node gets a different count than its parent.

I found a few cases where two ranges (from the same tree) start at the same offset. Most of them were bugs (that I reported to the V8 team), but some may be legitimate situations: there were too much in my samples to check them all. I haven't checked yet using the patched V8 version. For example, this function had many ranges with the same start offsets. If it turns out that it is impossible to have two ranges starting at the same offset in the same tree, it would easily prove that the "right bias" variant is always invalid. As it stands, I am unable to completely rule out the "right bias" variant.

The algorithm can only have one rule (because it does not have access to the AST). I can't definitely discard the "right bias" rule, but I can exhibit cases where the "left bias" rule is required. Here's one such case (slightly simplified to remove an irrelevant range over whitespace):

(n) => { if (n > 0) { if (true) { return true; console.log('foo') } } return false; }


(first case: called once with {n: 0}; second case: called twice with {n: 1})

Here is what you get depending on the variant:

(n) => { if (n > 0) { if (true) { return true; console.log('foo') } } return false; }
left bias:
right bias:

The if (true) { ... } statement is evaluated twice. You get this result using the left bias rule, but using the right-bias variant you get a count of 3. When generating the merged result experimentally (performing the calls inside the same process), V8 returns coverage matching the left bias rule. It confirms that it's the right one in this case.

I couldn't find cases where the "right bias" variant was required. Either the bias was irrelevant, or "left bias" was required. Because of this, partially overlapping child nodes are merged with the left bias rule.

If a case is ever found when the left bias rule produces invalid results (so the right bias variant should have been used), it means that it is impossible to decide which variant to use without the source text and the whole algorithm is invalid.


Here are all the merge rules together:

       [a+B---)   [A+b---)

Some observations:

  • If you scan the children from the left, the first one you hit is never split or moved to a deeper layer: it always corresponds a child in the output.

  • You can decompose a "partially overlapping" configuration as a "nested" configuration followed by a "disjoint" configuration by splitting b beforehand:

  • You can decompose a "nested" configuration to an "equal" configuration by nesting b beforehand:


Overview of the merge algorithm

This section gives an overview of the actual implementation of the algorithm. Check the code if you want to go into more details.

The general strategy to merge lists of ranges is the following:

  1. Convert each list to a range tree.
  2. Convert each range tree to a "delta" range tree. Instead of storing absolute count values, store the difference between the child count and parent count ("delta count").
  3. Recursively merge nodes with the same offsets (starting from the roots, which have the same offsets by definition).
    1. The merged delta count is the sum of the individual delta counts.
    2. Group and sort the children by startOffset.
    3. Scan the children from the left until you hit one: it becomes the current "open range". If many nodes have the same startOffset, keep the largest one.
    4. Collect all the other children that have a startOffset inside the open range.
    5. If their endOffset is outside the open range, we have a partial overlap: perform a split. Keep the part inside the open range and put the other part back with the unprocessed children.
    6. For all the ranges that are strictly included in the open range, add an intermediate node ("wrapper") with the same offsets as the open range and a delta count of 0.
    7. All the collected ranges should now have the same offsets as the open range: they were either already equal or are wrapper containing smaller nodes. Merge them (recursion).
    8. Continue scanning the remaining children (go to the third step).
  4. Normalize the tree: fuse contiguous ranges with the same counts, remove nodes with a "delta count" of 0, fuse children and parents with the same offsets.
  5. Convert the delta range tree back to a range tree with absolute counts.
  6. Flatten the range tree to a list.

TODO: Give more details about the algorithm:

  • Tree construction
  • Delta counts
  • Scan line
  • Start events
  • Open range
  • Wrappers
  • Tree normalization
  • Flattening