We follow the Feature Branch Workflow
To contribute to this project, please report Issues (to help with documentation & keeping track of changes).
In the "Issue", please include one of the following:
- Full error message and environment setup (which tag/release, which files you were running over, what is the configuration, what were you trying to do, etc.)
- Ideas on how to fix the problem or where the error is (ideally you tried something to fix the issue before reporting it)
- Create a new branch (named after the error message) and submit a PR.
- If you know how to fix the issue, please perform this fix in the branch and comment this as well
- Describe what limitations CyMiniAnaVLQ0L has that you want to address
- Create a new branch (named after your feature) where work can begin to implement this feature
- If you know how to implement this, please do this in the branch
- If you do not know how to implement this, please try to add some pseudo-code or links that might outline what you want to do
- If there is something else that you want to do, please create the issue or submit the PR to start a discussion.
For all options, please add 3 labels: a "STATUS", "TYPE", and "PRIORITY" label.
The most helpful contributions will include attempts at a fix or implemntation of the feature and comments adequately describing what the user wants/needs.