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FrancisBond edited this page Jun 9, 2006 · 17 revisions

Norwegian Japanese Machine Translation

Disclaimer: These pages are meant to be helpful, but that doesn't mean the authors will always be able to helpfully answer questions (_).


Running No/Ja

We recomment you have at least 3GB of RAM. Even more memory wouldn't hurt.

  1. start transfer and generation in one emacs (M-x noja)

  2. start a generator server

    • trollet
    • load ~/logon/dfki/jacy/lkb/script
    • index for generator
    • start server
  3. translate

    • (mt::parse-interactively "overset meg") (C-c r)

    • a parse window appears

    • select the parse (with next/previous) and click transfer

    • select the translation (with next/previous) and click generate

    • the translation should magically popup in a little window

You can also run it as a [wiki:LogonProcessing/BatchTranslation batch] with a bit more undocumented setup.

Set Up

Not all of the bits have been publically released yet (2006-06-09).

  • get a recent LOGON CVS
    • fulfill your licensing requirements
      • put your ACL licence in
      • delete any bits you shouldn't have
  • add in norsource
  • add in noja
  • setup various files
    • .bashrc
    • .emacs
    • logon/dot.tsbrc


if [ -f ${LOGONROOT}/dot.bashrc ]; then
    . ${LOGONROOT}/dot.bashrc


;;; LOGON-specific settings

(defun log ()
  (if (getenv "LOGONROOT")
      (let ((logon (substitute-in-file-name "$LOGONROOT")))
        (if (file-exists-p (format "%s/dot.emacs" logon))
            (load (format "%s/dot.emacs" logon) nil t t)))))

(defun jacy ()
  ;; set up logon
  ;; load lisp
  ;; make the encoding suitable for japanese (EUC-JP)
  ;; load the common-lisp commands
  (insert (format ":ld %s/\n" logon-root))
  ;; load the machine translation controller
  (fi:eval-in-lisp "(lmt)")
  ;; load the tsdb settings
  (insert (format ":ld %s/dot.tsdbrc\n" logon-root))
  ;;set tsdb home and skeleton home
  (insert "(tsdb::tsdb :home \"/home/bond/treebank/mrs\")")
  (insert (format 
           "(tsdb::tsdb :skeleton \"%s/dfki/jacy/tsdb/skeletons\")"
  ;; load the grammar
   (format "(read-script-file-aux  \"%s/dfki/jacy/lkb/script\")" 

(defun norse ()
  ;; set up logon
  ;; load lisp
  ;; load the common-lisp commands
  (insert (format ":ld %s/\n" logon-root))
  ;; load the machine translation controller
  (fi:eval-in-lisp "(lmt)")
  ;; load the tsdb settings
  (insert (format ":ld %s/dot.tsdbrc\n" logon-root))
  ;;set tsdb home and skeleton home
  (insert "(tsdb::tsdb :home \"/home/bond/treebank/norse\")")
  (insert (format 
           "(tsdb::tsdb :skeleton \"%s/ntnu/norsource/tsdb/skeletons\")"
  ;; load the grammar
   (format "(read-script-file-aux  \"%s/ntnu/norsource/lkb/scribet\")" 

(defun noja ()
  ;; set up logon
  ;; load lisp
  ;; load the common-lisp commands
  (insert (format ":ld %s/\n" logon-root))
  ;; load the machine translation controller
  (fi:eval-in-lisp "(lmt)")
  ;; load the tsdb settings
  (insert (format ":ld %s/dot.tsdbrc\n" logon-root))
  ;; load the parser
  (insert "(tsdb:tsdb :cpu :norse-parse :file t)")
  ;; load the transfer grammar
    (format "(read-script-file-aux  \"%s/ntnu/noja/lkb/script\")" logon-root))



To Do

Gain the admiration and respect of many by:

  • running things from the DELPH-IN CVS
  • running the parser using a cheap client instead of lisp
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