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FrancisBond edited this page Jun 6, 2006 · 25 revisions


This page include some low level information about itsdb (ItsdbTop).

tsdb database format

The database consists of multiple tables. Each table is a text file, consisting of multiple rows. Each row consists of with fields separated by an @, the whole row is terminated by a newline. The mappings of columns to identifiers is given in the relations file.

item file format

Here is the structure, along with some examples of values.

Field Name Explanation Example Value
1: i-id ID integer
2: i-origin Origin none
3: i-register Register formal
4: i-format Format none
5: i-difficulty Difficulty 1
6: i-category Category S,XP
7: i-input String
8: i-wf Well Formedness 0,1,2
9: i-length String length (words) integer
10: i-comment Comment
11: i-author Author uname
12: i-date Date created 5-8-2003

An actual entry:

1@csli@formal@none@1@S@Abrams works .@1@2@@@jul-98

Note that [itsdb] does not always check that the i-ids are unique, but they should always be kept unique. Also, it is a good idea to keep the items sorted.

In the Hinoki project, the i-comment is used to give the source of the utterance (definition sentence, example, other corpus), the ID in the source corpus, and, for definition and examples sentences, some information about the headword being defined or exemplified.

Well Formedness (i-wf)

Value Meaning
0 Ungrammatical
1 Grammatical
2 Dubious

The grammticality judgements can be used to measure lack of coverage and overgeneration, respectively:

  • Lack of Coverage

    • test items (plus relevant properties) that are annotated as grammatical but failed to parse;
  • Overgeneration

    • list test items (plus relevant properties) that are tagged ill-formed but accepted by the parser (i.e. were assigned at least one analysis).

  • Dubious is used to mark items in a profile that should currently be ignored (for example when processing or treebanking). For example, a Japanese newspaper corpus my contain senryuu, which are currently beyond the scope of the grammar, and so should not be counted when analyzing performance, or treebanked.
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