A short introduction into how to create your own templates
This document will hopefully help you create your own templates for use with ttouch.
Before we go into the types of templates and how to create them a little introduction into how the templates work.
As the underlying template engine used is Handelbars. Because of that all features of the templating engine can be used.
But the most important is the ability to insert the context information into the templates, aka replacement strings.
When creating a template the following fields are available to you.
Name | path | Description |
Origin | origin | The original file name value entered by the user |
Destination | destinationPath | The folder where the current file wil be created in |
Is gist | isGist | Denotes if the current file is a gist id |
Is repository | isRepository | Denotes if the current file is a repository id |
Is file path | isFilePath | Denotes if the current file is a file path |
File name | name.name | The file name without the file extension |
File name in upper case camel case | name.upperCaseCamelCase | The file name, without the file extension, formated in into upper case camel case |
File name in lower case camel case | name.lowerCaseCamelCase | The file name, without the file extension, formated in into lower case camel case |
Full file name | fullFileName | The file name including the file extension |
Containing folder | containingFolder | The folder from which ttouch was called from |
File extension | fileExtension | The file extension of the file |
Absolute path | absolutePath | The absolute path to the file being created |
Is verbose | isVerbose | Determines if the user wants to see the internal workings of ttouch. Can also be used to put additional details into the template |
Template | template | The template to be used for the content of the created file |
Timestamp | timeStamp | The timestamp at which the command was executed |
origin: 'myText.txt',
destinationPath: 'C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\ttouch',
isGist: false,
isRepository: false,
isFilePath: true,
name: 'myText',
upperCaseCamelCase: 'MyText',
lowerCaseCamelCase: 'myText'
fullFileName: 'myText.txt',
containingFolder: 'C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\ttouch',
fileExtension: '.txt',
absolutePath: 'C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\ttouch\\myText.txt',
isVerbose: true,
template: 'r:userName/repoName',
timeStamp: '2019-10-02T08:52:48.183Z'
Now that the underlying template engine and the possible replacement strings are known writing a template is only putting those two together.
A file template is a simple file containing a handlebars template used to populate the file after combining it with the context information.
To create a gist template the first thing you will need is a public gist.
The gist id can be found as the last url part.
Inside the gist create a file with the name template, this is very important! This file will be taken as the template content after retrieving the gist.