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Pay Processing

Microservice to process payment requests including post payment adjustment calculation, ledger assignment and invoice splitting.

This service is part of the Strategic Payment Service.

flowchart LR

ffc-pay-processing(Kubernetes - ffc-pay-processing)
topic-processing[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-processing]
topic-submit[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-submit]
topic-debt-data[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-debt-data]
process-debt-enrichment(External process - Debt enrichment)
topic-debt-data-response[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-debt-data-response]
topic-manual-check[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-manual-check]
process-manual-ledger-check(External process - Manual Ledger check)
topic-quality-check[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-quality-check]
topic-ack[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-acknowledgement]
topic-return[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-return]

topic-processing ==> ffc-pay-processing
ffc-pay-processing ==> topic-submit

topic-ack ==> ffc-pay-processing
topic-return ==> ffc-pay-processing

ffc-pay-processing --> topic-debt-data
topic-debt-data --> process-debt-enrichment
process-debt-enrichment --> topic-debt-data-response
topic-debt-data-response --> ffc-pay-processing

ffc-pay-processing --> topic-manual-check
topic-manual-check --> process-manual-ledger-check
process-manual-ledger-check --> topic-quality-check
topic-quality-check --> ffc-pay-processing


Software required



Azure Service Bus

This service publishes responses as messages to Azure Service Bus topics.

Name Description
MESSAGE_QUEUE_HOST Azure Service Bus hostname, e.g.
MESSAGE_QUEUE_USER Azure Service Bus SAS policy name, e.g. RootManageSharedAccessKey
MESSAGE_QUEUE_PASSWORD Azure Service Bus SAS policy key
MESSAGE_QUEUE_SUFFIX Developer initials, optional, will be automatically added to topic names, e.g. -jw
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for acknowledgement messages, e.g. ffc-pay-acknowledgement
RETURN_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for payment settlements, e.g. ffc-pay-return
PROCESSING_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for payment requests messages, e.g. ffc-pay-processing
SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for completed payment requests, e.g. ffc-pay-submit
DEBT_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for debt data requests, e.g. ffc-pay-debt-data
QC_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for debt data responses, e.g. ffc-pay-debt-data-response
MANUAL_CHECK_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for manual ledger check requests, e.g. ffc-pay-manual-check
QC_MANUAL_CHECK_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for manual ledger check responses, e.g. ffc-pay-quality-check
Message schemas

All message schemas are fully documented in an AsyncAPI specification.



These configuration values should be set in the docker-compose.yaml file or Helm values file if running Kubernetes.

Name Description
APPINSIGHTS_CLOUDROLE Azure App Insights cloud role
APPINSIGHTS_CONNECTIONSTRING Azure App Insights connection string
PROCESSING_INTERVAL Interval in milliseconds for how often payment processing of pending payment requests, e.g. 5000
PROCESSING_CAP Maximum number of payment requests to process per interval, e.g. 500
USE_MANUAL_LEDGER_CHECK Enable manual ledger checking, if true all calculated ledger assignments will be routed to MANUAL_LEDGER_CHECK topic for confirmation/amendment before submission
AUTO_HOLD_TOP_UP Enable automatic holding of top-up payments, if true all top-up payments will not be released
AUTO_HOLD_RECOVERY Enable automatic holding of recoveries and downward adjustments, if true all recoveries will not be released


Docker Compose can be used to build the container image.

docker compose build

The service will file watch application and test files so no need to rebuild the container unless a change to an npm package is made.

How to start the service

The service can be run using the start script.


This script accepts any Docker Compose Up argument.


A debugger can be attached to the running application using port 9244.

How to get an output

This service calculates the final state of a payment request, thereby ensuring that the correct activities are performed by DAX.

The output of this service will vary depending not only the payment request being processed, but also the payment history of that request.

The following examples will reference message schemas defined in the AsyncAPI specification.

First payments

First payments are where no previous payment exists for the FRN, agreementNumber and marketingYear combination. The paymentRequestNumber value will be set at 1.

Message schema: ffc-pay-processing Service Bus Topic: ffc-pay-processing

As no payment history exists, the expectation is that the payment request will be immediately published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic targetting the AP ledger.

Post Payment Adjustments

Post payment adjustments are where a previous version of the payment request exists for the FRN, agreementNumber and marketingYear combination. The paymentRequestNumber value will be set at 2 or above.

Message schema: ffc-pay-processing Service Bus Topic: ffc-pay-processing

The payment request will be compared to all previous versions of the payment request at invoice line level. A "delta" value will be calculated for each invoice line. The sum of these delta values will equal the updated value of the payment request.

Top up

Top up payments are where the value is greater than the total paid for all previous payment requests.

The expectation is that the payment request will be immediately published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic targetting the AP ledger. The value will be updated to the value minus the total paid for all previous payment requests.

Downward adjustments

Downward adjustments are where the value is less than the total paid for all previous payment requests. However, there is sufficient balance in the AP ledger to cover the adjustment.

The expectation is that the payment request will be immediately published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic targetting the AP ledger. The value will be updated to the value minus the total paid for all previous payment requests. ie. the value will be negative.


Recoveries are where the value is less than the total paid for all previous payment requests. However, there is insufficient balance in the AP ledger to cover the adjustment.

If the AP ledger balance is 0, the expectation is that the payment request will be immediately published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic targetting the AR ledger. The value will be updated to the value minus the total paid for all previous payment requests. ie. the value will be negative.

Note: Payment requests originating from Siti Agri do not contain enough information to raise a debt on the AR ledger. The payment request will be published to the DEBT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic for enrichment of debt data. Once enriched, the data will be published to the QC_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic. The post payment adjustment calculation will be repeated to ensure it is based on the latest ledger position.

If the AP ledger balance is greater than 0, the expectation is that the payment request will split into two payment requests. One offsetting the AP ledger balance and the other raising the remainder a debt the AR ledger balance.

Net zero

Net zero payments are where the value is equal to the total paid for all previous payment requests so the adjustment value is 0.

DAX does not support loading of 0 value payment requests, however there may be upward and downward adjustment of individual invoice lines that need to be reflected in downstream accounting.

The expectation is that the payment request will be split into two payment requests published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic both targetting the AP ledger. One with all positive invoice lines and the other with all negative invoice lines.

Top up following downward adjustment and/or recovery

Because both the AP and AR ledgers may have previously been used in this scenario, then we may not necessarily just forward the delta value to AP.

If all previous requests were first payments top ups or downward adjustments, the behaviour is the same as a top up described above.

If any payment request has been a recovery, then the top up can be used to offset the debt.

If the value is less than the total debt raised on the AR ledger for all previous payment requests, the expectation is that the payment request will be immediately published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic targetting the AR ledger.

If the value is greater than the total debt raised on the AR ledger for all previous payment requests, the expectation is that the payment request will be split into two payment requests published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic. Once cancelling out the debt targetting the AR ledger and the other raising the remainder as a top up targetting the AP ledger.

Manual ledger checking

If the USE_MANUAL_LEDGER_CHECK environment variable is set to true, then all calculated ledger assignments will be routed to the MANUAL_LEDGER_CHECK topic for confirmation/amendment before submission.

This applies only to the following post payment adjustment scenarios:

  • Downward adjustment
  • Recovery
  • Top up following downward adjustment and/or recovery

Once the ledger assignment has been confirmed, the payment request will be published to the SUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic.

Payment holds

A payment hold can be applied to a customer by FRN and SchemeId. This will pause processing of any matching payment request until the hold is removed.

A REST API is exposed to support the adding and removing of payment holds.

API documented in the Open API specification.

Hold categories are persisted in PostgreSQL database and are managed through Liquibase migrations. Hold categories are agreed with the business and are not managed through the API.

Scheme holds

A full scheme hold can be applied by SchemeId. This will pause processing of any matching payment request until the hold is removed.

A REST API is exposed to support the adding and removing of scheme holds.

API documented in the Open API specification.

Reset payment request

A payment request can be "reset" to be reprocessed by invoiceNumber.

The expected use case is where DAX has been unable to process a payment request due to a temporary error but is unable to recover the request sent. Therefore, the only way to complete the transaction is to resend the request.

A REST API is exposed to support the resetting of payment requests.

API documented in the Open API specification.

There are scenarios where this is automated, see Acknowledgements below.


Message schema: ffc-pay-acknowledgement Service Bus Topic: ffc-pay-acknowledgement

An acknowledgement will be published to the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic for each payment request received by DAX.

If the request was successful then no further action will be expected.

If the request was unsuccessful, then the payment request will automatically have a hold applied for that FRN and SchemeId combination. The payment will automatically be reset for reprocessing. Once the hold is removed the payment request will be released.

There is a common scenario where if a customer does not have a valid bank account setup in DAX, the request will be rejected. For that scenario the hold category will be Invalid Bank Details.

For all other failures, the hold category will be DAX Rejection.


Message schema: ffc-pay-return Service Bus Topic: ffc-pay-return

A settlement will be published to the RETURN_TOPIC_ADDRESS topic for each settlement made by DAX on the AP ledger.

The settlement will include the cumulative total value settled against the payment request.

No output is expected, however the data will be used to support ledger assignment for future post payment adjustments.

How to stop the service

The service can be stopped using the stop script.


The script accepts any Docker Compose Down argument.

For example, to stop the service and clear all data volumes.

./scripts/stop -v

How to test the service

The service can be tested using the test script.


The script accepts the following arguments:

  • --watch/-w - run tests with file watching to support Test Driven Development scenarios (TDD)
  • --debug/-d - run tests in debug mode. Same as watch mode but will wait for a debugger to be attached before running tests.

CI pipeline

This service uses the FFC CI pipeline



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Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3

About the licence

The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.

It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.