- Add better junit formatter implementation
- Filled out the test to check fail fast functionality
- Fix interceptor not decorating returned value of intercepted magic call
- Fix #96 Predicate matching replaces the actual value with a boolean
- Fix #95 PHPSpec unable to find macros file
- Fix #94 phpspec not finding custom matcher functions with PEAR installation
- Fix #92 "HaveKey" Matcher has "$expected" and "$actual" switched
- Fix path separator so it works on windows
- Fix public property not being intercepted
- Make shebang a bit more universal
- Add namespace to a few specs that didn't have it
- Add pear folder generated by ant to .gitignore
- Remove unused bin script. Only one script used for both pear and composer
- Fix matchers not being found due to case sensitivity in some distros
- Fix travis-ci build script
- Fix issue with phpspec script not calling autoloader
- Fix composer looking for autoload in local vendor folder
- Extract common interface for Example and SharedExample
- Fix intercepted object with magic __call not being called
- Throw an exception when calling an invalid macro
- Minor api documentation added to example group (24fb0e)
- Mockery doubles can be created using expectation array as second parameter (f74e90)
- Fix problem with specs with same name within different namespaces (51f0d2)
- Merge pull request #85 from alistairstead/develop (f8c11a)
- Salve for the case the intercepted is an example group (ad3ab9)
- Add support for macros (fe0efe)
- Remove hard coded matchers from interceptor (27b15c)
- Built in matchers are now loaded dynamically (e07d0e)
- Fix example runner passing context instead of reporter to get methods (df048a)
- Fix parser not accepting an argument for include-matchers (5e7c8d)
- Fix contain text matcher inverse logic (1bd9a4)
- Documentation formatter can handle shared examples start and finish events (99a610)
- Fix not being able to inject ExampleRunner into Runner (ac4f80)
- Shared Examples are now run with the example group behaving like it (8ac843)
- ExampleGroup has a behaveLike SharedExample property (bf5d05)
- Now is possible to change the value of public properties of intercepted objects (ab8840)
- Example group can behave like another (296f0a)
- ExampleGroup doesn't behave like another object by default (fefed3)
- Update deprecated require path for autoload.php (da7ace)
- Add composer.phar to ignore list (29736f)
- Update list of matchers on matcher factory (eddb3c)
- Fix containText match messages (c5e157)
- Reorganise behat features (f794c4)
- Reorganise behat features in folders (cd47fa)
- Add include matchers flag to printing help acceptance test (13f6c6)
- [#49] Add support for CustomMatchers.php to be picked up by convention (fd0d77)
- Fix ternary operation bug in invalid matcher constructor storing boolean instead of real value (b1ccb5)
- Matches method in custom matchers are now optional (f3b444)
- Matches must now return a boolean (ae1f22)
- Make Equal matcher implement PHPSpec\Matcher (9e8e07)
- Make InvalidMatcherType exception more explict (f2cbf3)
- Backtrace was breaking if line or file didn't exist (6c0ee1)
- Add InvalidMatcherType exception (f9a98b)
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:phpspec/phpspec into develop (f42e37)
- Matcher factory now checks interface of custom matchers (3ce6a2)
- Fix directories in .specignore not being ignored (e56c78)
- Add src/PHPSpec/Context to .gitignore (102550)
- Remove pending as test pass (f20965)
- Add comment to empty test to keep the mock from crashing (097fa0)
- Fix ternary operator bug on reflection method (5d2463)
- Add beArray matcher (5fc48b)
- fixed order of args for strpos --- passing (07acf0)
- added Matcher containtText and spec (baf2fb)
- Fix not being initialized, resulting in error (f7fa89)
- Merge upstream (7673d2)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'mlopes/includematcher' into develop (1638fa)
- Add a body to BooSpec so it doesn't complain about being empty (7e177d)
- Fix ignored specs not being discovered correctly (47abce)
- Removed cordova from travis notification email (58135e)
- Reverted PHPSpec autoloader path to use include paths (c532bf)
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:andho/phpspec into composer (8d065c)
- Added Text_Template as a composer dependency and also added Text_Template to be autoloaded in normal phpspec script (a0f20f)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'phpspec/develop' into develop (c96866)
- Merged with cordoval/composer (4058bf)
- Pended class loader test because of some issues to be addressed (62e179)
- Added Formatter dummy files folder to .specignore (8fb282)
- Fixed problem with .specignore not working because realpath being called on path with a newline returned false (eba0a7)
- Merge pull request #78 from alistairstead/develop (aa5b8b)
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:alistairstead/phpspec into develop (5df13f)
- closes #77 Removed duplicate method call (73c95c)
- Removed duplicate method call (70a112)
- Merge branch 'master' into develop (839416)
- [#51] reviewed regexp improved (fb5f70)
- fixed regexp now all specs passed but the one that i fixed in the other PR please merge all so it call all work, thanks! (b4461f)
- Added a reflection method class that checks for empty examples (a633cb)
- Add beArray to MatcherFactory (65bec5)
- Merge branch 'feature/bearraymatcher' into includematcher (3c46c5)
- Add beArray matcher (53f257)
- Merge branch 'develop' into includematcher (0f916a)
- Remove duplicate function declaration Html::put (e6ffb6)
- Use Matcher Factory instead of the CreateMatcher method on Interceptor (58e820)
- Merge branch 'develop' into includematcher (9f604f)
- Merge branch 'master' into develop (8cb578)
- Allow custom matchers to override builtin matchers (d2e69c)
- Create custom matchers (a2380a)
- Add support to load matchers from subfolders (559a62)
- Merge branch 'master' into develop (c3cf4f)
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:phpspec/phpspec into develop (9a77b9)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:phpspec/phpspec (2d92a3)
- Merge branch 'master' into includematcher (aafea6)
- Merge branch 'develop' into includematcher (c6e3d2)
- Merge branch 'hotfix/hardcodedbinpathontests' into develop (b5fd56)
- Merge branch 'hotfix/arraytoscalaroninterceptor' into develop (d9af53)
- Add matcher registry to the matcher factory (3121b2)
- Add specs for matchers registry (92abac)
- Merge branch 'hotfix/afternotbeingcalled' into develop (607de8)
- Merge branch 'hotfix/afternotbeingcalled' (7a1fe0)
- Fix after not being called after failure, error, exception or pending (8f819b)
- Move Fake class into a separate file (20badd)
- Make Matcher factory available to the interceptor (1ea340)
- Create matchers from reflected class (9fff46)
- Add include-matchers to the World mocking (4f8d75)
- Merge with marcello/feature/accessproperty (198787)
- Merge remote branch 'marcello/feature/accessproperty' into includematcher (c536c1)
- Add support for accessing private|protected properties in object interceptor (300f95)
- Add MatcherFactory and specs for it (5e2658)
- Add Be and DummyMatcher for MatcherFactorySpec (7ec9d2)
- Fix ParseSpec test to use generic executable path (ad1c8c)
- Accept include matchers option in the parser (776749)
- Fix default formatter bug (11984d)
- Merge branch 'develop' into includematcher (a6e66b)
- Fix itDecoratesTheBacktraceLinesWithATextmateLink test (ac8eec)
- Merge branch 'feature/textmateformatter' into develop (38238b)
- Add textmate formatter (ee59d8)
- Add specs for textmate formatter render link behaviour (7c84fb)
- Fix some identation errors in Html formatter class (42ff98)
- Formatter Factory now can create textmate formatter objects (c98012)
- Add spec to factory to accept textmate formatter (b1aeab)
- Parser now accepts textmate formatter (c725e9)
- Add spec to parser to accept textmate formatter (797cac)
- Invalid matcher now shows a more expressive exception message (e70e66)
- Refactor interceptor to make __call more expressive (cd5577)
- Merge branch 'develop' into includematcher (f9989b)
- Merge branch 'hotfix/mispelledmatcher' into develop (9c3325)
- Merge branch 'hotfix/mispelledmatcher' into develop (e1b042)
- Move FormatterFactory to World, deleted reference from PHPSpec (736cb7)
- Prepare World object to respond to request from spec helper (206632)
- Add setFormatters to reporter, preparing for support for multiple formatters (947e1f)
- Add the include option to the parser (9ead57)
- var is now available in SpecHelper.php (2a0a36)
- Refactored the behat features a bit (d91c15)
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:andho/phpspec into develop (a07d47)
- SpecHelper.php is now the default bootstrap
- Fixed loading from configuration
- Fixed for broken custom matchers
- Added Junit Formatter
- Added haveKey matcher
- Added the bootstrap option
- Fixed predicate always passing
- Added ArrayVal as an interceptor
- Fixed #30 passing array to spec triggers autoloader
- Updated Japanese version of documentation
- Using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant to take care of OS differences
- Missing put function in the Html formatter sends the output to the StdOut
- Restored predicates
- Restored ability to intercept properties
- Included the case where spec description may have more than one digit together
- Added the RSpec MIT license in the HTML formatter template
- Fixed backtrace with phpspec file not being printed even if the -b flag was pass
- Fixed -c creating ansii colour on html formatter
- Fixed example runner not displaying group names with -e
- Added -e, --example to the usage/help message
- Added the --example|-e EXAMPLE flag to run single examples
- Added filter and validate utils
- Moved from phing to ant
- Remove phpspec.bat temporarially. Needs fix
- Using Symfony UniversalAutoloader in phpspec script
- Moved Zend context to phpspec-zend repository
- Moved tests from PHPUnit to PHPSpec
- Added the --fail-fast to stop on first failure/error/exception
- Added the --fail-fast to stop on first failure/error/exception
- Added the --formater|-f [h]tml flag and the HTML formatter
- Added Zend controller context matchers: redirect and redirectTo
- Added the --backtrace|-b flag to display full backtrace
- Removed autospec option from usage
- Document formatter supports namespaces
- Added support for .specignore
- Used the same export method from throwException for beAnInstanceOf to replace double backslash for one when printing
- Fixed cyclomatic complexity in class loader