The SWD signals used to access the ARM coresight features are standard and defined by ARM. To create those signals a USB to SWD debug probe is used. The specifics of these are different from vendor to vendor.
Typically found as a built in feature of ST development boards.
Also available as a separate USB dongle.
Typically found as a built in feature of Nordic development boards.
Also available as a separate USB dongle.
Typically found as a built in feature of Freescale/NXP development boards.
Also available as a separate USB dongle.
The JTAG/SWD connectors to Cortex-M boards are generally of two forms.
- 0.1" header pins in vendor specific order.
- A Cortex Debug connector. This is a 10 (2x5) pin connector with 0.05" pin spacing.
The JTAG/SWD dongles generally have a 20 (2x10) pin 0.1" connector that follows the older ARM JTAG/SWD standard. You need to adapt between the two - it's a re-wiring job.
The ST development boards typically have a built-in ST-Link debug probe. This is the simplest option to use: just connect the board to the host computer using a USB cable. Its also possible to connect the boards to an offboard debugger.
The ST boards have a 6 pin SWD debug connector. The JLINK has a 20 pin connector.
- Board Pin 1 (VDD_TARGET) - No Connect (this is not actually a target reference voltage)
- Board Pin 2 (SWCLK) - JLINK Pin 9 (SWCLK)
- Board Pin 3 (GND) - JLINK Pin 4 (GND)
- Board Pin 4 (SWDIO) - JLINK Pin 7 (SWDIO)
- Board Pin 5 (NRST) - JLINK Pin 15 (RESET)
- Board Pin 6 (SWO) - JLINK Pin 13 (SWO) - this is optional
- Board 3V Vdd - JLINK Pin 1 (VTref)
Leave the ST-Link/Discovery jumpers installed so the debug signals are passed to the Discovery CPU.
The Axoloti boards have a 5 pin SWD debug connector (JP1).
- 5-NRST (Closest to X3)
- 3-GND
- 1-VCC (3v3)
The Axoloti board needs to be used with an external SWD debug dongle connected to these pins.