This record contains general setting.
-record(mekao_settings, {
placeholder :: fun( ( mekao:column()
, Num :: non_neg_integer()
, Val :: term()
) -> iodata()),
limit :: undefined
| fun( ( mekao:'query'(#mekao_select{})
, RowCount :: non_neg_integer()
, Offset :: non_neg_integer()
) -> mekao:'query'(#mekao_select{})),
returning :: undefined
| fun(( insert | update | delete, mekao:table()) -> iodata()),
is_null = fun mekao_utils:is_null/1 :: fun((Value :: term()) -> boolean())
Produce WHERE clause placeholders.
placeholder = fun (_, Pos, _) -> [$$ | integer_to_list(Pos)] end
}. %% <<"... WHERE field1 = $1, field2 = $2...">>
See #mekao_column{}
If defined will be used in select functions to limit result.
limit = fun
(Q, RowCount, Offset) ->
body = #mekao_select{where = Where} = QBody,
types = Types, values = Vals, next_ph_num = Num
} = Q,
body = QBody#mekao_select{
where = {<<"">>, Where, [
<<" LIMIT ">>, mk_ph(Num),
<<" OFFSET ">>, mk_ph(Num + 1)
types = Types ++ [int, int],
values = Vals ++ [RowCount, Offset],
next_ph_num = Num + 2
Produce RETURNING clause for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries.
returning = fun (_, _) -> <<"RETURNING id">> end
}. %% <<"INSERT INTO... RETURNING id">>
Check value and return true if it IS NULL
, false otherwise. Is used to
compose WHERE clause and produce WHERE column IS NULL
instead of
WHERE column = NULL
is_null =
fun (undefined) -> true
(null) -> true
(_) -> false
This record describes SQL table.
-record(mekao_table, {
name :: iodata(),
columns = [] :: [ mekao:column()
% entity record's field on the same pos is out of
% interest
| '$skip' ],
%% order by column position or by arbitrary expression
order_by = [] :: [ non_neg_integer() % record's field pos
| iodata() % arbitrary expression
| { non_neg_integer() | iodata()
, { asc | desc | default
, nulls_first | nulls_last | default}
Table name
name = <<"books">>
List of table columns. Order matters. Each column position must be the same as a corresponding record's field.
-record(book, {id, isbn, not_db_field}).
columns = [
#mekao_column{name = <<"id">>}, %% first position, same as
#mekao_column{name = <<"isbn">>} %% second position, same as #book.isbn
The last column #book.not_db_field
illustrating possibility of having some
record's fields, which are not represented by any particular SQL table's
column, but serves just for internal usage.
See #mekao_column{}
List of positions and/or arbitrary expressions to sort result of select queries.
-record(book, {id, isbn}).
order_by = [#book.isbn, <<"isbn">>]
%% SELECT id, isbn FROM ... ORDER BY 2, isbn
%% although you could see that `isbn` have `2` position in SELECT statement,
%% #mekao_table.order_by expects number `3` (`#book.isbn = 3`).
This record is intended to describe particular column.
-record(mekao_column, {
name :: iodata(), %% sql column name
type :: term(), %% sql datatype, acceptable by underlying
%% driver
key = false :: boolean(), %% primary key part
ro = false :: boolean(), %% readonly
transform :: undefined
| fun ((Val :: term()) -> NewVal :: term())
Column name as in SQL table.
name = <<"author">>
Column type. Could be used later by underlying db driver.
type = datetime
True if this is a part of primary key, false otherwise.
Have special meaning for some operations suffixed whit _pk
(i.e. mekao:select_pk/3
True if this field is read only.
Read only fields will be skipped during inserts and updates.
Sometimes values should be grained before we feed it to db driver.
name = <<"mamal_type">>
type = int,
transform =
fun (human) -> 0;
(dog) -> 1;
(cat) -> 2;
(whale) -> 65535