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Open context provider framwork


The CDK has a super-handy feature in the form of the ContextProvider ( ). These ContextProviders are currently hard-coded into the CDK CLI, and additional ContextProviders cannot be added by external sources. This proposal is to make the ContextProvider mechanism pluggable so that 3rd parties can create ContextProviders without adding them to the CDK repository, and users of the CDK can use these 3rd party ContextProviders.


Development within the CDK Construct library itself benefits greatly from this capability. When a new ContextProvider is needed, then a CDK contributor can just create it. Unfortunately, since the providers are hard-coded into the CDK, no 3rd party construct library can create their own ContextProvider; other than by contributing it to the CDK, of course. Some ContextProviders may be too specialized for reasonable consideration as a CDK contribution.

Instead 3rd party libraries are required to implement workarounds, like CfnCustomResources that resolve during deployment instead of during synthesis. This increases the size of the Cfn template generated by the app, increases the time required to deploy the stack, adds unnecessary extra resources to the user's account, and makes it possible for a value generated by the CfnCustomResource to differ from one deployment to the next.

Unfortunately, these CfnCustomResources required by 3rd party construct libraries may also be a security risk to the user. The lambda that backs them persists as long as the stack is deployed, and that lambda is granted permissions into the account that may be possible to leverage by an attacker that gains access to the lambda; depending on the lambda's purpose, of course.

Basic Example

// Allow the provider to be an arbitrary string
const someValues: thirdpartlib.DoSomethingContextReponse = ContextProvider.getValue(scope, {
  provider: 'thidparty-do-something',
  props: {
    // whatever needed
  dummyValue: undefined,
// do something with someValues -- which has been materialized at synth time.

// Still retain the existing functionality (ex: Vpc.fromLookup())
const attributes: cxapi.VpcContextResponse = ContextProvider.getValue(scope, {
  provider: cxschema.ContextProvider.VPC_PROVIDER,
  props: {
    returnAsymmetricSubnets: true,
    subnetGroupNameTag: options.subnetGroupNameTag,
  } as cxschema.VpcContextQuery,
  dummyValue: undefined,

Design Summary

Leverage the existing Plugin mechanism that is implemeted into the CDK CLI, and currently only used to register CredentialProviders. Extend the PluginHost class to provide a method for registering a ContextProvider plugin.

Detailed Design

Background -- Understanding the current CDK structure for ContextProvider

CDK CLI: packages/aws-cdk

CDK CLI entrypoint: bin/cdk.ts: initCommandLine()

  1. Load a configuration (Configuration().load() -- lib/settings.ts) -- merges key:value pairs from cdk.json into settings
  2. Load the plugins from the settings['plugin'] key (i.e. 'plugin' key from cdk.json)

Loading plugins -- happens in initCommandLine()

  • Resolves the plugin module, and then invokes PluginHost.instance.load(plugin) ( lib/plugin.ts )
  • lib/plugin.ts defines interface Plugin { version: '1'; init?: (host: PluginHost) => void; }
  • PluginHost.load(moduleSpec: string) -- if arg is a plugin, then run plugin.init(PluginHost.instance).
  • plugin.init(PluginHost.instance) can invoke PluginHost.instance.registerCredentialProviderSource to register itself
  • Currently, only registration method is registerCredentialProviderSource

ContextProvider -- context-providers/

  • All of the context provider implementations are baked into the CDK CLI app.
  • Base: interface ContextProviderPlugin { getValue(args: {[key: string]: any}): Promise<any>; } (in context-providers/provider.ts)
  • Values for context providers are resolved via provideContextValues() in context-providers/index.ts
    • This uses a list of availableContextProviders which is currently hard-coded in the same file, but there is a registerContextProvider() function that adds to that list; though the function is marked as "only for testing")
    • @aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema/lib/context-queries.ts contains:
      • ContextProvider -- an enum of each of the provider types (ex: VPC_PROVIDER = 'vpc-provider')
      • Query parameter interfaces for each of the context providers.
      • type ContextQueryProperties -- union of all of the query interfaces for all context providers.
    • @aws-cdk/core/context-provider.ts contains ContextProvider construct definition.
      • API is via ContextProvider.getValue()
      • The provider key is a string type.
      • This encodes the provider key with the provider-specific properties (i.e. the query), and passes that encoding and the query arguments to scope.node.tryGetContext() (i.e. ContructNode.tryGetContext() -- @aws-cdk/core/lib/contruct-compat.ts)
      • Construct.tryGetContext() just calls this._actualNode.tryGetContext() (i.e. constructs.Node.tryGetContext() -- which is in
        • On error, this calls stack.reportMissingContext() with one of the args being a cast of the provider from a string to a cxschema.ContextProvider
          • reportMissingContext() throws an error if the provider isn't from the built-in enum, and then pushes the error as a cxschema.MissingContext onto this._missingContext
        • MissingContext defines the provider as type ContextProvider

Proposed changes


  1. Add field readonly identifier: string to interface ContextProviderPlugin
  2. Modify all existing implementations of ContextProviderPlugin as follows:
    1. Define the identifier field with appropriate value from cxschema.ContextProvider enum.
    2. Add a call to registerContextProvider() to the bottom of each definition file.
      • ex: In context-provider/vpc.ts we add the call registerContextProvider(VpcNetworkContextProviderPlugin.identifier, VpcNetworkContextProviderPlugin);
  3. Modify the definition of availableContextProviders in context-providers/index.ts to be initially empty.
  4. Modify the implementation of registerContextProvider in context-providers/index.ts to throw an error if trying to re-register a name.
  5. Use the existing PluginHost mechanism to import/register ; extend PluginHost with a registerContextProviderSource() method.
  6. In registerContextProviderSource() we:
    1. Check that the given module implements interface ContextProviderPlugin as best we can, and throw an error if it does not.
    2. Check whether the plugin has already been registered. If it has, then should we throw an error here, or a warning, or... ?
    3. Invoke registerContextProvider() to register the plugin

In CDK modules

A saving grace here for the Construct API is that even though enum ContextProvider in @aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema/lib/context-queries.ts is a static enum that defines the names of each of the built-in ContextProviders, the interface GetContextKeyOptions defines the provider field as being a string. So, we shouldn't require any API changes here.

A challenge that I can see is that the call to stack.reportMissingContext() in ContextProvider.getValue() casts the provider value to a cxschema.ContextProvider (i.e. to the hard-coded enum), and then the call-chain under that requires that the provider be of the cxschema.ContextProvider type. For a plugable ContextProvider to work, all of the providers in this call-chain would have to have their type changed to string. I don't think that this will negatively impact the CloudAssembly -- the value of the provider is a string in the cdk.out json file, so changing it to a string internally should not impact that.


This change would alter the internal API in that some fields that are currently defined as cxschema.ContextProvider would need to change to string type. In practice, this means that the ContextProvider plugins would have a hard requirement of requiring at minimum a specific version of the @aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema and @aws-cdk/core modules.

Rationale and Alternatives

Other options may be possible. This is one proposal by someone not intimately familiar with the internals of the CDK toolchain.

Adoption Strategy

This is a breaking change. Adoption would require updating both the CDK CLI and CDK construct library that are in use.

Unresolved questions

  • Is there a precidence for coupling a minumum version of the CDK CLI with the a minimum version of CDK construct library?

Future Possibilities

I don't have anything beyond what's in the motivation. The benefit for 3rd party libraries to be able to publish context providers cannot be understated. The existing plugin architecture is sufficiently flexible to allow for something like this and other plugin types in the future.