Releases: dcs-liberation/dcs_liberation
Releases · dcs-liberation/dcs_liberation
- [UI] Engagement ranges are now displayed by default.
- [UI] Engagement range display generalized to work for all patrolling flight plans (BARCAP, TARCAP, and CAS).
- [Flight Planner] Front lines no longer project threat zones to avoid pushing BARCAPs back so much. TARCAPs will be forcibly planned but strike packages will not route around front lines even if it is reasonable to do so.
- [Campaigns] EWRs associated with a base will now only be generated near the base.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed error when generating AEW&C flight plans in campaigns with no front lines.
Saves from 2.4 are not compatible with 2.5.
- [Engine] DCS 2.7 Support
- [UI] Improved FOB menu, added a custom banner, and do not display aircraft recruitment menu
- [Flight Planner] Added AEW&C missions. (by siKruger)
- [Kneeboard] Added dark kneeboard option (by GvonH)
- [Campaigns] Multiple EWR sites may now be generated, and EWR sites may be generated outside bases (by SnappyComebacks)
- [Mission Generation] Cloudy and rainy (but not thunderstorm) weather will use the cloud presets from DCS 2.7.
- [Plugins] Added LotATC export plugin (by drsoran)
- [Plugins] Added Splash Damage Plugin (by Wheelijoe)
- [Loadouts] Replaced Litening with ATFLIR for all default F/A-18C loadouts.
- [Flight Planner] Front lines now project threat zones, so TARCAP/escorts will not be pruned for flights near the front. Packages may also route around the front line when practical.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed error when planning BAI at SAMs with dead subgroups.
- [Flight Planner] Mig-19 was not allowed for CAS roles fixed
- [Flight Planner] Increased size of navigation planning area to avoid plannign failures with distant waypoints.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed UI refresh when unchecking the "default loadout" box in the loadout editor.
- [Objective names] Fixed typos in objective name : ARMADILLLO -> ARMADILLO (by SnappyComebacks)
- [Payloads] F-86 Sabre was missing a custom payload
- [Payloads] Added GAR-8 period restrictions (by Mustang-25)
- [Campaign] Date now progresses.
- [Campaign] Added game over message when a coalition runs out of functioning airbases.
- [Mission Generation] Fixed "invalid face handle" error in kneeboard generation that occurred on some machines.
- [Mod Support] Stopped support for 2.5.5 Rafale Mode, and removed factions that were using it
- [Mod Support] Su-57 mod support might be out of date
- [New Game Wizard] Added the possibility to setup custom start date
- [Mods] Updated C-130J mod data to version 6.4
- [Mods] Updated F-22A mod to latest version
- [Payload] Mirage-2000C : Added Eclair counter measures pod to all default loadouts
- [Factions] Introduction dates and fallback weapons added for US, Russian, UK, and French weapons. Huge thanks to @TheCandianVendingMachine for the massive amount of data entry!
- [Campaigns] Added 1995 start dates.
- [Economy] Pending ground unit purchases will also be transferred when a connected base is captured.
- [UI] Fixed rounding of budget in recruitment menu.
- [Units] Fixed syntax error with the SH-60B payload file.
- [Culling] Missile sites generate reasonably sized non-cull zones rather than 100km ones.
- [UI] Budget display is also now rounded to 2 decimal places.
- [UI] Fixed some areas where the old, non-pretty name was displayed to users.
Saves from 2.3 are not compatible with 2.4.
- Improved flight plan generation to avoid loitering in or traveling through threatened areas when practical.
- Improved AI aircraft purchasing behavior.
- Era-restricted weapons (work in progress).
- Tons of UI polish.
- Rebalanced economy to keep opfor competitive over the course of the game.
- [Flight Planner] Air-to-air and SEAD escorts will no longer be automatically planned for packages that are not in range of threats.
- [Flight Planner] Non-custom flight plans will now navigate around threat areas en route to the target area when practical.
- [Flight Planner] Flight plans along front lines now ensure that the race track start is closer to the departure airfield than the race track end.
- [Campaign AI] Auto-purchase now prefers airfields that are not within range of the enemy.
- [Campaign AI] Auto-purchase now prefers the best aircraft for the task, but will attempt to maintain some variety.
- [Campaign AI] Opfor now sells off odd aircraft since they're unlikely to be used.
- [Campaign AI] Multiple rounds of CAP will be planned (roughly 90 minutes of coverage). Default starting budget has increased to account for the increased need for aircraft.
- [Mission Generator] Multiple groups are created for complex SAM sites (SAMs with additional point defense or SHORADS), improving Skynet behavior.
- [Mission Generator] Default start type can now be chosen in the settings. This replaces the non-functional "AI Parking Start" option. Selecting any type other than cold will break OCA/Aircraft missions.
- [Cheat Menu] Added ability to toggle base capture and frontline advance/retreat cheats.
- [Skynet] Updated to 2.0.1.
- [Skynet] Point defenses are now configured to remain on to protect the site they accompany.
- [Hercules] Updated the Hercules Cargo list file.
- [Balance] Opfor now gains income using the same rules as the player, significantly increasing their income relative to the player for most campaigns.
- [Balance] Units now retreat from captured bases when able. Units with no retreat path will be captured and sold.
- [Economy] FOBs generate only $10M per turn (previously $20M like airbases).
- [Economy] Carriers and off-map spawns generate no income (previously $20M like airbases).
- [Economy] Sales of aircraft and ground vehicles can now be cancelled before the next turn begins.
- [UI] Multi-SAM objectives now show threat and detection rings per group.
- [UI] New icon for AA sites with no active threat.
- [UI] Unit names are now prettier and more accurate, and can now be set per-country for added historical flavour.
- [UI] Default loadout is now shown for flights with no custom loadout selected.
- [UI] Aircraft for a new flight are now only selectable if they match the task type for that flight.
- [UI] WIP - There is now a unit info button for each unit in the recruitment list, that should help newer players learn what each unit does.
- [UI] Docs for time-on-target and creating new theaters/factions/loadouts are now linked in the UI at the appropriate places.
- [UI] ASAP is now a checkbox rather than a button. Enabling this will disable the TOT selector but changes to the package structure will automatically re-ASAP the package.
- [UI] Arrival airfield is now shown in the flight list if it differs from the departure airfield.
- [UI] Start type can now be selected when creating a flight.
- [UI] Arrival and divert airfields can be edited after the flight is created.
- [Factions] Added option for date-based loadout restriction. Active radar homing missiles are handled, patches welcome for the other thousand weapons.
- [Factions] Added Poland 2010 faction.
- [Factions] Added Greece 2005 faction.
- [Factions] Added Iran 1988 faction.
- [Units] Support for E-2 Hawkeye, SH-60B Seahawk, S-3B Viking (thanks to awinterquest) and SpGH Dana - these are now being used by appropriate factions.
- [Culling] Missile sites are no longer culled.
- [Campaigns] Added campaign "Black Sea Lite" by Starfire
- [Campaigns] Added campaign "Exercise Vegas Nerve" by Starfire
- [New game Wizard] The theater page is now the first page of the campaign wizard, recommended factions will be selected automatically on the faction selection page
- [New game Wizard] Added information text about the selected campaign performance.
- [Mod Support] Added support for High Digit SAMs mod 1.4.0
- [Mod Support] Added SAMs sites generator : KS19Generator, SA10BGenerator, SA12Generator, SA17Generator, SA20Generator, SA20BGenerator, SA23Generator
- [Hercules] Updated the default Hercules radio frequency.
- [Economy] Pending unit orders at captured bases will be refunded.
- [UI] Carrier group SAM threat rings now move with the carrier.
- [UI] Base intel menu no longer compresses text, and is now scrollable.
- [UI] Edit Flight window is now dynamically sized to adapt to the width of waypoint names, so they no longer get truncated.
- [UI] Budget income display is now rounded to 2 decimal places.
- [UI] Fixed incorrect income per turn displayed for strike target tooltip.
- [Factions] USA with C-130 faction now links to the required mod.
- [Campaign] Fixed issue where destroyed buildings would sometimes not count as destroyed and thus respawn.
- [Campaign] Fixed issue where destroyed runways were not registered.
- [Units] J-11A is no longer spawned with empty loadout.
- [Units] F-14B is no longer spawned with empty loadout for fighter sweep tasks.
- [Units] Pyotr Velikiy cruiser has been removed for now as it's nearly unkillable.
- [Units] Submarines have been removed for now as they aren't wholly functional.
- [Units] Fixed "FACTION ERROR : Unable to find OliverHazardPerryGroupGenerator in pydcs" error at startup.
- [Mission Generator] Fixed a bug where units set to Aggressive stance sometimes did not move.
- [Mission Generator] Flyover points for OCA/Aircraft missions are now generated correctly.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed not being able to create custom waypoints for buildings.
- [Flight Planner] Strike missions will no longer be automatically planned against SAMs.
- [Flight Planner] Strike missions will no longer be automatically planned against FOB structures.
- [Mission Generator] Mission generator would crash when generating fire missions for destroyed SCUD sites - fixed
- [Campaigns] Reworked Golan Heights campaign on Syria, (Added FOB and preset locations for SAMS)
- [Campaigns] Added a lite version of the Golan Heights campaign
- [Campaigns] Reworked Syrian Civil War campaign (Added FOB and preset locations for SAMS)
- [Campaigns] Reworked Emirates campaign
- [Campaigns] AA units added to frontlines and updated all factions to include some frontline AA units.
- [Mission Generator] Infantry will only be generated for APC and IFV groups
- [Mission Generator] Infantry squads size is not randomized anymore
- [Mission Generator] Infantry squads can have a mortar.
- [Mission Generator] SCUD missiles sites will now fire on enemy controls points in range when possible
- [Factions] Updated Nato Desert Storm to include F-14A
- [Factions] Updated Iraq 1991 factions to include Zsu-57 and Mig-29A
- [Factions] Germany 1944, added Stug III and Stug IV
- [Factions] Added factions Insurgents (Hard) with better and more weapons
- [Plugins] The EWRS plugin is now included.
- [UI] Added enemy intelligence summary and details window.
- [Factions] AI would never buy artillery units for the frontline - fixed
- [Factions] Removed the F-111 unit from the NATO desert storm faction. (Recruiting it would cause crashes in DCS, since it is not a valid unit)
- [Campaign] Automatic redeployment of ground units would sometimes fail - fixed
- [Mission Generator] Artillery groups would retreat in the wrong direction - fixed
- [Units] Fixed SPG_Stryker_M1128_MGS not being in db
- [UI] Fixed and added many missing ground units icons
- [UI] Ship groups could be replaced by SAM sites in the UI, which would lead to broken mission being generated - fixed
- [New Game Wizard] Removed the "mid game" campaign generator option which is currently broken
- [Mission Generator] Empty navy groups will no longer be generated
- [Mission Generator] Fixed BAI, SEAD, and DEAD flights ocassionally being assigned the wrong targets.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed not being able to plan packages against opfor carriers
- [UI] Repaired SAMs no longer show as dead.
- [UI] Fixed not being able to manage a disbanded site after disbanding and closing the base menu.
Saves from 2.2 are not compatible with 2.3.
- [Units] Support for newly added BTR-82A, T-72B3
- [Units] Added ZSU-57 AAA sites
- [Culling] BARCAP missions no longer create culling exclusion zones.
- [Flight Planner] Improved TOT planning. Negative start times no longer occur with TARCAPs and hold times no longer affect planning for flight plans without hold points.
- [Factions] Added Iraq 1991 faction (thanks again to Hawkmoon!)
- [Mission Generator] Fix mission generation error when there are too many radio frequency to setup for the Mig-21
- [Mission Generator] Fix ground units not moving forward
- [Mission Generator] Fixed assigned radio channels overlapping with beacons.
- [Flight Planner] Fix creation of custom waypoints.
- [Campaigns] Fixed many cases of SAMs spawning on the runways/taxiways in Syria Full.
Saves from 2.2 are not compatible with 2.3.
- [UX] Added a warning message when the player is attempting to buy more planes at an already full airbase.
- [Campaigns] Migrated Syria full map to new format. (Thanks to Hawkmoon)
- [Faction] Added NATO desert Storm faction (Thanks to Hawkmoon)
- [AI] CAP flights will engage enemies again.
- [Campaigns] Fixed a missing path on the Caucasus Full Map campaign