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Building from the ground up

Going forward, it will be assumed that there are two machines available, node-1 and node-2 respectively. They can be physical machines, virtual machines, or even Docker containers. Let's assume that their IPv4 addressed are:


Compiling Erlang

Firstly, the dependencies should be installed. Most of them can be installed using the package manager of your Linux distribution. In case Erlang 22.x is not available through it, please build one using kerl:

KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+="--enable-dirty-schedulers "
KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+="--enable-kernel-poll "
KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+="--without-javac "

kerl build 22.0 22.0
kerl install 22.0 $HOME/erl

Once it is done, you may execute the following command to activate it:

source $HOME/erl/activate

Compiling Mesos

Next step is to build Mesos itself. Firstly, please install its dependencies that are mentioned in its docs. Once they are installed, it is really easy to compile Mesos using Mesos Version Manager. In order to install it, run:

curl -LO
chmod +x

And build Mesos using it: 1.7.0

And then activate it too by running:

eval ` --print-config`

After that, DC/OS Mesos module should be compiled:

cd dcos-mesos-modules
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr \
             --with-mesos=$HOME/.mesos/current \

If libsodium 1.0.16+ is not available in your Linux distro, fetch a tarball from its official website, unpack it, and build it as follows:

cd libsodium-*
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr
make install

All of the above steps should be performed on both machines.

Starting up dependencies

Starting up Exhibitor and Zookeeper

Now we are ready to start up the components. First, start Exhibitor with ZooKeeper on node-1. Please refer to Running Exhibitor for instructions on how to run it. Alternatively, it can easily be started using Docker:

docker run --rm -it \
     --name exhibitor \
     --net bridge \
     -p 2181:2181/tcp \
     -p 2888:2888/tcp \
     -p 3888:3888/tcp \
     -p 8181:8080/tcp \
     netflixoss/exhibitor:1.5.2 \
     --hostname $NODE_1_IP

Starting up Mesos master

To start Mesos master on node-1, execute:

mesos-master \
     --cluster=dcos-net-cluster \
     --hostname=$NODE_1_IP \
     --ip= \
     --log_dir=/var/log/mesos \
     --port=5050 \
     --quorum=1 \
     --zk=zk://$NODE_1_IP:2181/mesos \
     --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos/master \

where the content of /etc/mesos/master-modules.json is:

    "libraries": [{
        "file": "/usr/lib/mesos/",
        "modules": [{
            "name": "com_mesosphere_mesos_OverlayMasterManager",
            "parameters": [{
                "key": "master_config",
                "value": "/etc/mesos/overlay/master-config.json"
            }, {
                "key": "agent_config",
                "value": "/etc/mesos/overlay/master-agent-config.json"

And the content of /etc/mesos/overlay/master-config.json is:

    "network": {
        "vtep_mac_oui": "70:B3:D5:00:00:00",
        "overlays": [{
            "prefix": 24,
            "name": "dcos",
            "subnet": ""
        "vtep_subnet": ""

And the content of /etc/mesos/overlay/master-agent-config.json is:

    "cni_dir": "/etc/mesos/cni",
    "cni_data_dir": "/var/run/mesos/cni/networks",
    "network_config" : {
        "allocate_subnet": true,
        "mesos_bridge": false,
        "docker_bridge": false,
        "overlay_mtu": 1420,
        "enable_ipv6": false
    "max_configuration_attempts": 5

Starting up Mesos agent

Now let's start Mesos agent on node-2:

mesos-agent \
    --containerizers=mesos \
    --hostname=$NODE_2_IP \
    --image_providers=docker \
    --ip= \
    --isolation=docker/runtime,filesystem/linux,volume/sandbox_path \
    --log_dir=/var/log/mesos \
    --master=zk://$NODE_1_IP:2181/mesos \
    --port=5051 \
    --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos/agent \
    --no-systemd_enable_support \

where the content of /etc/mesos/agent-modules.json is:

    "libraries": [{
        "file": "/usr/lib/mesos/",
        "modules": [{
            "name": "com_mesosphere_mesos_OverlayAgentManager",
            "parameters": [{
                "key": "agent_config",
                "value": "/etc/mesos/overlay/agent-config.json"

And the content of /etc/mesos/overlay/agent-config.json is:

    "master": "$NODE_1_IP:5050",
    "cni_data_dir": "/var/run/mesos/cni/networks",
    "network_config": {
        "allocate_subnet": true,
        "mesos_bridge": true,
        "docker_bridge": false,
        "overlay_mtu": 1420,
        "enable_ipv6": false
    "max_configuration_attempts": 5

Starting up Mesos-DNS

dcos-net depends on Mesos-DNS, so let's tilt it up too. First, build it following the following instructions, and then run on node-1:

mesos-dns -config /etc/mesos-dns.json

where the content of /etc/mesos-dns.json is:

    "zk": "zk://$NODE_1_IP:2181/mesos",
    "refreshSeconds": 30,
    "ttl": 60,
    "domain": "mesos",
    "port": 61053,
    "resolvers": [""],
    "timeout": 5,
    "listener": "",
    "email": "root.mesos-dns.mesos",
    "IPSources": ["host", "netinfo"],
    "SetTruncateBit": true

Configuring networking

dcos-net expects some network interfaces to be up and configured. Let's do this on both nodes:

modprobe ip_vs_wlc
modprobe dummy

iptables --wait -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT
iptables --wait -t nat -I POSTROUTING -m ipvs --ipvs --vdir ORIGINAL \
         --vmethod MASQ -m comment \
         --comment Minuteman-IPVS-IPTables-masquerade-rule \
         -j MASQUERADE
ip link add minuteman type dummy
ip link set minuteman up
ip link add spartan type dummy
ip link set spartan up
ip addr add dev spartan
ip addr add dev spartan
ip addr add dev spartan

And then add the following entries to /etc/resolv.conf:


Compiling and starting up dcos-net

Now that all the dcos-net dependencies are up and running, we can proceed to launching dcos-net itself. First, execute the following on node-1:

cd dcos-net
export MASTER_SOURCE=exhibitor
./rebar3 shell
        --config /etc/dcos-net/master.config \
        --name dcos-net@$NODE_1_IP \
        --setcookie dcos-net \
        --apps mnesia,recon,dcos_dns,dcos_l4lb,dcos_overlay,dcos_rest,dcos_net"

where the content of /etc/dcos-net/master.config is:

  [{work_dir, "/var/lib/dcos-net/lashup"}]},

  [{dir, "/var/lib/dcos-net/mnesia"}]},

  [{dist_port, 62501},
   {is_master, true}]},

  [{udp_port, 53},
   {tcp_port, 53},
   {zookeeper_servers, [{"$NODE_1_IP", 2181}]},
    [{{8,8,8,8}, 53}]},
    #{"" =>
             type => cname,
             name => "registry",
             value => ""

  [{master_uri, "http://$NODE_1_IP:5050/master/state"},
   {enable_lb, true},
   {enable_ipv6, false},
   {min_named_ip, {11,0,0,0}},
   {max_named_ip, {11,255,255,255}},
   {min_named_ip6, {16#fd01,16#c,16#0,16#0,16#0,16#0,16#0,16#0}},
   {max_named_ip6, {16#fd01,16#c,16#0,16#0,16#ffff,16#ffff,16#ffff,16#ffff}},
   {agent_polling_enabled, false}]},

  [{enable_overlay, true},
   {enable_ipv6, false}]},

  [{enable_rest, true},
   {ip, {0,0,0,0}},
   {port, 62080}]},

  [{servers, []},
   {pools, []}]},

  [{forward_metrics, false}]}

And on node-2:

cd dcos-net
export MASTER_SOURCE=exhibitor
./rebar3 shell
        --config /etc/dcos-net/agent.config \
        --name dcos-net@$NODE_2_IP \
        --setcookie dcos-net \
        --apps mnesia,recon,dcos_dns,dcos_l4lb,dcos_overlay,dcos_rest,dcos_net"

where the content of /etc/dcos-net/agent.config is:

  [{work_dir, "/var/lib/lashup"},
   {contact_nodes, ['dcos-net@$NODE_1_IP']}]},

  [{dir, "/var/lib/mnesia"}]},

  [{dist_port, 62501},
   {is_master, false}]},

  [{udp_port, 53},
   {tcp_port, 53},
   {mesos_resolvers, []},
   {zookeeper_servers, [{"$NODE_1_IP", 2181}]},
    [{{8,8,8,8}, 53}]}]},

  [{master_uri, "http://$NODE_1_IP:5050/master/state"},
   {enable_networking, true},
   {enable_lb, true},
   {enable_ipv6, false},
   {min_named_ip, {11,0,0,0}},
   {max_named_ip, {11,255,255,255}},
   {min_named_ip6, {16#fd01,16#c,16#0,16#0,16#0,16#0,16#0,16#0}},
   {max_named_ip6, {16#fd01,16#c,16#0,16#0,16#ffff,16#ffff,16#ffff,16#ffff}},
   {agent_polling_enabled, true}]},

  [{enable_overlay, true},
   {enable_ipv6, false}]},

  [{enable_rest, true},
   {ip, {0,0,0,0}},
   {port, 62080}]},

  [{servers, []},
   {pools, []}]}