The Flipper Zero uses a simple bitmap format for icons.
Image data is stored as a 1-bit monochrome bitmap. You can use ImageMagic to convert existing images:
convert rustacean.png mono:rustacean.bitmap
Icons can be optionally compressed with heatshrink to reduce their size.
If an icon is uncompressed, the first byte will be 0x00
followed by the uncompressed image data:
0x00 DATA...
# Create an uncompressed icon
(echo -ne '\x00'; convert rustacean.png mono:-) > rustacean.icon
If an icon is compressed, the first byte will be 0x01
followed by a 16-bit unsigned integer (little endian) data length,
followed by the heatshrink compressed image data (heatshrink -w 8 -l 4
# Create a compressed icon
convert rustacean.png mono:- | ./heatshrink -w 8 -l 4 > rustacean.heatshrink
python -c 'import struct; d=open("rustacean.heatshrink", "rb").read(); o=open("rustacean.icon", "wb"); o.write(struct.pack("<BH", 1, len(d))); o.write(d)'