 * If you use this script, please give credit to DBpedia Spotlight by: 
 * - adding "powered by DBpedia Spotlight" somewhere in the page. 
 * - add a link to http://spotlight.dbpedia.org. 
 * TODO people can also want to change the boundaries of the spotting
 * TODO showScores = [ list of score names ]
 * @author pablomendes

(function( $ ){

   var powered_by = "<div style='font-size: 9px; float: right'><a href='http://spotlight.dbpedia.org'>Powered by DBpedia Spotlight</a></div>";

   var settings = {      
      'endpoint' : 'http://spotlight.dbpedia.org/rest',
      'confidence' : 0.4,
      'support' : 20,
      'powered_by': 'yes'

   var methods = {
      init : function( options ) { 	      
        // If options exist, lets merge them with our default settings
	if ( options ) { 
	    $.extend( settings, options );
      annotate: function( options ) {
	    function update(response) { 
	   		var content = $(response).find("div");  //the div with the annotated text
	   		if (settings.powered_by == 'yes') { 
	   		//var entities = $(content).find("a/[about]");
	   	    return this.each(function() {            
	   	      var params = {'text': $(this).text(), 'confidence': settings.confidence, 'support': settings.support };
		      if("types" in settings){
			params["types"] = settings.types;
	   	      $.ajax({ 'url': settings.endpoint+"/annotate", 
	   		       'data': params,
	   		       'context': this,
	   		       'headers': {'Accept': 'application/xhtml+xml'},
	   		       'success': update
       candidates: function( options ) {
          function getSelectBox(resources) {
             var snippet =  "<ul class='candidates'>";
             var options = ""; $.each(resources, function(i, r) { 
             	options += "<li class='candidate-" + i + "'><a href='" + r["@uri"] + "' about='" + r["@uri"] + "'>" + r["@label"] + "</a>";
             	//TODO settings.showScores = ["finalScore"] foreach showscores, add k=v
             	if (settings.showScores == 'yes') options += " <span>(" + parseFloat(r["@finalScore"]).toPrecision(3) +")</span>";
             	options += "</li>"; 
             snippet += options;
             snippet += "</ul>"
             return snippet;

          function parseCandidates(response) {
		var json = $.parseJSON(response);
             var text = json["annotation"]["@text"];

             var start = 0;
             var annotatedText = json.annotation.surfaceForm.map(function(e) {
                var name = e["@name"];
                var offset = parseInt(e["@offset"]);
                var sfLength = parseInt(name.length);
             	var snippet = text.substring(start, offset)
             	var surfaceForm = text.substring(offset,offset+sfLength);
             	start = offset+sfLength;
             	snippet += "<div id='"+(name+offset)+"' class='annotation'><a class='surfaceForm'>" + name + "</a>";
             	//TODO instead of showing directly the select box, it would be cuter to just show a span, and onClick on that span, build the select box.
             	snippet += getSelectBox($(e.resource));
             	snippet += "</div>";
             	return snippet;
             //snippet after last surface form
             annotatedText += text.substring(start, text.length);
             return annotatedText;

       	    function update(response) { 
       		var content = "<div>" + parseCandidates(response) + "</div>";
       		if (settings.powered_by == 'yes') { 
       	    return this.each(function() {            
       	      var params = {'text': $(this).text(), 'confidence': settings.confidence, 'support': settings.support }; 
	      if("types" in settings && settings["types"] != undefined){
		params['types'] = settings.types;
       	      $.ajax({ 'url': settings.endpoint+"/candidates", 
       		       'data': params,
       		       'context': this,
       		       'headers': {'Accept': 'application/json'},
       		       'success': update

  $.fn.runDBpediaSpotlight = function(method) {    
      // Method calling logic
      if ( methods[method] ) {
        return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
      } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
        return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
      } else {
        $.error( 'Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on jQuery.spotlight' );
})( jQuery );