Now that you have cloned our repository follow these steps to run the Hostelbook in your local server.
Make sure you have Python2 installed
- Install Dependencies :-
sudo apt-get install python2-dev
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
pip install -r requrements.txt
- Install database :-
#~/social-network/>> sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
- Create database using default user postgres :-
- Enter password (remember this) for postgres
sudo passwd postgres
- Switch to user postgres and create a database named postgres if its already not there.
su - postgres createdb postgres psql -d postgres -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '123';"
- If you don't want to switch
sudo -u postgres createdb postgres sudo -u postgres psql -d postgres -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '123';"
- Switch back to your normal account
- Migrate database
python migrate sudo python runserver
- Port forward to make this accessible from outside internet
- You can also deploy this website using the above steps (without port forwarding) to deploy it in a Cloud Virtual Machine like Google Cloud Platform : Compute Engine : VM Instance : Ubuntu 16.04 and access the website through the VM's external IP.