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Davis Cook edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 16 revisions


CustomCard(String id, String name, String img, int cost, String rawDescription, CardType type, CardColor color, CardRarity rarity, CardTarget target, int cardPool)

  • id - the card id
  • name - the name of the card
  • img - the path to the img for this card (image path starts at the root of your jar) (250px x 190px)
  • cost - the energy cost of the card
  • rawDescription - the description for the card
  • type - the card type, e.g. ATTACK, SKILL, POWER
  • color - the color of the card; base game options are RED, GREEN, COLORLESS, CURSE, STATUS however you can use custom colors here too
  • rarity - the card rarity, e.g. COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE
  • target - the type of target for the card, e.g. does it target ENEMY, ALL_ENEMIES, SELF, etc...
  • cardPool - the card pool (this actually does nothing but the game requires it so just set it to 1)


  • BaseMod.addCard(AbstractCard card) (note: CustomCard extends AbstractCard).
  • BaseMod.removeCard(AbstractCard card) removes a card from the game (note: removing a card used by an event is currently untested/undefined behavior)


Let's say you wanted to create a card called Flare that would deal 3 damage to an enemy and apply 1 stack of vulnerable to it unupgraded and would deal 6 damage to the enemy and apply 2 stacks of vulnerable when upgraded.

If the card is going to be RED and have it's art located at img/my_card_img.png in you jar file, the following code would create this card:

import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.actions.AbstractGameAction;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.actions.common.ApplyPowerAction;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.characters.AbstractPlayer;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.dungeons.AbstractDungeon;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.monsters.AbstractMonster;
import com.megacrit.cardcrawl.powers.VulnerablePower;

import basemod.abstracts.CustomCard;

public class Flare
extends CustomCard {
    public static final String ID = "Flare";
    public static final String NAME = "Flare";
    public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Deal !D! damage. Apply !M! Vulnerable.";
    public static final String IMG_PATH = "img/my_card_img.png";
    private static final int COST = 0;
    private static final int ATTACK_DMG = 3;
    private static final int UPGRADE_PLUS_DMG = 3;
    private static final int VULNERABLE_AMT = 1;
    private static final int UPGRADE_PLUS_VULNERABLE = 1;
    private static final int POOL = 1;

    public Flare() {
        		AbstractCard.CardType.ATTACK, AbstractCard.CardColor.RED,
        		AbstractCard.CardRarity.UNCOMMON, AbstractCard.CardTarget.ENEMY, POOL);
        this.magicNumber = this.baseMagicNumber = VULNERABLE_AMT;
        this.damage=this.baseDamage = ATTACK_DMG;

    public void use(AbstractPlayer p, AbstractMonster m) {
    	AbstractDungeon.actionManager.addToBottom(new com.megacrit.cardcrawl.actions.common.DamageAction(m,
				new DamageInfo(p, this.damage, this.damageTypeForTurn),
    	AbstractDungeon.actionManager.addToBottom(new ApplyPowerAction(m, p, new VulnerablePower(m, this.magicNumber, false), this.magicNumber, true, AbstractGameAction.AttackEffect.NONE));

    public AbstractCard makeCopy() {
        return new Flare();

    public void upgrade() {
        if (!this.upgraded) {

Note about Inspect View

In the Card Library screen in the Compendium there is an inspect view that brings up a larger version of your card. This is found automatically based off of the original image location by adding a _p to the name. This art should have size 500px x 380px. An example of how the name changes works is img/my_card.png becomes img/my_card_p.png.

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