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81 lines (65 loc) · 3.23 KB

Get passwords into your clipboard from the terminal.

Preview of the pw tool


You can run the script to manage your passwords in the command line. See the explanation for the commands below. Here is what this tool can do:

  • Copy secrets such as passwords from a json file into your clipboard
  • Generate a random passwords with or without special characters
  • Save, update and delete secrets


  • pw <entity> -> Get the password of <entity> from the section main
  • pw -as -> Print all sections
  • pw -s <section> -> Print all available entities of <section>
  • pw -s <section> <entity> -> Get the password of <entity> from <section>
  • pw -r -> Generate a random password with 42 characters, print it and copy it to the clipboard
  • pw -rn -> Generate a random password without special characters
  • pw -rl 20 -> Generate a random password with 20 characters
  • pw -rl 20 -rn -> Generate a random password with 20 characters and without special characters
  • pw -n <name> -> Add a new randomly created password to the creds.json file for the entity <name>
  • pw -n <entity> -w <website> -u <username> -> Create a new password with information on the website and the username
  • pw -rm <entity> -> Remove the password for <entity> from the section main
  • pw -rm <entity> -s <section> -> Remove the password for <entity> from <section>
  • pw -rms <section> -> Remove the section <section>

Executing tests:

Make sure pytest is installed, then:

pwd # make sure you are at root of repo
pytest -c pytest.ini tests/

Store your passwords in a json file:

"section": {
        "key": {
            "password": "lorem",
            "username": "ipsum",
            "website": ""
            "additional_info": "..."
"main": {
        "GitHub": {
            "password": "lorem",
            "username": "ipsum",
            "website": ""
            "additional_info": "..."
        "netlify": {
            "password": "lorem",
            "username": "ipsum",
            "website": ""
            "additional_info": "..."
        , ...

A suggestion how to set up the pw command:

I create a symlink to the python script (command 3). The name of this symlink is just "pw". The symlink needs execution permissions (command 4). The symlink needs to be in a folder that is listed in the PATH (command 2). In my case, that's the folder .bin which exists in my home directory (command 1).

  1. mkdir ~/.bin/ && cd ~/.bin/ Create the folder .bin in your homedir ($HOME)
  2. echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/xyz" >> $HOME/.zshrc -> Add the newly created directory to your $PATH
  3. ln -s ~/dev/python_pw_cli/src/ pw -> Create the symlink pw to the script
  4. chmod 744 pw -> Change file permissions so that the script becomes executable

Furthermore, you need to assure two things:

  1. Update line 1 of /src/ by specifying your path to Python3 (find out with which python3)
  2. Create a passwords.json somewhere and pass the path to the variables in /src/pw/ accordingly