- What to put on an expansion besides more RAM? IDE? CRTC/terminal?
- Where are those other 512KB SRAM chips, a DS1250 is unnecessary
- Count/detect available memory, anticipating expansion. (Impact on data segment?)
- Expand Int 15h with implementing more "standard" misc functions
- Kermit/X/Y/ZMODEM downloader, they retry on error unlike a basic hex loader
- For that matter, what other utilities could be included?
- And let's have a hotkey to interrupt normal boot sequence
- Test the oprom functionality, for that matter
- Flash updating the ROM in-system
- Test all interrupts (think the RTC one was dodgy), use them
- Buffer TX too? pushcli/popcli when accessing buffer? Automatic treatment of RTS/CTS?
- RODATA section within CGROUP, to hold things like the PATB image and standard DDPTs
- Make use of 80C188's DMA, eg for memcpy, flashing, serial/hex loading
- Rearrange directory structure, build with makefiles, put eg FatFs in a library
- The terminal doesn't clear when I type CLS in DOS, or start FDISK- text is just overlayed
- It does clear now, after I extended Int 10h / AH = 00h. But scrolling goes weird- 24 vs 25 lines?
- BIOS's own console I/O should use Int 10h/16h, so other devices could substitute their oproms
- Done but still need to test oproms, and do C0000h early as a special case for video
- Detect checksum failures in hex/srec loader (Int 18h and hexload.asm)
- Are indicated with a ! but loading will continue and valid exec addresses will still be taken
- Count/detect COM & LPT ports.
- DOS on boot thinks time is 12:00, but can set RTC, date is read OK (think tick count?)
- Minute is still coming up as 0?
- Change baud rate xtal to more standard 1.8432MHz