A tiny REST/JSON web service using Spark java web framework and a ReactJS javascript client.
It supports the following operations on an Acme Company:
- Create
- Get List
- Get Details
- Update
- Add "beneficial owner(s)"
An Acme Company has the following attributes:
- Company ID
- Name
- Address
- City
- Country
- Email (not required)
- Phone Number (not required)
- One or more beneficial owner(s)
I will describe using cUrl. Any other tool that makes it easy to create and send http calls like Postman will work just as well.
Create an Acme company
** curl -X POST -d @company.json http://localhost:4567/companies
company.json file contents:
{"data":{"id":"COMP1","name":"Acme","address":"1 Acme Dr","city":"Asheville","country":"USA", "beneficiaries":[{"name":"John Doe"}]}}
Get a list of Acme companies
** curl http://localhost:4567/companies
{"success":true,"data":[{"id":"COMP1","name":"Acme","address":"1 Acme Dr","city":"Asheville","country":"USA", "beneficiaries":[{"id":1,"name":"John Doe"}]}]}
Update an Acme company
curl -X PUT -d @company.json http://localhost:4567/companies
this time contents of company.json includes:
{"data":{"id":"COMP1","name":"Acme","address":"1 Acme Dr","city":"Asheville","country":"USA", "email": "cto@acme.inc", "phone":"1 888 444 1234", "beneficiaries":[{"id":1, "name":"John Doe"}]}}
basically added email and phone
Get details about an Acme company
curl http://localhost:4567/companies/COMP1
{"success":true,"data":{"id":"COMP1","name":"Acme","address":"1 Acme Dr","city":"Asheville","country":"USA","email":"cto@acme.inc","phone":"1 888 444 1234","beneficiaries":[{"id":1,"name":"John Doe"}]}}
That is basically how the API works there are errors cases I did not cover I will show an example response for a flavor of how errors look like:
an update
curl -X PUT -d @company.json http://localhost:4567/companies with contents of company.json like so
{"data":{"id":"COMP1","name":"Acme","address":"1 Acme Dr","city":"Asheville","country":"USA", "beneficiaries":[]}}
recall that an Acme company must have at least one beneficiary this explains the following result:
{"messages":["At least one beneficiary is required"],"success":false}
To sum up, all successful operations will contain a success:true property in the result along with a possible data property and all failed operations will contain a success:false and a message or messages property, that's it!
You can start by checking out a working version which may still be available on heroku at [ https://acme-web-service.herokuapp.com/]. If the heroku app is available you can test the api against it instead of locally as well.
Otherwise download the acme-web-service-demo.jar on github and fire it up using good ole' java 8; oh right it's build with java 8, I will have some more details about that below in the development section.
The client will be available at localhost:4567
what is it exactly?
It uses the following technologies:
SparkJava REST framework,
Java 8,
Ormlite dabase abstraction layer,
and finally ReactJS for the javasccript client, since the server is CORS enabled to allow a client running on a different port or even from a different domain to consume the API
To build it yourself:
mvn install
mvn compile
mvn exec:java
it's that simple!
It is configured to use an embedded derby database by default; it is ready to use a postgres database as well you would have to recompile it for now turning use.derby option off in src/main/resources/app.properties
Apologies nothing at this time, in the near future perhaps, I was just exploring using Spark + React and just about out of time!
The reactjs code is currently in a single javascript, resources/public/app.js file; due to time constraints I did not explore breaking it up into separate modules; which would have involved setting up a module loader -- an overkill for the purpose of this demo
If you feel inspired for some reason to contact me to let me know the good, the bad all feedback welcome drop me a line at my yahoo account with username mitzsuyi thanks!