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OpenIntro Stats

Ben Anderson
30 September 2016

Open Intro Stats v3

Textbook etc available online.

You will need to make sure the openintro package is loaded. To do this:

>install.packages("devtools") (if you didn't already)


>install_github("OpenIntroOrg/openintro-r-package", subdir = "openintro")

You will also need to install the OIdata package:

install_github("OpenIntroOrg/openintro-r-package", subdir = "OIdata")

Now we've done that, we will load the packages into R.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Please visit for free statistics materials
## Attaching package: 'openintro'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:datasets':
##     cars, trees
## Loading required package: RCurl
## Loading required package: bitops
## Loading required package: maps

All set!

Example 1: Histograms

An example from Open Stats v3. See if you can predict what the histograms will look like...

histPlot(run10$time[run10$gender=='M'], probability=TRUE, xlim=c(30, 180),
	ylim=c(0, 0.025), hollow=TRUE)
histPlot(run10$time[run10$gender=='F'], probability=TRUE, add=TRUE,
	hollow=TRUE, lty=3, border='red')
legend('topleft', col=c('black', 'red'), lty=2:3, legend=c('M','F'))
histPlot(run10$time, col=fadeColor('yellow', '33'), border='darkblue',
	probability=TRUE, breaks=30, lwd=3)
brks <- c(40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, seq(82.5, 120, 2.5), 125,
	130, 135, 140, 150, 160, 180)
histPlot(run10$time, probability=TRUE, breaks=brks,
	col=fadeColor('darkgoldenrod4', '33'))