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Patterns Feature Specification

Author: Bob Nystrom

Status: Accepted

Version 2.33 (see CHANGELOG at end)

Note: This proposal is broken into a couple of separate documents. See also records and exhaustiveness.


This proposal covers a family of closely-related features that address a number of some of the most highly-voted user requests. It directly addresses:

(For comparison, the current #1 issue, Data classes has 824 👍.)

In particular, this proposal covers several coding styles and idioms users would like to express:

Multiple returns

Functions take not a single parameter but an entire parameter list because you often want to pass multiple values in. Parameter lists give you a flexible, ad hoc way of aggregating multiple values going into a function, but there is no equally easy way to aggregate multiple values coming out. You're left with having to create a class, which is verbose and couples any users of the API to that specific class declaration. Or you pack the values into a List or Map and end up losing type safety.

Records are sort of like "first class argument lists" and give you a natural way to return multiple values:

(double, double) geoCode(String city) {
  var lat = // Calculate...
  var long = // Calculate...

  return (lat, long); // Wrap in record and return.


Once you have a few values lumped into a record, you need a way to get them back out. Record patterns in variable declarations let you destructure a record value by accessing fields and binding the resulting values to new variables:

var (lat, long) = geoCode('Aarhus');
print('Location lat:$lat, long:$long');

List and map patterns let you likewise destructure those respective collection types (or any other class that implements List or Map):

var list = [1, 2, 3];
var [a, b, c] = list;
print(a + b + c); // 6.

var map = {'first': 1, 'second': 2};
var {'first': a, 'second': b} = map;
print(a + b); // 3.

You can also destructure and assign to existing variables:

var (a, b) = ('left', 'right');
(b, a) = (a, b); // Swap!
print('$a $b'); // Prints "right left".

Algebraic datatypes

You often have a family of related types and an operation that needs specific behavior for each type. In an object-oriented language, the natural way to model that is by implementing each operation as an instance method on its respective type:

abstract class Shape {
  double calculateArea();

class Square implements Shape {
  final double length;

  double calculateArea() => length * length;

class Circle implements Shape {
  final double radius;

  double calculateArea() => math.pi * radius * radius;

Here, the calculateArea() operation is supported by all shapes by implementing the method in each class. This works well for operations that feel closely tied to the class, but it splits the behavior for the entire operation across many classes and requires you to be able to add new instance methods to those classes.

Some behavior is more naturally modeled with the operations for all types kept together in a single function. Today, you can accomplish that using manual type tests:

double calculateArea(Shape shape) {
  if (shape is Square) {
    return shape.length + shape.length;
  } else if (shape is Circle) {
    return math.pi * shape.radius * shape.radius;
  } else {
    throw ArgumentError("Unexpected shape.");

This works, but is verbose and cumbersome. Functional languages like SML naturally group operations together like this and use pattern matching over algebraic datatypes to write these functions. Class hierarchies can already essentially model an algebraic datatype. This proposal provides the pattern matching constructs to make working with that style enjoyable:

double calculateArea(Shape shape) =>
  switch (shape) {
    Square(length: var l) => l * l,
    Circle(radius: var r) => math.pi * r * r

As you can see, it also adds an expression form for switch that doesn't require case.


The core of this proposal is a new category of language construct called a pattern. "Expression" and "statement" are both syntactic categories in the grammar. Patterns form a third category. Like expressions and statements, patterns are often composed of other subpatterns.

The basic ideas with patterns are:

  • Some can be tested against a value to determine if the pattern matches the value. If not, the pattern refutes the value. Other patterns, called irrefutable always match.

  • Some patterns, when they match, destructure the matched value by pulling data out of it. For example, a list pattern extracts elements from the list. A record pattern destructures fields from the record.

  • Variable patterns bind new variables to values that have been matched or destructured. The variables are in scope in a region of code that is only reachable when the pattern has matched.

This gives you a compact, composable notation that lets you determine if an object has the form you expect, extract data from it, and then execute code only when all of that is true.

Before introducing each pattern in detail, here is a summary with some examples:

Kind Examples
Logical-or subpattern1 || subpattern2
Logical-and subpattern1 && subpattern2
Relational == expression
< expression
Cast foo as String
Null-check subpattern?
Null-assert subpattern!
Constant 123, null, 'string'
math.pi, SomeClass.constant
const Thing(1, 2), const (1 + 2)
Variable var bar, String str, final int _
Identifier foo, _
Parenthesized (subpattern)
List [subpattern1, subpattern2]
Map {"key": subpattern1, someConst: subpattern2}
Record (subpattern1, subpattern2)
(x: subpattern1, y: subpattern2)
Object SomeClass(x: subpattern1, y: subpattern2)

Here is the overall grammar for the different kinds of patterns:

pattern           ::= logicalOrPattern

logicalOrPattern  ::= logicalAndPattern ( '||' logicalAndPattern )*
logicalAndPattern ::= relationalPattern ( '&&' relationalPattern )*
relationalPattern ::= ( equalityOperator | relationalOperator) bitwiseOrExpression
                    | unaryPattern

unaryPattern      ::= castPattern
                    | nullCheckPattern
                    | nullAssertPattern
                    | primaryPattern

primaryPattern    ::= constantPattern
                    | variablePattern
                    | identifierPattern
                    | parenthesizedPattern
                    | listPattern
                    | mapPattern
                    | recordPattern
                    | objectPattern

As you can see, logical-or patterns (||) have the lowest precedence; then logical-and patterns (&&), then the postfix unary patterns cast (as), null-check (?), and null-assert (!) patterns; followed by the remaining highest precedence primary patterns.

The individual patterns are:

Logical-or pattern

logicalOrPattern ::= logicalAndPattern ( '||' logicalAndPattern )*

A pair of patterns separated by || matches if either of the branches match. This can be used in a switch expression or statement to have multiple cases share a body:

var isPrimary = switch (color) { || Color.yellow || => true,
  _ => false

Even in switch statements, which allow multiple empty cases to share a single body, a logical-or pattern can be useful when you want multiple patterns to share a guard:

switch (shape) {
  case Square(size: var s) || Circle(size: var s) when s > 0:
    print('Non-empty symmetric shape');
  case Square() || Circle():
    print('Empty symmetric shape');
    print('Asymmetric shape');

A logical-or pattern does not have to appear at the top level of a pattern. It can be nested inside a destructuring pattern:

switch (list) {
  // Matches a two-element list whose first element is 'a' or 'b':
  case ['a' || 'b', var c]:

A logical-or pattern may match even if one of its branches does not. That means that any variables in the non-matching branch would not be initialized. To avoid problems stemming from that, the following restrictions apply:

  • The two branches must define the same set of variables. This is specified more precisely under "Variables and scope".

  • If the left branch matches, the right branch is not evaluated. This determines which value the variable gets if both branches would have matched. In that case, it will always be the value from the left branch.

Logical-and pattern

logicalAndPattern ::= relationalPattern ( '&&' relationalPattern )*

A pair of patterns separated by && matches only if both subpatterns match. Unlike logical-or patterns, the variables defined in each branch must not overlap, since the logical-and pattern only matches if both branches do and the variables in both branches will be bound.

If the left branch does not match, the right branch is not evaluated. This matters both because patterns may invoke user-defined methods with visible side effects, and because certain patterns may cause exceptions to be thrown if they are not matched (e.g. cast patterns).

Relational pattern

relationalPattern ::= ( equalityOperator | relationalOperator) bitwiseOrExpression

A relational pattern lets you compare the matched value to a given constant using any of the equality or relational operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=. The pattern matches when calling the appropriate operator on the matched value with the constant as an argument returns true.

It is a compile-time error if bitwiseOrExpression is not a valid constant expression. Even though the operand must be a constant expression, a relational pattern does not establish a const context for the operand. This allows us to potentially support non-const expressions in a future release without it being a breaking change, similar to default values in parameter lists.

The comparison operators are useful for matching on numeric ranges, especially when combined with &&:

String asciiCharType(int char) {
  const space = 32;
  const zero = 48;
  const nine = 57;

  return switch (char) {
    < space => 'control',
    == space => 'space',
    > space && < zero => 'punctuation',
    >= zero && <= nine => 'digit'
    // Etc...

Cast pattern

castPattern ::= primaryPattern 'as' type

A cast pattern is similar to an object pattern in that it checks the matched value against a given type. But where an object pattern is refuted if the value doesn't have that type, a cast pattern throws. Like the null-assert pattern, this lets you forcibly assert the expected type of some destructured value.

This isn't useful as the outermost pattern in a declaration since you can always move the as to the initializer expression, but when destructuring there is no place in the initializer to insert the cast. This pattern lets you insert the cast as values are being pulled out by the pattern:

(num, Object) record = (1, "s");
var (i as int, s as String) = record;

Null-check pattern

nullCheckPattern ::= primaryPattern '?'

A null-check pattern matches if the value is not null, and then matches the inner pattern against that same value. Because of how type inference flows through patterns, this also provides a terse way to bind a variable whose type is the non-nullable base type of the nullable value being matched:

String? maybeString = ...
switch (maybeString) {
  case var s?:
    // s has type non-nullable String here.

Using ? to match a value that is not null seems counterintuitive. In truth, we have not found an ideal syntax. You may think of it as analogous to ?., ?.., and ?... where the ? means "check the value for null and if it's not then do the resultant operation".

Swift uses the same syntax for a similar feature.

Null-assert pattern

nullAssertPattern ::= primaryPattern '!'

A null-assert pattern is similar to a null-check pattern in that it permits non-null values to flow through. But a null-assert throws if the matched value is null. It lets you forcibly assert that you know a value shouldn't be null, much like the corresponding ! null-assert expression.

This lets you eliminate null in variable declarations where a refutable pattern isn't allowed:

(int?, int?) position = ...

// We know if we get here that the coordinates should be present:
var (x!, y!) = position;

Or where you don't want null to be silently treated as a match failure, as in:

List<String?> row = ...

// If the first column is 'user', we expect to have a name after it.
switch (row) {
  case ['user', var name!]:
    // name is a non-nullable string here.

Constant pattern

constantPattern ::= booleanLiteral
                  | nullLiteral
                  | '-'? numericLiteral
                  | stringLiteral
                  | symbolLiteral
                  | qualifiedName
                  | constObjectExpression
                  | 'const' typeArguments? '[' elements? ']'
                  | 'const' typeArguments? '{' elements? '}'
                  | 'const' '(' expression ')'

A constant pattern determines if the matched value is equal to the constant's value. We don't allow all expressions here because many expression forms syntactically overlap other kinds of patterns. We avoid ambiguity while supporting terse forms of the most common constant expressions like so:

  • Simple "primitive" literals like booleans and numbers are valid patterns since they aren't ambiguous. We also allow unary - expressions on numeric literals since users think of -2 as a single literal and not the literal 2 with a unary - applied to it (which is how the language views it).

  • Qualified named constants are also allowed because they aren't ambiguous. That includes prefixed constants like some_library.aConstant, static constants on classes like SomeClass.aConstant, and prefixed static constants like some_library.SomeClass.aConstant.

  • List literals are ambiguous with list patterns, so we only allow list literals explicitly marked const. Likewise with set and map literals versus map patterns.

  • Constructor calls are ambiguous with object patterns, so we require const constructor calls to be explicitly marked const.

  • Other constant expressions must be marked const and surrounded by parentheses. This avoids ambiguity with null-assert, logical-or, and logical-and patterns. It also makes future extensions to patterns and expressions less likely to collide.

Let the value of a constant pattern be the expression inside 'const' '(' expression ')' or the entire pattern if the pattern has any other form. This awkward definition is because const (1 + 2) is not a valid expression but is a valid constant pattern.

It is a compile-time error if a constant pattern's value is not a valid constant expression.

Variable pattern

variablePattern ::= ( 'var' | 'final' | 'final'? type ) identifier

A variable pattern binds the matched value to a new variable. These usually occur as subpatterns of a destructuring pattern in order to capture a destructured value.

switch ((1, 2)) {
  case (var a, var b): ...

Here, var a and var b are variable patterns and end up bound to 1 and 2, respectively.

The pattern may have a type annotation in order to only match values of the specified type. Otherwise, it is declared using var or final and the variable's type is inferred such that it matches all values.

switch (record) {
  case (int x, String s):
    print('First field is int $x and second is String $s.');

To simplify parsing, the identifier in a variable pattern may not be when or as. This reduces the amount of lookahead needed to correctly parse a guarded pattern such as foo when !bar.

There are some restrictions on when var and final can and can't be used. They are specified later in the "Pattern context" section.


If the variable's name is _, it doesn't bind any variable. A "wildcard" name with a type annotation is useful when you want to test a value's type but not bind the value to a name:

switch (record) {
  case (int _, String _):
    print('First field is int and second is String.');

Identifier pattern

identifierPattern ::= identifier

A bare identifier in a pattern is semantically ambiguous. A user might expect it to match if the value is equal to a constant with that name (as it currently does in switches). Or the user could expect it to bind or assign to a variable with that name.

The answer is it's both. Depending on the context where it appears, a bare identifier pattern may behave like a constant pattern or like a variable pattern. The section on pattern context below lays out the precise rules.

For consistency with the corresponding rule for variable patterns, the identifier in an identifier pattern may not be when or as. This is not strictly necessary for parsing, but it should reduce user confusion by making identifier patterns consistent with variable patterns. Note however that these identifiers are allowed as parts of a qualifiedName that forms a constantPattern, e.g.


As with variable patterns, an identifier pattern named _ is a wildcard that doesn't bind or assign to any variable. It's useful as a placeholder in places where you need a subpattern in order to destructure later positional values:

var list = [1, 2, 3];
var [_, two, _] = list;

Parenthesized pattern

parenthesizedPattern ::= '(' pattern ')'

Like parenthesized expressions, parentheses in a pattern let you control pattern precedence and insert a lower precedence pattern where a higher precedence one is expected.

List pattern

listPattern         ::= typeArguments? '[' listPatternElements? ']'
listPatternElements ::= listPatternElement ( ',' listPatternElement )* ','?
listPatternElement  ::= pattern | restPattern
restPattern         ::= '...' pattern?

A list pattern matches an object that implements List and extracts elements by position from it.

It is a compile-time error if:

  • typeArguments is present and has more than one type argument.

  • There is more than one restPattern element in the list pattern. It can appear anywhere in the list, but there can only be zero or one.

Rest elements

A list pattern may contain a rest element which allows matching lists of arbitrary lengths. The rest element may also have a subpattern. If a rest element is present and has a subpattern, all of the elements not matched by other subpatterns are collected into a new list and that list is matched against the rest subpattern.

var [a, b,, c, d] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
print('$a $b $rest $c $d'); // Prints "1 2 [3, 4, 5] 6 7".

We refer to a rest element with a subpattern as a matching rest element, and a rest element with no subpattern as a non-matching rest element.

Map pattern

mapPattern        ::= typeArguments? '{' mapPatternEntries '}'
mapPatternEntries ::= mapPatternEntry ( ',' mapPatternEntry )* ','?
mapPatternEntry   ::= expression ':' pattern

A map pattern matches values that implement Map and accesses values by key from it.

It is a compile-time error if:

  • typeArguments is present and there are more or fewer than two type arguments.

  • Any of the entry key expressions are not constant expressions. Even though the key expression must be constant, a map pattern key expression doesn't establish a const context. This allows us to potentially support non-const expressions in a future release without it being a breaking change, similar to default values in parameter lists.

  • Any two keys in the map are structurally equivalent. Duplicate keys are likely to be a copy/paste error. If you want to match the value associated with some key against multiple patterns, you can always use an && pattern.

Note that mapPatternEntries is not optional, which means it is an error for a map pattern to be empty.

Open and closed maps

Unlike list and record patterns (but like object patterns), map patterns don't require the pattern to match the entire map. If a map has extra keys that aren't destructured by the pattern, it can still match.

This aligns with the most common use cases for working with maps where extra keys should be silently ignored. When maps are used as protocols, it tends to make pattern matching code over those maps more resilient to protocol evolution.

Ignoring extra keys also makes maps more reliable to use in irrefutable contexts where an extra key would otherwise cause a runtime exception.

If you want to check that a map has a given set of keys and no others, the easiest way is to check the length in a guard:

switch (map) {
  case {'a': _, 'b': _} when map.length == 2:
    print('Only a and b');

Record pattern

recordPattern         ::= '(' patternFields? ')'
patternFields         ::= patternField ( ',' patternField )* ','?
patternField          ::= ( identifier? ':' )? pattern

A record pattern matches a record object and destructures its fields. If the value isn't a record with the same shape as the pattern, then the match fails. Otherwise, the field subpatterns are matched against the corresponding fields in the record.

Field subpatterns can be in one of three forms:

  • A bare pattern destructures the corresponding positional field from the record and matches it against pattern.

  • An identifier: pattern destructures the named field with the name identifier and matches it against pattern.

  • A : pattern is a named field with the name omitted. When destructuring named fields, it's very common to want to bind the resulting value to a variable with the same name.

    As a convenience, the identifier can be omitted and inferred from pattern. In this case the subpattern must be a variable pattern which may be wrapped in a unary pattern. The field name is then inferred from the name in the variable pattern. These pairs of patterns are each equivalent:

    // Variable:
    var (untyped: untyped, typed: int typed) = ...
    var (:untyped, :int typed) = ...
    switch (obj) {
      case (untyped: var untyped, typed: int typed): ...
      case (:var untyped, :int typed): ...
    // Null-check and null-assert:
    switch (obj) {
      case (checked: var checked?, asserted: var asserted!): ...
      case (:var checked?, :var asserted!): ...
    // Cast:
    var (field: field as int) = ...
    var (:field as int) = ...

A record pattern with a single unnamed field and no trailing comma is ambiguous with a parenthesized pattern. In that case, it is treated as a parenthesized pattern. To write a record pattern that matches a single unnamed field, add a trailing comma, as you would with the corresponding record expression.

It is a compile-time error if any pair of named fields have the same name. This applies to both explicit and inferred field names. For example, this is an error:

var (:x, x: y) = (x: 1);

Destructuring the same field multiple times is never necessary because you can always just destructure it once with an && subpattern. If a user does it, it's mostly like a copy/paste mistake and it's more helpful to draw their attention to the error than silently accept it.

It is a compile-time error if a name cannot be inferred for a named field pattern with the field name omitted (see name inference below).

Object pattern

objectPattern ::=
    (typeName typeArguments? | (typeIdentifier '.')? 'Function')
    '(' patternFields? ')'

An object pattern matches values of a given named type and then extracts values from it by calling getters on the value. Object patterns let users destructure data from arbitrary objects using the getters the object's class already exposes.

This pattern is particularly useful for writing code in an algebraic datatype style. For example:

class Rect {
  final double width, height;

  Rect(this.width, this.height);

display(Object obj) {
  switch (obj) {
    case Rect(width: var w, height: var h): print('Rect $w x $h');
    default: print(obj);

As with record patterns, the getter name can be omitted and inferred from the variable pattern in the field subpattern which may be wrapped in a unary pattern. The previous example could be written like:

display(Object obj) {
  switch (obj) {
    case Rect(:var width, :var height): print('Rect $width x $height');
    default: print(obj);

It is a compile-time error if:

  • typeName does not refer to a type.

  • A type argument list is present and does not match the arity of the type of typeName.

  • A patternField is of the form pattern. Positional fields aren't allowed.

  • Any two named fields have the same name. This applies to both explicit and inferred field names. For example, this is an error:

    var Point(:x, x: y) = Point(1, 2);
  • The getter name is omitted and the subpattern has no inferred name using the process described below.

Named field/getter inference

In both record patterns and object patterns, a field subpattern's name may be elided when it can be inferred from the field's value subpattern. The inferred field name for a pattern p, if one exists, is defined as:

  • If p is a variable or identifier pattern with identifier v, and v is not _, then the inferred name is v.

  • If p is q? then the inferred name of p (if any) is the inferred name of q.

  • If p is q! then the inferred name of p (if any) is the inferred name of q.

  • If p is q as T then the inferred name of p (if any) is the inferred name of q.

  • If p is (q) then the inferred name of p (if any) is the inferred name of q.

  • Otherwise, p has no inferred name.

Pattern uses

Patterns are woven into the larger language in a few ways:

Pattern variable declaration

Places in the language where a local variable can be declared are extended to allow a pattern, like:

var (a, [b, c]) = ("str", [1, 2]);

Dart's existing C-style variable declaration syntax makes it harder to incorporate patterns. Variables can be declared just by writing their type, and a single declaration might declare multiple variables. Fully incorporating patterns into that could lead to confusing syntax like:

// Not allowed:
(int, String) (n, s) = (1, "str");
final (a, b) = (1, 2), c = 3, (d, e);

To avoid this weirdness, patterns only occur in variable declarations that begin with a var or final keyword. Also, a variable declaration using a pattern can only have a single declaration "section". No comma-separated multiple declarations like:

// Not allowed:
var [a] = [1], (b, c) = (2, 3);

Declarations with patterns must have an initializer. This is not a limitation since the point of using a pattern in a variable declaration is to match it against the initializer's value.

Add this new rule:

patternVariableDeclaration  ::= ( 'final' | 'var' ) outerPattern '=' expression

outerPattern                ::= parenthesizedPattern
                              | listPattern
                              | mapPattern
                              | recordPattern
                              | objectPattern

The outerPattern rule defines a subset of the patterns that are allowed as the outermost pattern in a declaration. Subsetting allows useful code like:

var ((a, b) && record) = (1, 2);          // Parentheses.
var [a, b] = [1, 2];                      // List.
var {1: a} = {1: 2};                      // Map.
var (a, b, x: x) = (1, 2, x: 3);          // Record.
var Point(x: x, y: y) = Point(1, 2);      // Object.

But excludes other kinds of patterns to prohibit weird code like:

// Not allowed:
var String str = 'redundant';     // Variable.
var str as String = 'weird';      // Cast.
var definitely! = maybe;          // Null-assert.

Allowing parentheses gives users an escape hatch if they really want to use an unusual pattern there.

The new rules are incorporated into the existing productions for declaring variables like so:

localVariableDeclaration ::=
  | metadata initializedVariableDeclaration ';' // Existing.
  | metadata patternVariableDeclaration ';' // New.

forLoopParts ::=
  | // Existing productions...
  | metadata ( 'final' | 'var' ) outerPattern 'in' expression // New.

This allows patterns inside local variable declarations, for statements, for-in statements, for collection elements, and for-in collection elements.

We could potentially allow patterns in top-level variables and static fields but lazy initialization makes that more complex. We could support patterns in instance field declarations, but constructor initializer lists make that harder. Parameter lists are a natural place to allow patterns, but the existing grammar complexity of parameter lists—optional parameters, named parameters, required parameters, default values, etc.—make that very hard. For the initial proposal, we focus on patterns only in variables with local scope.

Pattern assignment

A pattern on the left side of an assignment expression is used to destructure the assigned value. We extend expression:

expression        ::= patternAssignment
                    | // Existing productions...

patternAssignment ::= outerPattern '=' expression

This syntax allows chaining pattern assignments and mixing them with other assignments, but does not allow patterns to the left of a compound assignment operator.

In a pattern assignment, all identifier patterns are interpreted as referring to existing variables. You can't declare any new variables. Disallowing new variables allows pattern assignment expressions to appear anywhere expressions are allowed while avoiding confusion about the scope of new variables.

It is a compile-time error if:

  • An identifier pattern does not resolve to an assignable local variable or formal parameter. A variable is assignable if it is any of:

    • Non-final
    • Final and definitely unassigned
    • Late final and not definitely assigned

    For example, these are all valid:

    test(int parameter) {
      var notFinal;
      final unassignedFinal;
      late final lateFinal;
      if (c) lateFinal = 'maybe assigned';
      (notFinal, unassignedFinal, lateFinal) = ('a', 'b', 'c');

    In other words, if the name resolves to a local variable or parameter and could be assigned using a normal assignment expression, it can be used in a pattern assignment.

    We could allow assigning to other variables or setters, but it seems strange to allow assigning to foo when foo is an instance field on the surrounding class with an implicit this., but not allowing to assign to explicitly. In the future, we may expand pattern assignment syntax to allow other selector expressions. For now, we restrict assignment to local variables, which are also the only kind of variables that can be declared by patterns.

  • The matched value type for an identifier pattern is not assignable to the corresponding variable's type.

  • The same variable is assigned more than once. In other words, a pattern assignment can't have multiple identifier subpatterns with the same name. This prohibits code like:

    var a = 1;
    (a && a) = 2;
    [a, a, a] = [1, 2, 3];

Map patterns in pattern assignments

The language specifies:

An expression statement consists of an expression that does not begin with a '{' character.

This avoids an ambiguity between blocks and map literals. But with map patterns in assignments, it is useful to have an expression statement that begins with {:

var map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
int a, b;
// More code...

// Later...
{'a': a, 'b': b} = map;

To support this while still avoiding the ambiguity between blocks and map literals, we change the above rule to:

The expression of a statement expression cannot start with a { token which starts a set or map literal. It may start with a { only if that starts a map pattern of a pattern assignment expression, in which case the corresponding closing } must be immediately followed by a =.

Switch statement

We extend switch statements to allow patterns in cases:

switchStatement         ::= 'switch' '(' expression ')'
                            '{' switchStatementCase* switchStatementDefault? '}'
switchStatementCase     ::= label* 'case' guardedPattern ':' statements
guardedPattern          ::= pattern ( 'when' expression )?
switchStatementDefault  ::= label* 'default' ':' statements

Allowing patterns in cases significantly increases the expressiveness of what properties a case can verify, including executing arbitrary user-defined code. This implies that the order that cases are checked is now potentially user-visible and an implementation must execute the first case that matches.

Breaking existing switches

Many constant expressions are subsumed by the new pattern syntax so most existing switch cases have the same semantics under this proposal. However, patterns are not a strict superset of constant expressions and some switches may be broken.

To estimate how breaking these changes are, I analyzed 18,672,247 lines of code in 102,015 files across 2,000 Pub packages, a large collection of open source Flutter applications, and the Dart and Flutter repositories. I found a total of 94,249 switch cases.

The specific kinds of switches whose behavior changes are:

  • List and map patterns. A list or map constant literal in a switch case is now interpreted as a list or map pattern which destructures its elements at runtime. Before, it was simply treated as identity comparison.

    const a = 1;
    const b = 2;
    var obj = [1, 2]; // Not const.
    switch (obj) {
      case [a, b]: print("match"); break;
      default: print("no match");

    In Dart today, this prints "no match". With this proposal, it changes to "match". I did not find any switch cases whose expression is a list or map literal.

  • Wildcards. A switch case containing the identifier _ currently matches if the matched value is equal to the constant named _. With this proposal, it becomes a wildcard that always matches. I did not find any switch cases whose expression is _.

  • Constant constructors. A switch case can be a constant constructor call with implicit const, like:

    case SomeClass(1, 2):

    With this proposal, that is interpreted as an object pattern whose arguments are subpatterns. In cases where the matched value is also a constant, this will likely behave the same but may not. I found 8 switch cases of this form (0.008%).

  • Other constant expressions. Constant patterns allow simple literals and references to named constants to be used directly as patterns, which covers the majority of all existing switch cases. Also a constant constructor explicitly prefixed with const is a valid constant expression pattern. But some more complex expressions are valid constant expressions but not valid constant patterns. In the switch cases I analyzed, the exceptions are:

    case A + A:                                         // Infix "+".
    case A + 'b':                                       // Infix "+".
    case -sigkill:                                      // Unary "-".
    case List<RPChoice>:                                // Generic type literal.
    case 720 * 1280:                                    // Infix "*".
    case 1080 * 1920:                                   // Infix "*".
    case 1440 * 2560:                                   // Infix "*".
    case 2160 * 3840:                                   // Infix "*".

    These nine cases represent 0.009% of the cases found.

For any switch case that is broken by this proposal, you can revert back to the original behavior by prefixing the case expression (now pattern) with const and wrapping it in parentheses if the expression is not a collection literal or const constructor call:

// List or map literal:
case const [a, b]:

// Const constructor call:
case const SomeClass(1, 2):

// Other constant expression:
case const (A + A):
case const (A + 'b'):
case const (-sigkill):
case const (List<RPChoice>):
case const (720 * 1280):
case const (1080 * 1920):
case const (1440 * 2560):
case const (2160 * 3840):

We can determine syntactically whether an existing switch case's behavior will be changed by this proposal, so this fix can be easily automated and applied mechanically.

Guard clause

We also allow an optional guard clause to appear after a case. This enables a switch case to evaluate an arbitrary predicate after matching. Guards are useful because when the predicate evaluates to false, execution proceeds to the next case instead of exiting the entire switch like it would if you nested an if statement inside the switch case's body:

var pair = (1, 2);

// This prints nothing:
switch (pair) {
  case (int a, int b):
    if (a > b) print('First element greater');
  case (int a, int b):
    print('Other order');

// This prints "Other order":
switch (pair) {
  case (int a, int b) when a > b:
    print('First element greater');
  case (int a, int b):
    print('Other order');

Implicit break

A long-running annoyance with switch statements is the mandatory break statements at the end of each case body. Dart does not allow fallthrough, so these break statements have no real effect. They exist so that Dart code does not appear to be doing fallthrough to users coming from languages like C that do allow it. That is a high syntactic tax for limited benefit.

I inspected the 25,014 switch cases in the most recent 1,000 packages on pub (10,599,303 LOC). 26.40% of the statements in them are break. 28.960% of the cases contain only a single statement followed by a break. This means break is a fairly large fraction of the statements in all switches even though it does nothing.

Therefore, this proposal removes the requirement that each non-empty case body definitely exit. Instead, a non-empty case body implicitly jumps to the end of the switch after completion. From the spec, remove:

If s is a non-empty block statement, let s instead be the last statement of the block statement. It is a compile-time error if s is not a break, continue, rethrow or return statement or an expression statement where the expression is a throw expression.

This is now valid code that prints "one":

switch (1) {
  case 1:
  case 2:

Empty cases continue to fallthrough to the next case as before. This prints "one or two":

switch (1) {
  case 1:
  case 2:
    print("one or two");

To have an empty case that does not fallthrough, use break; for its body as you would today.

Switch expression

When you want an if statement in an expression context, you can use a conditional expression (?:). There is no expression form for multi-way branching, so we define a new switch expression. It takes code like this:

Color shiftHue(Color color) {
  switch (color) {
      return Color.yellow;
    case Color.yellow:
      return Color.purple;
    case Color.purple:

And turns it into:

Color shiftHue(Color color) {
  return switch (color) { =>, => Color.yellow,
    Color.yellow =>, =>, => Color.purple,
    Color.purple =>

The grammar is:

primary                 ::= // Existing productions...
                          | switchExpression

switchExpression        ::= 'switch' '(' expression ')' '{'
                            ( switchExpressionCase ( ',' switchExpressionCase )*
                            ','? )? '}'
switchExpressionCase    ::= guardedPattern '=>' expression

The body is a series of cases. Each case has a pattern, optional guard, and a single expression body. As with other expression forms containing a list of subelements (argument lists, collection literals), the cases are separated by commas with an optional trailing comma. Since the body of each case is a single expression with a known terminator, it's easy to tell when one case ends and the next begins. That lets us do away with the case keyword.

To keep the syntax small and light, we also disallow a default clause. Instead, you can use a shorter _ wildcard pattern to catch any remaining values.

Slotting into primary means it can be used anywhere any expression can appear, even as operands to unary and binary operators. Many of these uses are ugly, but not any more problematic than using a collection literal in the same context since a switch expression is always delimited by a switch and }.

Making it high precedence allows useful patterns like:

await switch (n) {
  1 => aFuture,
  2 => anotherFuture,
  _ => otherwiseFuture

var x = switch (n) {
  1 => obj,
  2 => another,
  _ => otherwise

Over half of the switch cases in a large corpus of packages contain either a single return statement or an assignment followed by a break so there is some evidence this will be useful.

Expression statement ambiguity

Thanks to expression statements, a switch expression could appear in the same position as a switch statement. This isn't technically ambiguous, but requires unbounded lookahead to read past the value expression to the first case in order to tell if a switch in statement position is a statement or expression.

main() {
  switch (some(extremely, long, expression, here)) {
    _ => expression()

  switch (some(extremely, long, expression, here)) {
    case _: statement();

To avoid that, we disallow a switch expression from appearing at the beginning of an expression statement. This is similar to existing restrictions on map literals appearing in expression statements. In the rare case where a user really wants one there, they can parenthesize it.

Function expression in guard ambiguity

Function expressions also use =>, which leads to a potential ambiguity:

var x = switch (obj) {
  _ when a + (b) => (c) => body

This could be interpreted as either:

var x = switch (obj) {
  _ when (a + (b)) => ((c) => body)
  //     ---------    -------------

var x = switch (obj) {
  _ when (a + (b) => (c)) => (body)
  //     ----------------    ------

A similar ambiguity exists with function expressions in initializer lists, if the constructor happens to be a factory constructor with => for its body. We resolve the ambiguity similarly here: Inside the expression part of a guardedPattern that is part of a switchExpression, a function literal is not allowed, unless it is enclosed in grouping operators (parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces). Therefore, if => is encountered after when in such a guard, the => is treated as the separator between the guard and case body. In the above example, we take the first interpretation.

This rule applies to all function expressions, whether their body is => followed by an expression, or a block delimited by curly braces. We could restrict this rule to function literals using =>. But that leads to a syntactic restriction that is harder to implement. Note that the related restriction on constructor initializers applies regardless of whether the function literal uses => or a block, even though generative constructors can't use => for their body.

The rule is applied unconditionally even if the code after => is not a valid body expression, as in:

var x = switch (obj) {
  _ when (a) => b => c

Here, we treat the guard expression as (a), which leads the body to be b => c which isn't a valid expression and produces a compile-time error.

If you want a guard expression that ends in a function expression (which is quite unlikely), you can avoid the => being captured as the case separator by parenthesizing the function:

var x = switch (obj) {
  _ when ((a) => b) => c

If-case statement and element

Often you want to conditionally match and destructure some data, but you only want to test a value against a single pattern. A switch statement works but is verbose:

switch (json) {
  case [int x, int y]:
    return Point(x, y);

We can make simple uses like this better by extending if statements to allow case followed by a pattern:

if (json case [int x, int y]) return Point(x, y);

It may have an else branch as well:

if (json case [int x, int y]) {
  print('Was coordinate array $x,$y');
} else {
  throw FormatException('Invalid JSON.');

We replace the existing ifStatement rule with:

ifStatement ::= ifCondition statement ('else' statement)?
ifCondition :== 'if' '(' expression ( 'case' guardedPattern )? ')'

When the condition has no guardedPattern, it behaves as it does today. If there is a guardedPattern, then the expression is evaluated and matched against the subsequent pattern. If it matches, the then branch is executed with any variables the pattern defines in scope. Otherwise, the else branch is executed if there is one.

A guard is also allowed:

if (json case [int x, int y] when x == y) {
  print('Was on coordinate x-y intercept');
} else {
  throw FormatException('Invalid JSON.');

If-case element

Since Dart allows if elements inside collection literals, we also support if-case elements. We replace the existing ifElement rule with:

ifElement ::= ifCondition element ('else' element)?

The semantics follow the statement form. If there is no guardedPattern, then it behaves as before. When there is a guardedPattern, if the expression matches the pattern (and the guard returns true) then we evaluate and yield the then element into the surrounding collection. Otherwise, we evaluate and yield the else element if there is one.

Pattern context

Patterns appear inside a number of constructs in the language which we categorize into three contexts:

  • Declaration context. The pattern in localVariableDeclaration, forLoopParts, or any of its subpatterns. Here, the innermost patterns are usually identifiers for the names of the new variables being bound.

  • Assignment context. The pattern in a patternAssignment or any of its subpatterns. The innermost subpatterns are again identifiers, but they refer to existing variables that are being assigned.

  • Matching context. The pattern in a guardedPattern or any of its subpatterns. The innermost subpatterns are often constant expressions that the value is compared against to see if the case matches. They may also be variable declarations to extract parts of the value for later processing when the case matches.

We refer to declaration and assignment contexts as irrefutable contexts.

While most patterns look and act the same regardless of where they appear in the language, context determines what identifier patterns mean, and places some restrictions on which other kinds of patterns are allowed. The rules are:

  • It is a compile-time error if any of the following refutable patterns appear in an irrefutable context:

    • Logical-or
    • Relational
    • Null-check
    • Constant

    All of these patterns are refutable and may fail to match. In a matching context like a switch case, if a pattern fails to match, execution skips over the case body to ensure that variables bound by the pattern can only be used when the pattern matches. Declaration and assignment contexts have no control flow, so they can only use patterns that will always match.

    Logical-or patterns are refutable because there is no point in using one with an irrefutable left operand. We could make null-check patterns irrefutable if V is assignable to its static type, but whenever that is true the pattern does nothing useful since its only behavior is a type test.

    In addition to this rule, patterns that do type tests (like variable and list patterns) produce a compile-time error when used in an irrefutable context if the static type of the matched value isn't assignable to their required type. That error is specified under type checking.

  • In a declaration context, an identifier pattern declares a new variable with that name. A pattern declaration statement begins with var or final, so within that, new variables can be introduced just using simple identifiers:

    var (a, b) = (1, 2);
  • It is a compile-time error if a variable pattern in a declaration context is marked with var or final. A pattern declaration statement is already preceded by var or final, so allowing those on the variable patterns inside would lead to unnecessary or confusing code like:

    // Disallowed:
    var [var x] = [1];
    final [var y] = [2];

    Variable patterns are allowed in declaration contexts but must have type annotations. This can be useful to upcast the declared variable.

  • It is a compile-time error if a variable pattern appears in an assignment context. Patterns in assignments can only assign to existing variables using identifier patterns, not declare new ones.

    var a = 1;
    var b = 2;
    // Disallowed:
    (var a, int b) = (3, 4);
    // OK:
    (a, b) = (3, 4);
  • An identifier pattern in a matching context is treated as a named constant pattern unless its name is _. A bare identifier is ambiguous and could be either a named constant or a variable pattern without any var, final, or type annotation marker. We prefer the constant interpretation for backwards compatibility and to make variable declarations more explicit in cases. To declare variables in a matching context, use a variable pattern with var, final, or a type before the name.

    const c = 1;
    switch (2) {
      case c: print('match $c');
      default: print('no match');

    This program prints "no match" and not "match 2".

    There is no ambiguity with bare identifiers in irrefutable contexts since constant patterns are disallowed there.

  • An identifier pattern named _ in any context is treated as a wildcard that matches any value and discards it. A bare _ is always treated as a wildcard regardless of context, even though other variables in matching contexts require a marker.

    // OK:
    switch (triple) {
      case [_, var y, _]: print('The middle element is $y');

    You can also use var _ or final _ to write a wildcard in a matching context because it would require additional specification to explicitly forbid it, but doing so is discouraged.

In short, you can't use refutable patterns in places that don't do control flow. Use identifier patterns or type annotated variable patterns to declare variables in pattern declarations. Use identifier patterns to assign to variables in pattern assignments. Use variable patterns to declare variables in case patterns. Use _ anywhere for a wildcard.

Static semantics

Type inference

Type inference in Dart allows type information in one part of the program to flow over and fill in missing pieces in another part. Inference can flow "upwards" from a subexpression to the surrounding expression:


Here, we infer List<int> for the type of the list literal based on type of its element. Inference can flow "downwards" from an expression into its subexpressions too:


Here, the inner empty list literal [] gets type List<int> because the type argument on the outer list literal is pushed into it.

Type information can flow through patterns in the same way. From subpatterns upwards to the surrounding pattern:

var [int x] = ...

Here, we infer List<int> for the list pattern's context type schema based on the type of the element subpattern. Or downwards:

var <int>[x] = ...

Here, we infer int for the inner x subpattern based on the type of the surrounding list pattern.

In variable declarations, type information can also flow between the variable and its initializer. "Upwards" from initializer to variable:

var x = 1;

Here we infer int for x based on the initializer expression's type. That upwards flow extends to patterns:

var [x] = <int>[1];

Here, we infer List<int> for the list pattern (and thus int for the x subpattern) based on type of the initializer expression <int>[1].

Types can also flow "downwards" from variable to initializer:

List<int> x = [];

Here, the empty list is instantiated as List<int> because the type annotation on x gets pushed over to the initializer. That extends to patterns:

var <num>[x] = [1];

Here, we infer the list literal in the initializer to have type List<num> (and not List<int>) based on the type of list pattern. All of this type flow can be combined:

var (a, b, <double>[c], [int d]) = ([1], <List<int>>[[]], [2], [3]);

To orchestrate this, type inference on patterns proceeds in three phases:

  1. Calculate the pattern type schema. Start at the top of the pattern and recurse downwards into subpatterns using the surrounding pattern as context. When we reach the leaves, work back upwards filling in missing pieces where possible. When this completes, we have a type schema for the pattern. It's a type schema and not a type because there may be holes where types aren't known yet.

    We only calculate a pattern type schema for pattern variable declarations and pattern assignments. In matching contexts (switch cases, if-case constructs), the pattern context type schema is not used, no downwards inference is performed from the pattern to the matched value expression, and no coercions or casts from dynamic are inserted in the matched value expression.

    It would be hard to apply inference from cases in a switch to the value since there are multiple cases and it's not clear how to unify that. Even in if-case constructs, it's not clear that downwards inference is desirable, since the intent of the pattern is to ask a question about the matched object, and not necessarily to try to force a certain answer.

  2. Calculate the static type of the matched value. A pattern always occurs in the context of some matched value. For pattern variable declarations including inside for and for-in loops, this is the initializer. For pattern assignments, it's the assigned value. For switches and if-case constructs, it's the value being matched.

    Using the pattern's type schema as a context type (if not in a matching context), infer missing types on the value expression. This is the existing type inference rules on expressions. It yields a complete static type for the matched value. As usual, when a context type is applied to an expression, the process may also insert implicit coercions and casts from dynamic in the matched value expression.

    For example:

    T id<T>(T t) => t;
    dynamic d = 'str';
    var (double n, int Function(int) f, String s) = (1, id, d);

    This generates a type schema of (double, int Function(int), String) from the pattern. That type schema is applied to the initializer, which inserts coercions and casts to become:

    var (double n, int Function(int) f, String s) = (1.0, id<int>, d as String);
  3. Calculate the static type of the pattern. Using that value type, recurse through the pattern again downwards to the leaf subpatterns filling in any missing types in the pattern. This process may also insert casts from dynamic when values flow into a pattern during matching.

    For example:

    (dynamic, dynamic) record = (123, 'str');
    var (int n, String s) = record;

    Since the right-hand is not a record literal, we can't use the pattern's context type schema to insert coercions when the record is being created. However, the matched value type (dynamic, dynamic) is allowed by the record pattern's required type (Object?, Object?), and the matched value type dynamic for each field is allowed by the required types of the fields, i.e., int and String, so the declaration is valid. Casts from dynamic are inserted after destructuring each record field before passing them to the field subpatterns.

    However, implicit call tear-off and implicit generic function instantiations are not inserted during destructuring. Those implicit coercions are only inserted in value expressions based on a pattern's context type schema, not during destructuring. For example:

    T id<T>(T t) => t;
    (T Function<T>(T),) record = (id,);
    var (int Function(int) f,) = record; // ERROR.

    This is a compile-time error since the record field type T Function<T>(T) is not allowed by the field subpattern required type int Function(int).

Pattern context type schema

In a non-pattern variable declaration, the variable's type annotation is used for downwards inference of the initializer:

List<int> list = []; // Infer <int>[].

Patterns extend this behavior:

var (List<int> list, <num>[a]) = ([], [1]); // Infer (<int>[], <num>[]).

To support this, every pattern has a context type schema which is used as the downwards inference context on the matched value expression in pattern variable declarations and pattern assignments. This is a type schema because there may be holes in the type:

var (a, int b) = ... // Schema is `(_, int)`.

A missing type (or "hole") in the type schema is written as _.

The context type schema for a pattern p is:

  • Logical-and: The greatest lower bound of the context type schemas of the branches.

  • Null-assert: A context type schema E? where E is the context type schema of the inner pattern. For example:

    var [[int x]!] = [[]]; // Infers List<List<int>?> for the list literal.
  • Variable:

    1. If p has a type annotation, the context type schema is the annotated type. When a typed variable pattern is used in a destructuring variable declaration, we push the type over to the value for inference, as in:

      var (items: List<int> x) = (items: []);
      //                                 ^- Infers List<int>.
    2. Else the context type schema is _. This lets us potentially infer the variable's type from the matched value.

  • Identifier:

    1. In an assignment context, the context type schema is the static type of the variable that p resolves to.

    2. Else the context type schema is _. This lets us potentially infer the variable's type from the matched value.

  • Cast: The context type schema is _.

  • Parenthesized: The context type schema of the inner subpattern.

  • List: A context type schema List<E> where:

    1. If p has a type argument, then E is the type argument.

    2. Else if p has no elements then E is _.

    3. Else, infer the type schema from the elements:

      1. Let es be an empty list of type schemas.

      2. For each element e in p:

        1. If e is a matching rest element with subpattern s and the context type schema of s is an Iterable<T> for some type schema T, then add T to es.

        2. Else if e is not a rest element, add the context type schema of e to es.

        Else, e is a rest element without an iterable element type, so it doesn't contribute to inference.

      3. If es is empty, then E is _. This can happen if the list pattern contains only a rest element which doesn't have a context type schema that is known to be an Iterable<T> for some T, like:

        var [...] = [1, 2];
        var [...x] = [1, 2];
      4. Else E is the greatest lower bound of the type schemas in es. We use the greatest lower bound to ensure that the outer collection type has a precise enough type to ensure that any typed field subpatterns do not need to downcast:

        var [int a, num b] = [1, 2];

        Here, the GLB of int and num is int, which ensures that neither int a nor num b need to downcast their respective fields.

  • Map: A type schema Map<K, V> where:

    1. If p has type arguments then K, and V are those type arguments.

    2. Else K is _ and V is the greatest lower bound of the context type schemas of all value subpatterns.

  • Record: A record type schema with positional and named fields corresponding to the type schemas of the corresponding field subpatterns.

  • Object: The type the object name resolves to. This lets inference fill in type arguments in the value based on the object's type arguments, as in:

    var Foo<num>() = Foo();
    //                  ^-- Infer Foo<num>.

    If the type the object name resolves to is generic, and no type arguments are specified, then instantiate to bounds is used to fill in provisional type arguments for the purpose of determining the context type schema. Note that during the type checking phase, these provisional type arguments will be replaced with the result of applying downwards inference. See "Type checking and pattern required type" below.

The pattern type schema for logical-or, null-check, constant, and relational patterns is not defined, because those patterns are only allowed in refutable contexts, and the pattern type schema is only used in irrefutable contexts.

Type checking and pattern required type

Once the value a pattern is matched against has a static type (which means downwards inference on it using the pattern's context type schema is complete), we can type check the pattern and fill in missing parts (e.g., type arguments).

Also variable, list, map, record, and object patterns only match a value of a certain required type. These patterns are prohibited in an irrefutable context if the matched value isn't assignable to that type. We define the required type for those patterns here. Some examples and the corresponding required types:

var <int>[a, b] = <num>[1, 2];  // List<int> (and compile error).
var [a, b] = <num>[1, 2];       // List<num>, a is num, b is num.
var [int a, b] = <num>[1, 2];   // List<num>.

To type check a pattern p being matched against a value of type M:

  • Logical-or: Type check the first subpattern using M as the matched value type; type check the second subpattern using the matched value which is obtained from the assumption that the first operand failed to match (this may cause promotion, e.g., when the left pattern is == null). The required type of the pattern is Object?. The context types will be used to perform checks on each operand, whose required types may be more strict.

  • Logical-and: Type check the first operand using M as the matched value type, and type check the second operand using the (possibly promoted) matched value type obtained from the match-succeeded continuation of the first operand. The required type of the pattern is Object?. The chosen matched value type will be used to perform checks on each operand, whose required types may be more strict.

  • Relational: Consider the relational pattern op c where op is one of the following operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >=, >, and c is an expression.

    A compile-time error occurs if M is void.

    If M is dynamic or Never: Type check c in context _; an error occurs if c is not a constant expression; no further checks are performed. Otherwise (when M is not dynamic or Never):

    1. A compile-time error occurs if M does not have an operator op, and there is no available and applicable extension operator op. Let A be the type of the formal parameter of the given operator declaration, and let R be the return type.

    2. A compile-time error occurs if R is not assignable to bool.

    3. Type check c with context type A? when op is == or !=, and with context type A otherwise. A compile-time error occurs if c is not a constant expression. Let C be the static type of c.

    4. If op is == or != then a compile-time error occurs if C is not assignable to A?. Otherwise op is <, <=, >=, or >, and a compile-time error occurs if C is not assignable to A.

    The language screens out null before calling the underlying == method, which is why A? is the allowed type for equality checks. Since Object declares == to accept Object on the right, this compile-time error can only happen if a user-defined class has an override of == with a covariant parameter.

    The required type of p is Object?. The static checks mentioned above may give rise to compile-time errors, but there is no static type which would give rise to exactly those checks, so we cannot specify the desired checks simply by using any particular required type.

  • Cast:

    1. Resolve the type name to a type X. It is a compile-time error if the name does not refer to a type.

    2. Type-check the subpattern using X as the matched value type.

    The required type of p is Object?.

  • Null-check or null-assert:

    1. Let N be NonNull(M).

    2. Type-check the subpattern using N as the matched value type.

  • Constant: Type check the pattern's value in context type M. The context type comes into play for things like type argument inference, int-to-double, and implicit generic function instantiation.

    Note that the pattern's value must be a constant, but there is no longer a restriction that it must have primitive equality. Unlike switch cases in current Dart, you can have a constant with a user-defined operator == method. This lets you use constant patterns for user-defined types with custom value semantics.

    Note also that the restriction that constants must be a subtype of the matched value's static type is removed. This is a currently an error in Dart:

    class A {}
    class B { const B(); }
    test(A a) {
      switch (A()) {
        case const B(): ...

    There is no error under this proposal because it's possible for the constant to have a user-defined == method such that this could match.

  • Variable:

    1. If the variable has a type annotation, the required type of p is that type, as is the static type of the variable introduced by p.

    2. Else the required type of p is M, as is the static type of the variable introduced by p. This means that an untyped variable pattern can have its type indirectly inferred from the type of a superpattern:

      var <(num, Object)>[(a, b)] = [(1, true)]; // a is num, b is Object.

      The pattern's context type schema is List<(num, Object>). Downwards inference uses that to infer List<(num, Object>) for the initializer. That inferred type is then destructured and used to infer num for a and Object for b.

  • Identifier:

    1. In an assignment context, the required type of p is the (unpromoted) static type of the variable that p resolves to.

    2. In a matching context, the name refers to a constant. Type check the constant identifier expression in context type M.

    3. In a declaration context, the required type of p is M, as is the static type of the variable introduced by p.

  • Parenthesized: Type-check the inner subpattern using M as the matched value type. The required type of p is the required type of the subpattern.

  • List:

    1. Calculate the value's element type E:

      1. If p has a type argument T, then E is the type T.

      2. Else if M implements List<T> for some T then E is T.

      3. Else if M is dynamic then E is dynamic.

      4. Else E is Object?.

    2. Type-check each non-rest element subpattern using E as the matched value type. Note that we calculate a single element type and use it for all subpatterns. In:

      var [a, b] = [1, 2.3];

      both a and b use num as their matched value type.

    3. If there is a matching rest element, type-check its subpattern using List<E> as the matched value type.

    4. The required type of p is List<E>.

  • Map:

    1. Calculate the value's entry key type K and value type V, and key context C:

      1. If p has type arguments <K, V> for some K and V then use those, and C is K.

      2. Else if M implements Map<K, V> for some K and V then use those, and C is K.

      3. Else if M is dynamic then K and V are dynamic and C is _.

      4. Else K and V are Object? and C is _.

    2. Type-check each key expression using C as the context type.

    3. Type-check each value subpattern using V as the matched value type. Like lists, we calculate a single value type and use it for all value subpatterns:

      var {1: a, 2: b} = {1: "str", 2: bool};

      Here, both a and b use Object as the matched value type.

    4. The required type of p is Map<K, V>.

  • Record:

    1. For each field f with subpattern s of p:

      1. If M is a record type with the same shape as p, then let F be that field's type in M.

      2. Else if M is dynamic, then let F be dynamic.

      3. Else let F be Object?. The field subpattern will only be matched at runtime if the value does turn out to be a record with the right shape where the field is present, so it's safe to just assume the field exists when type checking here.

      4. Type-check s using F as the matched value type.

    2. The required type of p is a record type with the same shape as p and Object? for all fields. If the matched value's type is dynamic or some record supertype like Object, then the record pattern should match any record with the right shape and then delegate to its field subpatterns to ensure that the fields match.

  • Object:

    1. Resolve the object name to a type X. It is a compile-time error if the name does not refer to a type. Apply downwards inference with context type M to infer type arguments for X, if needed. If any type arguments are left unconstrained, do instantiate to bounds (using the partial solution from downwards inference) to fill in their values.

    2. For each field subpattern of p, with name n and subpattern f:

      1. Look up the member with name n on X using normal property extraction rules. Let G be the type of the resulting property.

        Property extraction allows an object pattern to invoke a getter or tear-off a method. When X is dynamic or Never then X has all properties and their types are likewise dynamic or Never unless the property is defined on Object, in which case it has its usual type.

      2. Type check f using G as the matched value type to find its required type.

    3. The required type of p is X.

If p with required type T is in an irrefutable context:

  • If M is dynamic and T is not dynamic, then an implicit cast from dynamic to T is made before the pattern binds the value, tests the value's type, destructures the value, or invokes a function with the value as a target or argument. During destructuring, an implicit cast from dynamic is allowed, which may fail and throw an exception at runtime.

  • Else, it is a compile-time error if M is not a subtype of T. Destructuring, variable, and identifier patterns can only be used in declarations and assignments if we can statically tell that the destructuring and variable binding won't fail to match.

Pattern uses (static semantics)

It is a compile-time error if the type of an expression in a guard clause is not assignable to bool.

The static type of a switch expression is the least upper bound of the static types of all of the case expressions. If a switch expression has no cases, its static type is Never.

A switch expression with no cases is usually not useful; in fact it is almost always an error because it is not exhaustive. However, it can be useful if a user is beginning to sketch out code to work with a sealed class, and that class does not yet have any subclasses. In this situation, the user may begin writing placeholder code that consumes values of that sealed type, for example:

int doSomethingWithSealedClass(MySealedClass s) => switch (s) {};

This placeholder code will be allowed as long as the sealed type has no subtypes. Later, when the user starts adding some subtypes, the compiler will issue an error since the empty placeholder switch is no longer exhaustive, allowing the user to find all the places in the code that need to be updated to handle the new subtype.

We add the following item to the list of locations where it is not an error to have an expression of type void:

  • In a <switchExpressionCase> of the form p => e, e may have type void.

This means that we treat switch expressions similarly to conditional expressions with respect to the type void. When one or more cases in a switch expression have type void, the switch expression as a whole will have type void, which means that it can in turn only occur in a location which allows having type void. For example, void f() => switch (null) { null => print('Got yer!') }; is OK.

Variables and scope

Patterns often exist to bind new variables. The language must ensure that the variables bound by a pattern can only be used when the pattern has matched, which means variables bound by refutable patterns must only be in scope in code that can't be reached when the match fails.

Also, logical-or patterns and switch case fallthrough add some complexity.

Pattern variable sets

A pattern variable set specifies the set of variables declared by a pattern and its subpatterns when not in an assignment context. Each variable in the set has a unique name, a static type (the declared or inferred type, but not its promoted type), and whether it is final or not. The pattern variable set for a pattern is:

  • Logical-or: The pattern variable set of either branch. It is a compile-time error if the two branches do not have equal pattern variable sets. Two pattern variable sets are equal if they have the same set of names and each corresponding pair of variables have the same finality and their types are structurally equivalent after NORM().

    Since only one branch will match and we don't know which, for the pattern to have a stable set of variables with known types, the two branches must define the same variables. This way, uses of the variables later will have a known type and finality regardless of which branch matched.

  • Logical-and, cast, null-check, null-assert, parenthesized, list, map, record, or object: The union of the pattern variable sets of all of the immediate subpatterns.

    The union of a series of pattern variable sets is the union of their corresponding sets of variable names. Each variable in the resulting set is mapped to the corresponding variable's type and finality.

    It is a compile-time error if any two sets being unioned have a variable with the same name. A pattern can't declare the same variable more than once.

  • Relational or constant: The empty set.

  • Variable:

    1. If the variable's identifier is _ then the empty set.

    2. Else a set containing a single variable whose name is the pattern's identifier and whose type is the pattern's required type (which may have been inferred). In a declaration context, the variable is final if the surrounding patternVariableDeclaration has a final modifier. In a matching context, the variable is final if the variable pattern is marked final and is not otherwise.

  • Identifier:

    1. In a matching context, the empty set. The identifier is a constant reference.

    2. Else a set containing a single variable whose name is the identifier and whose type is the pattern's required type (which may have been inferred). The variable is final if and only if the surrounding patternVariableDeclaration has a final modifier.


The variables defined by a pattern and its subpatterns (its pattern variable set, defined above), are introduced into a scope based on where the pattern appears:

  • Pattern variable declaration statement: The scope enclosing the variable declaration statement. This will be either a function body scope or a block scope.

    The initializing expression for every variable in the pattern is the pattern variable declaration's initializer. This means all variables defined by the pattern are in scope beginning at the top of the surrounding block or function body, but it is a compile-time error to refer to them until after the pattern variable declaration's initializer:

    const c = 1;
    f() {
      //    ^ Error: Refers to C declared below:
      var [c] = [c];
      //         ^ Error: Not initialized yet.
      //    ^ OK.
  • Pattern-for-in statement, pattern-for-in element, pattern-for statement, pattern-for element: Scoping follows the normal for and for-in statement and element scoping rules where the variable (now variables) are bound in a new scope for each loop iteration. All pattern variables are in the same scope. They are considered initialized after the for loop initializer expression.

    The body statement or element of a pattern-for is executed in a new scope whose enclosing scope is the pattern variables' scope.

  • Pattern assignment: An assignment only assigns to existing variables and does not bind any new ones.

  • Switch statement, switch expression, if-case statement, if-case-element: Each guardedPattern introduces a new case scope which is where the variables defined by that case's pattern are bound.

    There is no initializing expression for the variables in a case pattern, but they are considered initialized after the entire case pattern, before the guard expression if there is one. However, all pattern variables are in scope in the entire pattern:

    const c = 1;
    switch (1) {
      case [var c, == c]
        //            ^ Error: In scope but not initialized.
        //              (Also an error because `c` is not a constant.)
            when c == 2:
        //       ^ OK.
        //    ^ OK.

    The guard expression is evaluated in its case's case scope.

    It is a compile-time error for a guard to contain an assignment to a variable defined in the case that owns that guard. This helps avoid users running into confusing behavior where the body sees a different variable than the guard when cases share a body (see next section). We make this an error even when the body only has a single case to keep the rule simpler for users to understand. This is similar to the restriction that you can't assign to the variable introduced by an initializing formal inside the initializer list.

    It's still possible for a user to observe that a guard sees a different variable than the body if the guard closes over its variable and the body assigns to the body's variable. Preventing that by disallowing capturing a pattern variable in a guard would get in the way of common use cases like calling Iterable.where() or Iterable.any() in a guard. Preventing it by disallowing assignment in the body would be confusing for a variable that isn't declared final and might usefully be assigned. Instead, we minimize the chances of a user seeing that the guard has its own variable by disallowing assignment and accept that in rare cases, a user may still observe that the guard sees a different variable.

    If the body of a switch statement or expression is reached through only a single case, then it is executed in a new scope whose enclosing scope is the case scope of that case. Otherwise, the body is executed in a new scope whose enclosing scope is the shared case scope, defined below.

    The then statement of an if-case statement is executed in a new scope whose enclosing scope is the case's case scope.

    The then element of an if-case element is evaluated in a new scope whose enclosing scope is the case's case scope.

Shared case scope

In a switch statement, multiple cases may share the same body. This introduces complexity when those cases declare variables which may or may not overlap and which may be used in the body or guards. For example:

switch (obj) {
  case [int a, int n] when n > 0:
  case {"a": int a}:
    print(a.abs()); // OK.

Here, both patterns declare a variable named a which is used in the body. Somehow, in the body, a refers to both of those pattern variables. Conversely, only the first case declares n which is used in that case's guard but not the body.

We specify how this behaves by creating a new shared case scope that contains all variables from all of the cases and then report errors from invalid uses of them. The shared case scope s of a body used by a set of cases with pattern variable sets vs (where default cases and labels have empty pattern variable sets) is:

  1. Create a new empty scope s whose enclosing scope is the scope surrounding the switch statement or expression.

  2. For each name n appearing as a variable name in any of the pattern variable sets in vs:

    1. If n is defined in every pattern variable set in vs and has the same type and finality, then introduce n into s with the same type and finality. This is a shared variable and is available for use in the body.

      If any of the corresponding variables in vs are promoted, calculate the promoted type of the variable in s based on all of the promoted types of n in the cases in the same way that promotions are merged at join points.

      We declare a new variable because the enclosing scope of the body is not any of the case scopes. The fact that this is a new variable and not one of the variables declared by the cases is user-visible if a user captures a case variable in a closure in the guard:

      late Function captured;
      bool capture(Function closure) {
        captured = closure;
        return true;
      switch (['before']) {
        case [String a] when capture(() => print(a)):
        case [_, String a]:
          a = 'after';

      This prints "before", not "after". In practice, users will rarely notice this, the same way they rarely notice that an initializing formal introduces a variable in the initializer list distinct from the initialized field.

      Note that we only create a shared case scope with its own variables when there are multiple cases sharing a body. If there is only a single case, the body uses that case's scope as the enclosing scope directly. If you delete the second case in the above example, it prints "after".

    2. Else n is not consistently defined by all cases and thus isn't safe to use in the body. Introduce a new variable n into s with unspecified type and finality.

  3. Compile the body in s. It is a compile-time error if any identifier in the body resolves to a variable in s that isn't shared. In other words, a variable declared by any of the case patterns shadows an outer variable, but only the shared ones can actually be used:

    var c = 'outer';
    switch ('not int') {
      case int c:
      case _:

    This has a compile-time error instead of printing "outer" because c in the body resolves to a non-shared variable declared by one of the cases.

Note that it is not a compile-time error for there to be non-shared defined variables between cases. It's only an error to use them in the body. This enables patterns to define non-shared variables that are only used by their respective guards:

switch (obj) {
  case [var a, int n] when n > 1:
  case [var a, double n] when n > 1.0:
  case [var a, String s] when s.isNotEmpty:

This example has no errors because the only variable used in the body, a, is defined consistently by all cases.

At runtime, we initialize all of the shared variables in the body of the case with the values of the corresponding case variables from the matched case.

Type promotion

TODO: Specify how pattern matching may show that existing variables have some type.

Exhaustiveness and reachability

A switch is exhaustive if all possible values of the matched value's static type will definitely match at least one case, or there is a default case. Dart currently shows a warning if a switch statement on an enum type does not have cases for all enum values (or a default). This is helpful for code maintainance: when you add a new value to an enum type, the language shows you every switch statement that may need a new case to handle it.

This checking is even more important with this proposal. Exhaustiveness checking is a key part of maintaining code written in an algebraic datatype style. It's the functional equivalent of the error reported when a concrete class fails to implement an abstract method.

Exhaustiveness checking over arbitrarily deeply nested record and object patterns is complex, so the proposal to define how it works is in a separate document. That tells us if the cases in a switch statement or expression are exhaustive or not.

We don't want to require all switches to be exhaustive. The language currently does not require switch statements on, say, strings to be exhaustive, and requiring that would likely lead to many pointless empty default cases for little value.

Exhaustiveness is defined and works for all Dart types, and switch expressions must always be exhaustive. But switch statements must only be exhaustive when the matched value is an always-exhaustive type, defined as:

  • bool
  • Null
  • A enum type
  • A type whose declaration is marked sealed
  • T? where T is always-exhaustive
  • FutureOr<T> for some type T that is always-exhaustive
  • A record type whose fields all have always-exhaustive types
  • A type variable X with bound T where T is always-exhaustive
  • A promoted type variable X & T where T is always-exhaustive

All other types are not always-exhaustive. Then:

  • It is a compile-time error if the cases in a switch statement are not exhaustive and the static type of the matched value is an always-exhaustive type. There is no error if a switch statement is not exhaustive when the type is not an always-exhaustive type.

  • It is a compile-time error if the cases in a switch expression are not exhaustive. This is an error even if the matched value type is not an always-exhaustive type. Since an expression must yield a value, the only other option is to throw an error and most Dart users prefer to catch those kinds of mistakes at compile time.

Breaking change: Currently, a non-exhaustive switch on an enum type is only a warning. This promotes it to an error. Also, switches on bool do not currently have to be exhaustive. In practice, many users already treat warnings as errors, and switches on bool are rare and unidiomatic. This breaking change would only apply to code that has opted into the language version where this ships.


We don't want to mandate warnings in the language specification, but the user experience of a language feature is holistic and we try to design it thinking about the entire tooling experience. With that in mind, implementations are encouraged to report a static warning when:

  • The left branch of an || pattern will always match, since it means the right branch will never be used. A pattern will always match if it's an untyped wildcard, a variable whose type is a supertype of the matched value type, etc.

  • Either branch of an && is an untyped wildcard, since it has no effect and can be removed.

  • A cast pattern casts to a supertype of the matched value type.

  • A null-check or null-assert pattern has a non-nullable matched value type.

  • A constant pattern's constant has primitive equality and is matched against a type that it can never be equal to, like matching a String against the constant pattern 3.

  • A case in a switch statement or expression is unreachable because all values it can match are also matched by preceding cases. (The exhaustiveness algorithm can be used to determine this.)

    We make this a warning and not an error because it's harmless dead code. Also, in some cases the exhaustiveness analysis may not be very precise and may require users to write a default case when it can't prove that the cases cover all values. If we later make the exhaustiveness algorithm smarter, that default case may become unreachable. If that happens, we don't want this to be a breaking change.

In general, these all have the property that they describe dead code that provably can be removed without changing the behavior of the program.

Runtime semantics


Most of the runtime behavior is defined in the "matching" section below, but the constructs where patterns appear have their own (hopefully obvious) behavior.

Pattern variable declaration

  1. Evaluate the initializer expression producing a value v.

  2. Match v against the declaration's pattern.

Pattern assignment

  1. Evaluate the right-hand side expression to a value v.

  2. Match v against the pattern on the left. When matching a variable pattern against a value o, record that o will be the new value for the corresponding variable, but do not store the variable.

  3. Once all destructuring and matching is done, store all of the assigned variables with their corresponding values.

In other words, it's as if every variable pattern in an assignment expression is a new variable declaration with a hidden name. Then after the assignment expression and matching completes, those temporary variables are all written to the corresponding real variables. We defer the storage until matching has completed so that users never see a partial assignment if matching happens to fail in some way.

Switch statement

  1. Evaluate the switch value producing v.

  2. For each case:

    1. Match the case's pattern against v. If the match fails then continue to the next case (or default clause or exit the switch if there are no other cases).

    2. If there is a guard clause, evaluate it. If it does not evaluate to a bool, throw a runtime error. This can happen if the guard expression's type is dynamic. If it evaluates to false, continue to the next case (or default or exit).

    3. Find the nearest non-empty case body at or following this case. You're allowed to have multiple empty cases where all preceding ones share the same body with the last case.

    4. If the enclosing scope for the body is a shared case scope, then initialize all shared variables the values of the corresponding variables from the case scope. There will be no shared case scope and nothing to copy if the body is only used by a single case.

    5. Execute the body statement.

    6. If execution of the body statement continues with a label, and that label is labeling a switch case of this switch, go to step 3 and continue from that label.

    7. Otherwise the switch statement completes normally. An explicit break is no longer required.

  3. If no case pattern matched and there is a default clause, execute the statements after it.

  4. If the static type of v is an always-exhaustive type, no case matches, and there is no default clause, then throw a runtime error. This can only occur when null or a legacy typed value flows into this switch statement from another library that hasn't migrated to null safety. In fully migrated programs, exhaustiveness checking is sound and it isn't possible to reach this runtime error.

Switch expression

  1. Evaluate the switch value producing v.

  2. For each case:

    1. Match the case's pattern against v. If the match fails then continue to the next case.

    2. If there is a guard clause, evaluate it. If it does not evaluate to a bool, throw a runtime error. If it evaluates to false, continue to the next case.

    3. Evaluate the expression after the case and yield that as the result of the entire switch expression.

  3. If no case matches, throw a runtime error. This can only occur when null or a legacy typed value flows into this switch expression from another library that hasn't migrated to null safety. In fully migrated programs, exhaustiveness checking is sound and it isn't possible to reach this runtime error.

Pattern-for statement

A statement of the form:

for (<patternVariableDeclaration>; <condition>; <increment>) <statement>

Is executed like a traditional for loop though is more likely to declare multiple variables. As with a normal for loop, those variables are freshly bound to new values at each iteration so that if a function in the body closes over a variable, it captures the value at the current iteration and is not affected by later iteration.

The increment clause is evaluated in a scope where all variables declared in the pattern are freshly bound to new variables holding the current iteration's values. If the increment clause assigns to any of the variables declared by the pattern, those become the values bound to those variables in the next iteration. For example:

var fns = <Function()>[];
for (var (a, b) = (0, 1); a <= 13; (a, b) = (b, a + b)) {
  fns.add(() {

for (var fn in fns) {

This prints 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.

Pattern-for element

Likewise, a collection element of the form:

for (<patternVariableDeclaration>; <condition>; <increment>) <element>

Is executed like a traditional for loop though is more likely to declare multiple variables. As with pattern for statements, all of the variables are declared fresh every iteration and updates to the variables in the increment clause behave as other loops do.

The <element> is evaluated in a new scope whose enclosing scope is the scope where the pattern's variables are bound.

Pattern-for-in statement

A statement of the form:

for (<keyword> <pattern> in <expression>) <statement>

Where <keyword> is var or final is treated like so:

  1. Let I be the static type of <expression>, inferred using context type schema Iterable<P> where P is the context type schema of <pattern>.

  2. Calculate the element type of I:

    1. If I implements Iterable<T> for some T then E is T.

    2. Else if I is dynamic then E is dynamic.

    3. Else it is a compile-time error.

  3. Type check <pattern> with matched value type E.

  4. If there are no compile-time errors, then execution proceeds as the following code, where id1 and id2 are fresh identifiers:

    var id1 = <expression>;
    var id2 = id1.iterator;
    while (id2.moveNext()) {
      <keyword> <pattern> = id2.current;
      { <statement> }

Pattern-for-in element

A collection element of the form:

for (<keyword> <pattern> in <expression>) <element>

Where <keyword> is var or final is treated like so:

  1. Let I be the static type of <expression>, inferred using context type schema Iterable<P> where P is the context type schema of <pattern>.

  2. Calculate the element type of I:

    1. If I implements Iterable<T> for some T then E is T.

    2. Else if I is dynamic then E is dynamic.

    3. Else it is a compile-time error.

  3. Type check <pattern> with matched value type E.

  4. If there are no compile-time errors, then execution proceeds as the following code, where id1 and id2 are fresh identifiers and append() is an operation to add an element to the surrounding collection being built:

    I id1 = <expression>;
    Iterator<E> id2 = id1.iterator;
    while (id2.moveNext()) {
      <keyword> <pattern> = id2.current;

If-case statement

  1. Evaluate the expression producing v.

  2. Match the pattern in the guardedPattern against v.

  3. If the match succeeds:

    1. If there is a guard clause:

      1. Evaluate it. If it does not evaluate to a bool, throw a runtime error. This can happen if the guard expression's type is dynamic.

      2. If the guard evaluates to true, execute the then statement.

      3. Else, execute the else statement if there is one.

    2. Else there is no guard clause. Execute the then statement.

  4. Else the match failed. Execute the else statement if there is one.

If-case element

  1. Evaluate the expression producing v.

  2. Match the pattern in the guardedPattern against v.

  3. If the match succeeds:

    1. If there is a guard clause:

      1. Evaluate it. If it does not evaluate to a bool, throw a runtime error. This can happen if the guard expression's type is dynamic.

      2. If the guard evaluates to true, evaluate the then element and yield the result into the collection.

      3. Else, evaluate the else element if there is one and yield the result into the collection.

    2. Else there is no guard clause. Evaluate the then element and yield the result into the collection.

  4. Else the match failed. Evaluate the else element if there is one and yield the result into the collection.

Matching (refuting and destructuring)

At runtime, a pattern is matched against a value. This determines whether or not the match fails and the pattern refutes the value. If the match succeeds, the pattern may also destructure data from the object or bind variables.

Refutable patterns usually occur in a context where match refutation causes execution to skip over the body of code where any variables bound by the pattern are in scope. If a pattern match failure occurs in an irrefutable context, a runtime error is thrown. This can happen when matching against a value of type dynamic, when a list pattern in a variable declaration is matched against a list of a different length, when a map pattern in a pattern assignment is matched against a map that lacks some of the destructured keys, etc.

To match a pattern p against a value v:

  • Logical-or:

    1. Match the left subpattern against v. If it matches, the logical-or match succeeds.

    2. Otherwise, match the right subpattern against v and succeed if it matches.

  • Logical-and:

    1. Match the left subpattern against v. If the match fails, the logical-and match fails.

    2. Otherwise, match the right subpattern against v and succeed if it matches.

  • Relational:

    1. Evaluate the right-hand constant expression to c.

    2. If the operator is ==:

      1. Let r be the result of v == c.

      2. The pattern matches if r is true and fails otherwise. This takes into account the built-in semantics that null is only equal to null. The result will always be a bool since operator == on Object is declared to return bool.

    3. Else if the operator is !=:

      1. Let r be the result of v == c.

      2. The pattern matches if r is false and fails otherwise. This takes into account the built-in semantics that null is only equal to null.

    4. Else the operator is a comparison operator op:

      1. Let r be the result of calling op on v with argument c.

      2. If r is not a bool then throw a runtime error. This can happen if the operator on v's type returns dynamic.

      3. The pattern matches if r is true and fails otherwise.

  • Cast:

    1. If the runtime type of v is not a subtype of the cast type of p then throw a runtime error. Note that we throw even if this appears in a matching context. The intent of this pattern is to assert that a value must have some type.

    2. Otherwise, match the inner pattern against v.

  • Null-check:

    1. If v is null then the match fails.

    2. Otherwise, match the inner pattern against v.

  • Null-assert:

    1. If v is null then throw a runtime error. Note that we throw even if this appears in a matching context. The intent of this pattern is to assert that a value must not be null.

    2. Otherwise, match the inner pattern against v.

  • Constant:

    1. Evaluate the pattern's value to c.

    2. The pattern matches if c == v evaluates to true. This is opposite the operand order that relational patterns use. This is deliberate to preserve compatibility with existing switch cases and continue to enable compilers to determine exactly which concrete == method is called in a constant pattern for optimization purposes.

  • Variable:

    1. Let T be the static type of the variable p declares or assigns to.

    2. If the runtime type of v is not a subtype of T then the match fails.

      This type test may get elided. See "Pointless type tests and legacy types" below.

    3. Otherwise, store v in p's variable and the match succeeds.

  • Identifier:

    1. In a matching context, the same as a constant pattern whose constant expression is the identifier.

    2. Else, the same as a variable pattern with the same identifier.

  • Parenthesized: Match the subpattern against v and succeed if it matches.

  • List:

    1. If the runtime type of v is not a subtype of the required type of p then the match fails. The list pattern's type will be List<T> for some T determined either by the pattern's explicit type argument or inferred from the matched value type.

      This type test may get elided. See "Pointless type tests and legacy types" below.

    2. Let h be the number of non-rest elements preceding the rest element if there is one, or the number of elements if there is no rest element.

    3. Let t be the number of non-rest elements following the rest element if there is one, or 0 otherwise.

    4. Check the length:

      1. If p has a rest element and h + t == 0, then do nothing for checking the length.

        We only call length on the list if needed. If the pattern is [...], then any length is allowed, so we don't even ask the list for it.

      2. Else let l be the length of the list determined by calling length on v.

      3. If p has a rest element (and h + t > 0):

        1. If l < h + t then the match fails.

        When there are non-rest elements and a rest element, the list must be at least long enough to match the non-rest elements.

      4. Else if h + t > 0 (and p has no rest element):

        1. If l != h + t then the match fails.

        If there are only non-rest elements, then the list must have exactly the same number of elements.

      5. Else p is empty:

        1. If l > 0 then the match fails.

        An empty list pattern can match only empty lists. Note that this treats a misbehaving list whose length is negative as an empty list. This is important so that a set of list patterns that is clearly exhaustive over well-behaving lists will also cover a misbehaving one.

      These match failures become runtime exceptions if the list pattern is in an irrefutable context.

    5. Match the head elements. For i from 0 to h - 1, inclusive:

      1. Let s be the ith element subpattern.

      2. If s is an identifier pattern whose name is _ then do nothing for this element.

        Wildcards are useful in list patterns to control the index that latter element subpatterns access and to affect the length that the pattern checks. When a user does that, we don't want them to pay a runtime penalty for accessing list elements that the pattern won't use anyway.

      3. Else extract the element value e by calling v[i].

      4. Match s against e.

    6. If there is a matching rest element:

      1. If t > 0 then let r be the result of v.sublist(h, l - t).

      2. Else let r be the result of v.sublist(h).

        If the rest element is trailing and we don't need to truncate the sublist, then we use sublist(start). This is important because if p contains only a rest element, then we skip calling length and thus don't know l.

      3. Match the rest element subpattern against r.

      If there is a non-matching rest element, the unneeded list elements are completely skipped and we don't even call sublist() to access them.

    7. Match the tail elements. If t > 0, then for i from 0 to t - 1, inclusive:

      1. Let s be the subpattern i elements after the rest element.

      2. If s is an identifier pattern whose name is _ then do nothing for this element.

      3. Else extract the element value e by calling v[l - t + i].

      4. Match s against e.

    8. The match succeeds if all subpatterns match.

  • Map:

    1. If the runtime type of v is not a subtype of the required type of p then the match fails. The map pattern's type will be Map<K, V> for some K and V determined either by the pattern's explicit type arguments or inferred from the matched value type.

      This type test may get elided. See "Pointless type tests and legacy types" below.

    2. For each entry in p, in source order:

      Unlike in list patterns, we don't skip wildcard subpatterns. In a map pattern, you may want to use a _ value subpattern to detect whether a key is present.

      1. Evaluate the key expression to k.

      2. Evaluate v[k] to r.

      3. If r != null || (null is V) && v.containsKey(k) evaluates to false then the map does not match.


        • When v[k] returns a non-null value, we know the key is present and we short-circuit the containsKey() call.

        • If V is known to be a non-nullable type, then null is V is always false and the expression simplifies to:

          r != null
        • Conversely, if V is known to be a nullable type, then null is V is always true and the expression simplifies to:

          r != null || v.containsKey(k)
        • When V is a potentially nullable type, the null is V test must be performed but can be hoisted out and shared across all entries since it doesn't depend on k.

        • If v is a poorly behaved Map whose v[k] and containsKey(k) results don't agree (i.e. a non-null v[k] and false containsKey(k) or vice versa) we do not detect that mismatch. Since badly behaved maps are rare, this is allowed. Even if v is poorly behaved, a null value will only be passed to the subpattern if null is V, so soundness is preserved.

      4. Else, match r against this entry's value subpattern. If it does not match, the map does not match.

    3. The match succeeds if all entry subpatterns match.

  • Record:

    1. If the runtime type of v is not a subtype of the required type of p, then the match fails.

      This type test may get elided. See "Pointless type tests and legacy types" below.

    2. For each field f in p, in source order:

      1. Access the corresponding field in record v as r.

      2. Match the subpattern of f against r. If the match fails, the record match fails.

    3. The match succeeds if all field subpatterns match.

  • Object:

    1. If the runtime type of v is not a subtype of the required type of p then the match fails.

      This type test may get elided. See "Pointless type tests and legacy types" below.

    2. Otherwise, for each field f in p, in source order:

      1. Call the getter with the same name as f on v, and let the result be r. The getter may be an in-scope extension member.

      2. Match the subpattern of f against r. If the match fails, the object match fails.

    3. The match succeeds if all field subpatterns match.

Pointless type tests and legacy types

Variable, map, list, record, and object patterns all do a runtime type test on the matched object against the pattern's static type (variables and wildcards) or required type (maps, lists, records, and objects). If the matched value's static type is a subtype of the pattern's static or required type, then no runtime type test is performed.

When the pattern's type is a supertype of the matched value's static type, then it seems like the runtime type test is guaranteed to pass. That implies there's no need to specify that the check is elided. But these otherwise pointless runtime type tests can fail in a mixed-mode program if a legacy typed value flows into a pattern. For example:

// legacy.dart
int legacyInt = null;

// current.dart
import 'legacy.dart';

f(int i) {
  if (i case _) { // Wildcard has inferred static type non-legacy int.
  } else {

main() {

If we always require the type test, then this would print "unreachable". But that would require inserting type tests which are especially confusing in wildcard patterns which users expect should always match. Instead, we allow the value to flow through instead of forcing the compiler to insert runtime checks that are otherwise pointless and costly in terms of code size. This program should print "matched".

In a fully null-safe program, these type tests can never fail and it is not user-visible whether or not an implementation elides them.

Side effects and exhaustiveness

You might expect this to be soundly exhaustive:

var n = switch (something) {
  case Bitbox(b: true): 1;
  case Bitbox(b: false): 2;

However, Bitbox could be defined like:

class Bitbox {
  bool get b => Random().nextBool();

Pattern matching in other languages is often restricted to values that are known by the compiler to be fully immutable, but we want to allow users to use pattern matching in Dart for the kinds of objects they already use, including mutable lists and maps and instances of user-defined classes whose getters can't be proven to be pure and side-effect free. At the same time, we also want to ensure that exhaustiveness checking is correct and sound.

To balance those, pattern matching operates on an immutable snapshot of the properties of the matched value that are seen by the patterns. The way this works is that whenever a member is invoked on the matched value or an object returned by some previous destructuring, the result is cached. Whenever the same member is invoked by a later pattern (either a subsequent subpattern, or a pattern in a later case), we don't invoke the member again and instead use the previously returned value. This way, all subpatterns and cases see the exact same portions of the object and from the perspective of the surrounding switch statement or other construct, the object appears to be immutable.

For example, consider:

main() {
  var list = [1, 2];
  switch (list) {
    case [1, _] && [_, < 4]: print('first');
    case [int(isEven: true), var a]: print('second $a');

As written, there appear to be multiple redundant method calls on list and the elements extracted from it. But the actual execution semantics are roughly like:

main() {
  var list = [1, 2];

  late final $match = list;
  late final $match_length = $match.length;
  late final $match_length_eq2 = $match_length == 2;
  late final $match_0 = $match[0];
  late final $match_1 = $match[1];
  late final $match_0_eq1 = $match_0 == 1;
  late final $match_1_lt4 = $match_1 < 4;
  late final $match_0_isEven = $match_1.isEven;
  late final $match_0_isEven_eqtrue = $match_0_isEven == true;

  if ($match_length_eq2 &&
      $match_0_eq1 &&
      $match_length_eq2 &&
      $match_1_lt4) {
  } else if ($match_length_eq2 &&
      $match_0_isEven_eqtrue) {
    var a = $match_1;
    print('second $a');

Note that every method call is encapsulated in a late variable ensuring that it only gets invoked once even when used by multiple patterns.

It works like this:

  1. At compile time, after type checking has completed, we associate an invocation key with every member call or record field access potentially made by each pattern.

  2. At runtime, whenever the runtime semantics say to call a member or access a record field, if a previous call or access with that same invocation key has already been evaluated, we reuse the result.

  3. Otherwise, we invoke the member or field access now and associate the result with that invocation key for future calls.

Let an invocation key comprise:

  • A possibly absent parent invocation key.
  • A possibly absent extension and list of type arguments. If the invocation represents an extension member call, this tracks the extension declaration the call was resolved to, and the type arguments for it.
  • A member name.
  • A possibly empty list of argument constant values.

Two invocation keys are equivalent if and only if all of these are true:

  • They both have parent invocation keys and the keys are equivalent or neither of them have parent invocation keys.
  • The extension types refer to the same type or are both absent.
  • The member names are the same.
  • The argument lists have the same length and all corresponding pairs of argument constant values are identical.

In other words, they're equal if all of their fields are equal in the obvious ways.

The notation parent : (name, args) creates an invocation key with parent parent, no extension, member name name, and argument list args. The notation parent : extension(name, args) creates an invocation key with parent parent, extension extension (with its type arguments), member name name, and argument list args.

Given a set of patterns s matching a value expression v, we bind an invocation key to each member invocation and record field access in s like so:

  1. Let i be an invocation key with no parent, no extension type, named this, with an empty argument list. This is the root node of the invocation key tree and represents the matched value itself.

  2. For each pattern p in s with parent invocation i, bind invocation keys to it and its subpatterns using the following procedure:

To bind invocation keys in a pattern p using parent invocation i:

  • Logical-or or logical-and:

    1. Bind invocations in the left and right subpatterns using parent i.
  • Relational:

    1. If the matched value type is dynamic, is Never, or declares the operator, then bind i : (op, [arg]) to the operator method invocation where op is the name of the operator and arg is the right operand value.

    2. Else perform extension method resolution and infer the extension's type arguments. Bind i : extension(op, [arg]) to the operator method invocation where extension is the resolved extension and its type arguments, op is the name of the operator and arg is the right operand value.

  • Cast, null-check, null-assert, or parenthesized:

    1. Bind invocations in the subpattern using parent i.
  • Constant:

    1. Bind i : ("constant==", [arg]) to the == method invocation where arg is the constant value. The odd constant== name is because constant patterns call constant == value while relational == patterns call value == constant. Those can be different methods so we need to cache them separately.
  • Variable:

    1. Nothing to do.
  • Identifier:

    1. In a matching context, the same as a constant pattern whose constant expression is the identifier.

    2. Else, nothing to do.

  • List:

    1. Bind i : ("length", []) to the length getter invocation.

    2. For each element subpattern s:

      1. If s is a rest element:

        1. Let e be i : ("sublist()", [h, t]) where h is the number of elements preceding s and t is the number of elements following it.

          Note that the actual end argument passed to sublist() is length - t, but we just use t for the invocation key here since the length of the list isn't a syntactically known property. Since the list and its length are cached too, using t is sufficient to distinguish calls to sublist() that are different, like [] && [, b] while caching calls that are the same as in [, a] && [, b].

        2. Bind e to the sublist() invocation for s.

      2. Else if s precedes a rest element (or there is no rest element):

        1. Let e be i : ("[]", [index]) where index is the zero-based index of this element subpattern.

        2. Bind e to the [] invocation for s.

      3. Else s is a non-rest element after the rest element:

        1. Let e be i : ("tail[]", [tailIndex]) where tailIndex is the number of element subpatterns following this element subpattern.

          Note the "tail" in the invocation key name. This is to distinguish elements after a rest element at some position from elements at the same position but not following a rest element, as in:

          switch (list) {
            case [var a, ..., var c]: ...
            case [var a, _,   var d]: ...

          Here, c and d may have different values and d should not use the previously cached value of c even though they are both the third element of the same list. So we use an invocation key of "tail[]" for c and "[]" for d.

          We use tailIndex and count backwards from the end so that trailing elements can be cached across patterns, as in:

          switch (list) {
            case [..., var a, var b]: ...
            case [..., var c]: ...

          *Here, var b and var c have the same tailIndex (0), so the second case will use the previously cached list element value for var c.(

        2. Bind e to the [] invocation for s.

      4. Bind invocations in the element subpattern using parent e.

  • Map:

    1. For each entry in p:

      1. Bind i : ("containsKey()", [key]) to the containsKey() invocation where key is entry's key constant value.

      2. Let e be i : ("[]", [key]) where key is entry's key constant value.

      3. Bind e to the [] invocation for this entry.

      4. Bind invocations in the entry value subpattern using parent e.

  • Record:

    1. For each field in p:

      1. Let f be i : (field, []) where field is the corresponding getter name for the field.

      2. Bind f to the field accessor for this field.

      3. Bind invocations in the field subpattern using parent f.

  • Object:

    1. For each field in p:

      1. If the matched value type is dynamic, is Never, or declares a getter with the same name as the field, then let f be i : (field, []) where field is the name of the getter.

      2. Else perform extension method resolution and infer the extension's type arguments. Let f be i : extension(field, []) where extension is the resolved extension and its type arguments and field is the name of the getter.

      3. Bind f to the getter for this field.

      4. Bind invocations in the field subpattern using parent f.


This proposal, along with the records and exhaustiveness documents it depends on, is a lot of new language work. There is new syntax to parse, new type checking and inference features (including quite complex exhaustiveness checking), a new kind of object that needs a runtime representation and runtime type, and new imperative behavior.

It might be too much to fit into a single Dart release. However, it isn't necessary to ship every corner of these proposals all at once. If needed for scheduling reasons, we could stage it across several releases.

Here is one way it could be broken down into separate pieces:

  • Records and destructuring. Record expressions and record types are one of the most-desired aspects of this proposal. Currently, there is no expression syntax for accessing positional fields from a record. That means we need destructuring. So, at a minimum:

    • Record expressions and types
    • Pattern variable declarations
    • Record patterns
    • Variable patterns

    This would not include any refutable patterns, so doesn't need the changes to allow patterns in switches.

  • Collection destructuring. A minor extension of the above is to also allow destructuring the other built-in aggregate types:

    • List patterns
    • Map patterns
  • Objects. I don't want patterns to feel like we're duct taping a functional feature onto an object-oriented language. To integrate it more gracefully means destructuring user-defined types too, so adding:

    • Object patterns
  • Refutable patterns. The next big step is patterns that don't just destructure but match. The bare minimum refutable patterns and features are:

    • Patterns in switch statement cases
    • Switch case guards
    • Exhaustiveness checking
    • Constant patterns
    • Relational patterns (at least ==)

    The only critical relational pattern is == because once we allow patterns in switch cases, we lose the ability to have a bare identifier constant in a switch case.

  • Type testing patterns. The other type-based patterns aren't critical but do make patterns more convenient and useful:

    • Null-check patterns
    • Null-assert patterns
    • Cast patterns
  • Control flow. Switch statements are heavyweight. If we want to make refutable patterns more useful, we eventually want:

    • Switch expressions
    • Pattern-if statements
  • Logical patterns. If we're going to add == patterns, we may as well support other boolean infix operators. And if we're going to support the comparison operators, then && is useful for numeric ranges. It's weird to have && without || so we may as well do that too (and it's useful for switch expressions). Once we have infix patterns precedence comes into play, so we need parentheses to control it:

    • Relational patterns (other than ==)
    • Logical-or patterns
    • Logical-and patterns
    • Parenthesized patterns


2.34 (after shipping)

  • Adjust objectPattern to allow Function(...), which is already the implemented behavior (#3468).

2.33 (after shipping)

  • Tweak caching of trailing list elements after a rest element. The specified behavior now follows the implementations (#2922).


  • Prohibit variable and identifier patterns from being named when or as, to simplify parsing.


  • Change the technique for resolving the "function expression in guard ambiguity" to match what was implemented (function literals are only prohibited in guards inside switch expressions).


  • Re-add error for map patterns to have duplicate keys.


  • Map patterns no longer check length.

  • Remove ... from map patterns since it is redundant with the previous change.

  • Make it an error to have an empty map pattern. Since map patterns don't check their length, an empty map pattern will match all maps, which is likely to confuse users. For now, to minimize confusion, we just disallow it.

  • Make it no longer an error for map patterns to have duplicate keys.


  • Clarify that when downwards is used to infer type arguments for an object pattern, any type arguments that are left unconstrained are filled in using instantiate to bounds.


  • Allow empty switch expressions.


  • Change the technique for resolving the "function expression in guard ambiguity" to match what was implemented (function literals are now prohibited in guards unless enclosed in parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces).


  • Call tear-off and generic function instantiations are not inserted during destructuring.


  • Specify the required type of patterns in cases where this was left implicit.
  • Specify the handling of coercions during irrefutable pattern matching.


  • Suggest warnings that implementations may want to report.
  • Correct context type schema for pattern for-in statements and expressions.


  • In list patterns, don't call v[e] if the corresponding subpattern is a wildcard (#2671).

  • Warn if a case is unreachable.


  • Allow object pattern fields to tear off methods (#2561).

  • No runtime exception for non-exhaustive switch statements that don't need to be exhaustive (#2698).

  • Handle negative length lists and maps (#2701).

  • Disambiguate the grammar around bare identifiers (#2714). The overall syntax and semantics are unchanged, but the pattern grammar is now unambiguous.

  • Allow promoted types and type variables with bounds to be always-exhaustive (#2765).

  • Fix incorrect static error with cast patterns in assignments (co19 #1686).

  • Clarify that map pattern keys and relational pattern right operands are not const contexts (#2758).

  • Specify the runtime behavior of pattern-for collection elements (#2769).

  • Clarify the inference context for the iterator expression in pattern for-in statements (#2775).


  • Fix soundness hole in map patterns with badly behaved maps (#2685).

  • Clarify which variables are valid in pattern assignments.

  • Clarify when primitive == for map pattern keys comes into play (#2690).


  • Specify exhaustiveness checking of switch elements.

  • Resolve ambiguity with => in switch expression guards (#2672).

  • Compile error if map pattern has identical keys (#2657).


  • Support negative number literals in patterns (#2663).

  • Allow map patterns in pattern assignments in expression statements (#2662).

  • Remove left recursion in grammar for || and && (#2636). (The syntax and semantics are unchanged, it's just specified differently.)

  • Allow symbol literals in patterns (#2636).

  • Give compilers more leeway on the runtime semantics of map patterns (#2634).

  • Elide type tests that can only fail on legacy types (#2619).


  • Change logical pattern syntax to || and && (#2501).

  • Change precedence of constant expression on right-hand side of relational pattern from relationalExpression to bitwiseOrExpression (#2501).

  • Use a context type when type checking map pattern key constant expressions (#2645).


  • Eliminate case and default from switch expressions and use , as the case separator (#2126).

  • Add if-case elements (#2542).


  • Error if named fields in record or object patterns collide (#2610).


  • Rename "extractor" patterns to "object" patterns (#2562). There are no semantic changes.


  • Refine variable and scoping rules in cases that share a body (#2553).


  • Add ... rest patterns in list and map patterns (#2453).

  • Change context type schema to consistently use ? in patterns where the type isn't known instead of ? for unannotated variable patterns and Object? for other patterns.


  • Clarify implicit coercions and casts (#2488).


  • Tweak the rules for type checking List/Map patterns, so that explicit type arguments in the pattern are used as the type the elements are type checked against.


  • Clarify scoping rules and loosen restrictions on variables in cases with a shared body (#2473, #2485, #2533).


  • Upgrade non-exhaustive switch statements on enums from a warning to an error (#2474).


  • Clarify that relational and extractor patterns can call extension members (#2457).

  • Non-boolean results throw in relational patterns instead of failing the match (#2461).

  • Specify that map and extractor subpatterns are evaluated in source order (#2466).

  • Specify non-exhaustive switch errors and warnings (#2474).

  • Allow final before type annotated variable patterns (#2486).

  • Rename some grammars to align with Analyzer AST names (#2491).

  • Propagate dynamic into fields when type checking a record pattern against a matched value of type dynamic.


  • Change logical-or and logical-and patterns to be left-associative.


  • Move back to a syntax where variable declarations are explicit in cases but not in pattern declarations (but otherwise keep the unified grammar). Allow simple identifier constant patterns in cases.

  • Allow cast patterns to take a subpattern instead of just a variable name.

  • Only allow pattern assignments to assign to locals.

  • Don't allow unary patterns to nest.

  • Merge literal and constant patterns into a single kind of pattern and extend them to allow const constructor calls and const followed by a primary expression.

  • Replace pattern-if with if-case statements. Allow guard clauses.

  • Use the pattern context type schema for assignments but not if-case.

  • Disallow nullCheckPattern in outerPattern. Now that if-case no longer uses outerPattern, there's no point in allowing it.


  • Add destructuring assignment (#2438).

  • Specify the context type for empty list and map patterns (#2441).

  • Define a grammar rule for the outermost patterns in a declaration (#2446).

  • Rename "grouping" patterns to "parenthesized" patterns (#2447).

  • Specify behavior of patterns in for loops (#2448).

  • Make logical-or and null-check patterns always refutable.


  • Specify that switches throw a runtime error if values from legacy libraries flow in and break exhaustiveness checking (#2123).

  • Allow empty list, map, and record patterns (#2441).

  • Clarify ambiguity between grouping and record patterns.


  • Make map patterns check length like list patterns do (#2415).

  • Clarify that variables in cases are not final (#2416).


Minor tweaks:

  • Define the static type of switch expressions (#2380).

  • Clarify semantics of runtime type tests (#2385).

  • Allow relational operators whose return type is dynamic.


Major redesign of the syntax and minor redesign of the semantics.

  • Unify binder and matcher patterns into a single grammar. Refutable patterns are still prohibited outside of contexts where failure can be handled using control flow, but the grammar is unified and more patterns can be used in the other context. For example, null-assert patterns can be used in switch cases.

  • Always treat simple identifiers as variables in patterns, even in switch cases.

  • Change the if (expr case pattern) syntax to if (var pattern = expr).

  • Change the guard syntax to when expr.

  • Record patterns match only record objects. Extractor patterns (which can now be used in variable declarations) are the only way to call getters on abitrary objects.

  • New patterns for relational operators, |, &, and (...). Set up a precedence hierarchy for patterns.

  • Get rid of explicit wildcard patterns since they're redundant with untyped variable patterns named _.

  • Don't allow extractor patterns to match enum values. (It doesn't seem that well motivated and could be added later if useful.)

  • Remove support for late pattern variable declarations, patterns in top-level variables, and patterns in fields. The semantics get pretty weird and it's not clear that they're worth it.

  • Change the static typing rules significantly in a number of ways.

  • Remove type patterns. They aren't fully baked, are pretty complex, and don't seem critical right now. We can always add them as a later extension.


  • Remove declaration matcher from the proposal. It's only a syntactic sugar convenience and seems to cause enough confusion that it's not clear if it carries its weight. Removing it simplifies the feature some and we can always add it in a future version.

  • Remove the Destructure_n_ interface. Positional record fields can only be used to destructure positional fields from actual record objects. (We may extend this later.)

  • Revise and clarify how types work in record and extractor patterns.


  • Fix object destructuring examples and clarify that extract matchers support the named field destructuring shorthand too (#2193).


  • Change syntax of if-case statement (#2181).


  • Introduce and clarify type inference.

  • The context type schema for a variable matcher is always Object?, since it's intent is to match a type and cause the expression to have some type.



  • Avoid unbounded lookahead with switch expression in an expression statement (#2138).

  • Re-introduce rule that _ is non-binding in all patterns, not just wildcards.


  • Add a shorthand for destructuring a named record field to a variable with the same name.

  • Add if-case statement.

  • Allow extractor patterns to match enum values.

  • Add null-assert binder ! and null-check ? matcher patterns.


  • Copy editing and clean up.

  • Add nullLiteral to literal patterns.

  • Add wildcard binder patterns. Remove exception that variable patterns named _ don't bind.