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Darsain edited this page Apr 10, 2013 · 9 revisions

All default options are stored in the FPSMeter.defaults object. You can modify them simply by:

FPSMeter.defaults.graph = 1;

By default, everything except basic FPS display is disabled.

Quick reference

FPSMeter call with all default options as defined in the source.

var meter = new FPSMeter({
	interval:  100,     // Update interval in milliseconds.
	smoothing: 10,      // Spike smoothing strength. 1 means no smoothing.
	show:      'fps',   // Whether to show 'fps', or 'ms' = frame duration in milliseconds.
	toggleOn:  'click', // Toggle between show 'fps' and 'ms' on this event.
	decimals:  1,       // Number of decimals in FPS number. 1 = 59.9, 2 = 59.94, ...
	maxFps:    60,      // Max expected FPS value.
	threshold: 100,     // Minimal tick reporting interval in milliseconds.

	// Meter position
	position: 'absolute', // Meter position.
	zIndex:   10,         // Meter Z index.
	left:     '5px',      // Meter left offset.
	top:      '5px',      // Meter top offset.
	right:    'auto',     // Meter right offset.
	bottom:   'auto',     // Meter bottom offset.
	margin:   '0 0 0 0',  // Meter margin. Helps with centering the counter when left: 50%;

	// Theme
	theme: 'dark', // Meter theme. Build in: 'dark', 'light', 'transparent', 'colorful'.
	heat:  0,      // Allow themes to use coloring by FPS heat. 0 FPS = red, maxFps = green.

	// Graph
	graph:   0, // Whether to show history graph.
	history: 20 // How many history states to show in a graph.


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