A simple backend library written in TypeScript that provides REST API and Websocket tools to build amazing server-side applications
npm i rakkit
yarn add rakkit
Imports are skipped for code clarity. For each example we need to have a starting point:
import { Rakkit } from "rakkit"
routers: [
// Your path the router files
And below is the terminal output:
PUBLIC: http://localhost:4000
REST : http://localhost:4000/rest
WS : http://localhost:4000/ws
✅ http://localhost:4000/people
This is an example of a REST api app. The context is the same as a koa context, and you can use it like a it too.
class PeopleRouter {
get(context: Context) {
context.body = "hello world";
post(context: Context) {
put(context: Context) {
delete(context: Context) {
In this example we have two middlewares, the @BeforeMiddleware use methods that are executed before the @Get("/") and for the @AfterMiddleware they are executed after it.
You have three levels of middleware, on the endpoint (@Get, @Post, @Put, @Delete), on the router (@Router) and globaly (All router of your application). In this example we illustrate each level.
Middleware are executed in the order of the list that is passed in the @UseMiddleware decorator.
"Global middlewares" wrap "router middlewares" (global BeforeMiddleware are executed before the router BeforeMiddleware and global AfterMiddleware are executed after the router AfterMiddleware).
"Router middleware" wraps "enpoint middlewares".
class BeforeMiddleware implements IBaseMiddleware {
use(context: Context, next: NextFunction) {
class AfterMiddleware implements IBaseMiddleware {
use(context: Context, next: NextFunction) {
routers: [
// Your path the router files
globalMiddlewares: [
class PeopleRouter {
get(context: Context) {
context.body = this._peopleService.MyServiceValue;
A service is a singleton that you can inject into your classes if they are also declared as a @Service or as a @Router, @Websocket, @AfterMiddleware, @BeforeMiddleware.
You can assign an id to the service (@Service(id?: string | number)
) if you need to have multiple instances of the class running at the same time. You can also retrieve the specified instance with the @Inject decorator (@Service(id?: string | number)
class PeopleService {
MyServiceValue = "I'm a service";
class PeopleRouter {
private _peopleService: PeopleService;
get(context: Context) {
context.body = this._peopleService.MyServiceValue;
class PeopleRouter {
connection(socket: Socket) {
console.log("A new connection !");
hello(socket: Socket, datas) {
socket.emit("world", datas);
Initially this tool was made in order to create a homemade Headless CMS. But as the project progressed, our needs grew and our backend application looked more and more like a Framework, so we choose to make it an independent tool to benefit the community and progress on a better basis.
We wanted to create a tool that would allow us to create backend applications much more simply with a small learning curve, so that anyone, with some TypeScript basics, could use it. We also didn't want to make a clone of NestJS.
You can simply clone the project and submit a pull request, we will analyze it and decide whether or not it is valid.
- Documentation