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Adding Doors To Maps

Dan Volchek edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 13 revisions

Better Doors

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In order to add a door to your map there are a couple different tile properties you need to set. Some things to note:

  • All properties go on the Back layer.
  • All properties go on the bottom tile where you want to place the door.
  • Make sure the bottom, middle, and top tiles of where the door will go only have tiles on the Back layer. Anything else will be overwritten when Better Doors draws the doors.

Here are the string tile properties you need to set:

Property Name Required Property value
DoorVersion Yes Just use 1.0.
Door Yes A string in this format: modId doorName orientation openingDirection. See below for an explanation.
DoorExtras Optional A string containing space separated words. See below for an explanation.

Door property format

Name Value Description
modId For SDV:
  • vanilla
For mods:
  • the mod unique id
The mod providing the textures.
doorName For SDV, one of:
  • light
  • window
  • saloon
For mods:
  • Depends on the mod
The name of the door you want to use. For mods, the mod should tell you valid names.
orientation horizontal or vertical The way the hallway the door is placed in goes. Horizontal means left to right and Vertical means top to bottom.
openingDirection left or right The way the door opens when you look at it.

Example string: vanilla light vertical left.

DoorExtras property format

These are optional. If you don't want any extras, don't include the property. The following words are recognized and can be in any order:

Name Effect
automatic Makes the door automatic. That means it will automatically open when the player gets nearby and close when they leave.
double Makes the door a double door. If the door is a vertical door and has another door right next to it also marked as a double door, then opening either of the doors will open both.

Example strings: automatic or automatic double or double, etc.


Here's how this all might look when put together using Tiled:

This makes a light, vertical, left opening door from vanilla that also is automatic.

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