- Make sure what you're building is in the Genesys UX Guidelines
- If you want something that's not in those guidelines, work with the UX team (UXTeam@genesys.com) to get it added and figure out if it needs to be common.
- Check the Common UI Board in JIRA to make sure nobody else is already working on your feature.
- Create or find an issue on the Common UI Board for your feature, or assign the issue to yourself.
- Open a GitHub Issue describing the issue you are looking to solve, or the feature you'd like to add, for discussion with the maintainers.
- Use
npm run commit
orgit cz
to ensure correctly formatted commit messages. (Commitizen) - Components should follow our best practices for Component Design
- Components should be implemented in TypeScript, with Stencil (if you think you need to deviate from this, talk to the common UI dev team first)
- Create tests for your component
- Use unit tests for helper utils and any JS apis on the component
- Use pupetter e2e tests for user interactions
- Create a snapshot test for detecting unintended markup changes
- Be sure your component meets the Common UI Application Accessibility Guidelines
- Make sure any text generated within your component uses the
localization tools for string replacement. - Each component should include a file with example usages
- Examples should include all presentational variations
- Format your code based on the
settings (configuring auto-format with Prettier is highly recommended).
- Open a Pull Request on the repo. Please do not remove any of the default reviewers.
- Tests and linters must be passing
- Review will be thorough - problems in these components will have a widespread impact.
- If your review is completed and you don't have merge rights for master, reach out to the Common UI Dev Team and one of us will get it merged.
- If your change added a new english localization file please create a ticket in the
Jira project notifying the localization team of the location of the new file. This will allow them to start creating the other language files necessary.
- Package version is determined at publish time through the commit types specified.
- The package will be bumped, a changelog file will be generated, the changes will be commited, and a version tag will be added
- The package will then be published to NPM, and pushed to bitbucket