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Wordle Analysis

The code in this repo is a small analysis for the Wordle in Spanish game.

I was fascinated by the game and wanted to know the best words to start a game, for me this meant words that contain letters in their highest probability position.

This python script gets the probability of each letter appearing in an specific position and then assigns a value to each word according to the letters position in the word. The most probable words score higher.

The list of words was extracted directly from the javascript in the webpage and includes some words that are not valid and can't be played because they contain an "-" symbol.


The top 10 words with the highest probability are:

Word Value
careo 8358
pareo 8124
caneo 8036
corea 8010
mareo 7967
pares 7935
cales 7914
paleo 7869
cateo 7860
caseo 7833

Words without repeating any letters:

Word Points
careo 8358
pulis 6181

Top words without previously repeating any consonant:

Word Points
careo 8358
paleo 7869
maneo 7645
bateo 7316
gaseo 7115
fajeo 6863
vadeo 6808
aqueo 5661
heñia 5574
zuiza 5009
yauya 2998

Here are the tables used to calculate the value for each word, each letter has a different value acording to the position in which they appear.

Values for position: 1

Letter Appearances Percent
a 1356 12.121%
c 1130 10.101%
p 896 8.009%
t 768 6.865%
m 739 6.606%
r 649 5.801%
b 586 5.238%
s 584 5.220%
l 555 4.961%
f 473 4.228%
g 412 3.683%
h 378 3.379%
o 375 3.352%
d 372 3.325%
v 340 3.039%
n 293 2.619%
j 283 2.530%
e 279 2.494%
u 179 1.600%
i 151 1.350%
z 150 1.341%
y 118 1.055%
q 50 0.447%
ñ 34 0.304%
k 22 0.197%
x 9 0.080%
w 6 0.054%

Values for position: 2

Letter Appearances Percent
a 2350 21.007%
o 1576 14.088%
u 1448 12.944%
e 1394 12.461%
i 1377 12.309%
r 754 6.740%
l 429 3.835%
n 217 1.940%
s 190 1.698%
h 183 1.636%
c 161 1.439%
t 151 1.350%
m 145 1.296%
p 136 1.216%
b 118 1.055%
d 93 0.831%
v 86 0.769%
j 68 0.608%
f 62 0.554%
g 59 0.527%
z 54 0.483%
ñ 52 0.465%
x 39 0.349%
y 33 0.295%
q 7 0.063%
w 3 0.027%
k 2 0.018%

Values for position: 3

Letter Appearances Percent
r 1110 9.922%
l 855 7.643%
a 836 7.473%
i 810 7.241%
n 788 7.044%
e 779 6.963%
c 647 5.783%
t 612 5.471%
s 585 5.229%
u 530 4.738%
o 489 4.371%
m 464 4.148%
p 368 3.290%
b 359 3.209%
d 350 3.129%
g 332 2.968%
j 272 2.431%
ñ 205 1.832%
f 176 1.573%
z 175 1.564%
y 136 1.216%
v 128 1.144%
q 61 0.545%
h 56 0.501%
x 55 0.492%
k 8 0.072%
w 1 0.009%

Values for position: 4

Letter Appearances Percent
a 1871 16.725%
e 1593 14.240%
i 996 8.903%
o 969 8.662%
r 660 5.900%
t 628 5.614%
l 601 5.372%
d 475 4.246%
c 450 4.023%
n 400 3.576%
s 337 3.012%
u 308 2.753%
m 298 2.664%
g 266 2.378%
p 237 2.119%
b 229 2.047%
j 185 1.654%
z 153 1.368%
h 149 1.332%
v 140 1.251%
ñ 83 0.742%
f 69 0.617%
y 64 0.572%
k 13 0.116%
x 9 0.080%
w 4 0.036%

Values for position: 5

Letter Appearances Percent
a 2601 23.250%
o 2175 19.442%
s 1986 17.753%
e 1486 13.283%
n 1144 10.226%
r 639 5.712%
l 359 3.209%
i 299 2.673%
z 93 0.831%
- 92 0.822%
y 91 0.813%
u 43 0.384%
t 39 0.349%
d 32 0.286%
x 26 0.232%
c 20 0.179%
m 16 0.143%
k 12 0.107%
h 10 0.089%
j 6 0.054%
b 6 0.054%
p 5 0.045%
f 4 0.036%
g 3 0.027%

Update for 7 letter scientific mode

This mode includes 7 letters words with tilde and other symbols as valid characters.

The top 10 words with the highest probability are:

Word Value
colares 56388
cotares 55087
copares 54544
cunares 53790
cenaros 53750
molares 53524
celarás 53391
citares 53346
covares 52938
potares 52934

Words without repeating any letters:

Word Points
colares 56388
mungidó 22048

Top words without previously repeating any consonant:

Word Points
colares 56388
petando 39818
bohemia 31157
geófago 28462
quiñazo 26100
jajajeo 25928

Values for position: 1

Letter Appearances Percent
a 8722 15.702%
c 6185 11.135%
e 4762 8.573%
r 4145 7.462%
p 4032 7.259%
m 3321 5.979%
t 3074 5.534%
d 2639 4.751%
s 2543 4.578%
b 2416 4.350%
l 1893 3.408%
f 1858 3.345%
g 1742 3.136%
h 1391 2.504%
v 1359 2.447%
o 1107 1.993%
i 1093 1.968%
j 939 1.690%
n 735 1.323%
z 593 1.068%
u 348 0.627%
q 239 0.430%
y 182 0.328%
á 54 0.097%
ñ 38 0.068%
k 35 0.063%
í 24 0.043%
ó 21 0.038%
é 19 0.034%
ú 18 0.032%
w 10 0.018%
x 9 0.016%

Values for position: 2

Letter Appearances Percent
a 9889 17.803%
e 8569 15.427%
o 6503 11.707%
i 4762 8.573%
u 4499 8.100%
r 3718 6.694%
n 3372 6.071%
l 2180 3.925%
s 1715 3.088%
m 1546 2.783%
h 1173 2.112%
c 1136 2.045%
p 910 1.638%
b 820 1.476%
t 746 1.343%
d 532 0.958%
f 474 0.853%
g 471 0.848%
x 443 0.798%
v 356 0.641%
á 355 0.639%
z 237 0.427%
j 218 0.392%
í 212 0.382%
é 201 0.362%
ó 175 0.315%
ú 111 0.200%
y 81 0.146%
ñ 81 0.146%
q 56 0.101%
k 4 0.007%
w 1 0.002%

Values for position: 3

Letter Appearances Percent
r 6109 10.998%
l 4309 7.758%
a 3900 7.021%
s 3758 6.766%
n 3715 6.688%
c 3698 6.658%
e 3009 5.417%
t 3008 5.415%
i 2972 5.351%
o 2687 4.837%
m 2506 4.512%
p 2465 4.438%
u 2143 3.858%
b 1957 3.523%
g 1619 2.915%
d 1434 2.582%
j 998 1.797%
f 947 1.705%
v 859 1.546%
z 600 1.080%
ñ 600 1.080%
h 547 0.985%
y 424 0.763%
q 406 0.731%
ó 205 0.369%
x 169 0.304%
é 150 0.270%
á 150 0.270%
í 147 0.265%
ú 43 0.077%
k 9 0.016%
w 3 0.005%

Values for position: 4

Letter Appearances Percent
a 10339 18.613%
e 6167 11.103%
i 5217 9.392%
r 4109 7.397%
o 3456 6.222%
u 3346 6.024%
t 2982 5.369%
l 2742 4.936%
c 2541 4.575%
n 2285 4.114%
d 1630 2.935%
s 1574 2.834%
m 1436 2.585%
g 1291 2.324%
p 1262 2.272%
b 1155 2.079%
h 687 1.237%
v 640 1.152%
j 542 0.976%
z 501 0.902%
f 484 0.871%
q 347 0.625%
ñ 229 0.412%
í 183 0.329%
y 166 0.299%
á 83 0.149%
x 44 0.079%
é 35 0.063%
ú 31 0.056%
k 20 0.036%
ó 20 0.036%
w 2 0.004%

Values for position: 5

Letter Appearances Percent
a 9912 17.845%
r 6908 12.437%
e 5277 9.500%
i 3920 7.057%
n 3245 5.842%
l 2839 5.111%
t 2536 4.566%
s 2364 4.256%
o 2162 3.892%
c 2124 3.824%
u 2052 3.694%
d 1810 3.259%
m 1632 2.938%
b 1378 2.481%
á 1052 1.894%
é 967 1.741%
g 875 1.575%
j 630 1.134%
p 579 1.042%
z 561 1.010%
í 522 0.940%
h 489 0.880%
v 380 0.684%
ñ 356 0.641%
ó 305 0.549%
q 284 0.511%
y 157 0.283%
f 151 0.272%
ú 36 0.065%
x 30 0.054%
k 13 0.023%

Values for position: 6

Letter Appearances Percent
a 9035 16.266%
e 7550 13.592%
r 6648 11.968%
i 3576 6.438%
o 3440 6.193%
d 3075 5.536%
t 2962 5.333%
á 2487 4.477%
l 2432 4.378%
n 2412 4.342%
s 2105 3.790%
c 1545 2.781%
b 1184 2.132%
í 1173 2.112%
m 742 1.336%
z 699 1.258%
g 698 1.257%
u 635 1.143%
j 582 1.048%
ó 547 0.985%
h 521 0.938%
ñ 385 0.693%
p 300 0.540%
v 283 0.509%
é 188 0.338%
y 156 0.281%
f 86 0.155%
ú 72 0.130%
ü 15 0.027%
k 9 0.016%
x 3 0.005%
w 1 0.002%

Values for position: 7

Letter Appearances Percent
s 14594 26.274%
a 10316 18.572%
o 7550 13.592%
n 6436 11.587%
e 5994 10.791%
é 3051 5.493%
r 2474 4.454%
ó 2227 4.009%
á 1107 1.993%
l 608 1.095%
d 381 0.686%
í 336 0.605%
z 135 0.243%
i 98 0.176%
y 57 0.103%
t 36 0.065%
- 28 0.050%
m 25 0.045%
c 18 0.032%
g 18 0.032%
ú 14 0.025%
u 11 0.020%
x 8 0.014%
h 7 0.013%
p 6 0.011%
k 5 0.009%
f 2 0.004%
b 1 0.002%
v 1 0.002%
j 1 0.002%
q 1 0.002%


Analysis of Wordle in Spanish






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