To contribute to this project, please observe the following guidelines.
- Make an account on github (or log in to an existing one)
- Describe your feature suggestion in detail in an issue
- Wait for a response. You should get a response within a week, but as with almost every open source project, paid employment comes first for the maintainer(s). If nobody has responded in a week, feel free to join our slack channel and ask "has anyone had time to look at issue #?"
See the front page README for details on joining the slack channel.
Please do not send email with requests, or expect a response to verbal/slack/chat based requests. If it doesn't have a ticket it probably won't get done.
- Make an account on github (or log in to an existing one)
- Open an issue and be sure to include
- General description of what you were attempting when you hit the bug
- The steps that reproduce the problem
- The expected result for the steps given
- The actual (bug) result for the steps given.
- Wait for a response. You should get a response within a week, but as with almost every open source project, paid employment comes first for the maintainer(s). If nobody has responded in a week, feel free to join our slack channel and ask "has anyone had time to look at issue #?"
See the front page README for details on joining the slack channel.
Please do not send bug reports via email with requests, or expect a response to verbal/slack/chat based requests. If it doesn't have a ticket it probably won't get done.
(to fix a bug or implement a feature request)
- Make an account on github (or log in to an existing one)
- On the front page of this repository click the button on the upper right that says "fork" (it has a number right next to it).
- Go to your own profile and click repositories. You should see /jesterj in your repository list. This is your personal copy (don't worry it's free). Click on it.
- Clone your repository to your local machine
- Make your code changes, committing as many times as you like (with good comments)
- Push your changes to github as often as you like.
- When you are happy with the changes and want them added to this repository click create a pull request and select a branch in nsoft/jesterj as the base, and a branch in your fork as the "compare"
- Write a short comment describing your work and submit your pull request.
- Wait for a response. You shoudl get a response within a week, but as with almost every open source project, paid employment comes first for the maintainer(s). If nobody has responded in a week, feel free to join our slack channel and ask "has anyone had time to look at issue #?"
NOTE: You should develop your changes against the master branch, the committer accepting your pull request will handle any merges to other branches if applicable.
See the front page README for details on joining the slack channel.
Please do not send code via email with requests, or expect a response to verbal/slack/chat based requests. If it doesn't have a ticket it probably won't get done.
** DO NOT expect code pasted into the issue to be committed **