dOSEK now supports OSEK events! Events are the only possibility for an task to wait actively for a condition. Events do always belong to a task and can be set by any other task in the system. Events can also be set by an alarm. dOSEK supports events in an unencoded and an encoded variant.
For the GCFG construction, only the symbolic system execution can cope with events. The system state flow pass is disabled if events are present in the system.
With this change, dOSEK covers the most important system calls from the conformance class ECC1.
Usage: -a posix --generator-args "--syscalls fsm"
Using finite state machines to implement the operating system's function is similar to system call specialization. We replace the inner logic (scheduler, events, resources) of the OSEK system, with a customized state machine. This state machine is constructed from the state-transition graph (result of SSE). Each system-call site corresponds to one input event in the FSM.
The ARM support was majorly improved. dOSEK can now run on the ZedBoard plattform. Encoding of the system is as well supported as system call specialization. Memory protection support is still missing.
- OS State Replication
- Retry Scheduling operations on ANB errors
The dependability service runs on a seperate processor and checks specially annotated data objects concurrently. The dataobjects are declared in the OIL file:
TYPEDEF = chararray;
HEADER = "app/bcc1/depsvc/type.h";
During an explicit acquisition the data object can be modified. If the dataobject is not acquired by the application, the dependability service ensures the integrity with a checksum. For an working example, see: app/bcc1/depsvc