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Partially Hidden Markov Chain Linear AutoRegressive model (PHMC-LAR)

PHMC-LAR is a novel regime switching model dedicated to time series data.
Let ${X_t}$ a univariate time series subject to switches in regime. Let ${Z_t}$ the corresponding state process which is observed at some random timesteps and hidden at other timesteps. In PHMC-LAR model, ${Z_t}$ is a PHMC process and within each regime, $X_t$ is a LAR process:

$$ \begin{align} X_t ,|, X_{t-p}^{t-1}, Z_t=k ,&:=, \phi_{0,k} + \sum_{i=1}^{p} \phi_{i,k} X_{t-i} + h_k , \epsilon_t \quad \text{for} \quad t=1, \dots, T. \end{align}{} $$

with $p$ the number of past values of $X_t$ to be used in modelling, $k$ the state at time-step $t$, $(\phi_{0,k}, , \phi_{1,k}, ..., \phi_{p,k})$ the intercept and autoregressive parameters associated with $k^{th}$ state, $h_k$ the standard deviation associated with $k^{th}$ state and ${\epsilon_t}$ the error terms.

Model parameters are estimated by Expectation-Maximization algorithm (EM).

We present three experiments within which PHMC-LAR model was applied to synthetic simulated data and realistic machine condition data.

Related work

If you use this model in your work, please refer to it as follows:

F. Dama, C. Sinoquet (2021). Prediction and Inference in a Partially Hidden Markov-switching Framework with Autoregression. Application to Machinery Health Diagnosis. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). Best student paper award.

The present package has been implemented by Fatoumata Dama, PhD student (2019-2022), Nantes University, France.

Fatoumata Dama was supported by a PhD scholarship granted by the French Ministery for Higher Education, Research and Innovation. She worked under the supervision of Christine Sinoquet, Associate Professor, PhD supervisor, LS2N / UMR CNRS 6004 (Digital Science Institute of Nantes), Nantes University, France.

Required Tools

  • Python 3.6
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Pickle5
  • Futures
  • Scikit-learn

Learn PHMC-LAR model parameters by EM algortihm

hmc_lar_parameter_learning(X_order, nb_regimes, data, initial_values, states, innovation, init_method="rand", nb_iters=500, epsilon=1e-6, nb_init=10, nb_iters_init=5)


  • X_order: positive int value. Autoregressive order
  • nb_regimes: strictly positive int. Number of switching regimes
  • data: list of array like. List of S observed time series where data[s] is a column vector of dimension $T_s$ x 1 and $T_s$ denotes the size of the $s^{th}$ training time series starting at timestep t = X_order + 1.
  • initial_values: list of array like. List of S initial values where initial_values[s] is a column vector of dimension X_order x 1. initial_values[s] are initial values associated with the $s^{th}$ time series.
  • states: list of array like. List of S state sequences where states[s] is a line vector of dimension 1 x $T_s$:
    • if states[s][0,t] = -1 then $Z^{(s)}_t$ is latent.
    • otherwise states[s][0,t] is in ${0, 1, 2, ..., \text{nb-regimes}-1 }$ and $Z^{(s)}_t$ is observed to be equal to states[s][0,t].
  • innovation: string. Law of error terms, only 'gaussian' noises are supported.
  • nb_iters: int value. Maximum number of EM iterations
  • epsilon: real value. Convergence precision. EM will stops when the shift in parameters' estimate between two consecutive iterations is less than epsilon. L1-norm was used.

Returns (log_ll, A, Pi, list_Gamma, list_Alpha, ar_coefficients, sigma, intercept, psi)

  • log_ll: real value. Loglikelihood
  • A: array like. Transition matrix
  • Pi: array like. Initial state probabilities
  • list_Gamma: list of array like. Smoothed marginal probabilities
  • list_Alpha: list array like. Filtered marginal probabilities
  • ar_coefficients: array like. Autoregressive coefficients of dimension X_order x nb_regimes. ar_coefficients[i,k] is the coefficient associated with $X_{t-i}$ within regime k.
  • sigma: array like. Standard deviation, nb_regimes length array
  • intercept: array like. Intercept, nb_regimes length array
  • psi: dict. Initial law (multivariate normal law) parameters having the following entries:
    • mean: X_order length array
    • covar: X_order x X_order matrix


import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "src")))
import numpy as np
from EM_learning import hmc_lar_parameter_learning

X_order = 2
nb_regimes = 4
innovation = "gaussian"

#-----training data
data = []
initial_values = []
states = []

d = np.genfromtxt('data/recessions_RGNP.csv', delimiter=',')
#initial values
initial_values.append(np.zeros(shape=(X_order,1), dtype=np.float64))
initial_values[0][:, 0] = d[0:X_order]
#observed time series
data.append(np.ones(shape=(d.shape[0]-X_order, 1), dtype=np.float64))
data[0][:, 0] = d[X_order:]
#state sequences, completely latent
states.append(-1 * np.ones(shape=(1, data[0].shape[0]), dtype=np.int64))

#-----model learning
(total_log_ll, A, Pi, list_Gamma, list_Alpha, ar_coefficients, sigma, intercept, psi) = \
        hmc_lar_parameter_learning (X_order, nb_regimes, data, initial_values, states, innovation)

Experiment on synthetic data

Data description

Binary files "data-set_[test | train]_T=[100 | 1000]_N=[1 | 10 | 100]" contain data simulated from PHMC-LAR(p=2, K=4) defines as follows:

$$ A = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 0.5 & 0.2 & 0.1 & 0.2\\ 0.2 & 0.5 & 0.2 & 0.1 \\ 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.5 & 0.2 \\ 0.2 & 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.5 \end{array} \right), \quad \pi = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ). $$

$\theta^{(X,k)} = (\phi_{0,k}, \phi_{1,k}, \phi_{2,k}, h_k):$ $\quad \theta^{(X,1)}=(2, , 0.5, , 0.75, 0.2), \quad \theta^{(X,2)}=(-2, -0.5, , 0.75, , 0.5),$
$\hspace{5.5cm} \theta^{(X,3)}=(4, , 0.5, -0.75, , 0.7), \theta^{(X,4)} = (-4, -0.5, -0.75, , 0.9).$

$$ \mathbf{x}_0 \sim \mathcal{N}_2 , \left((3, 5), , \begin{pmatrix} 1 & , 0.1 \\ 0.1 & , 1 \end{pmatrix} \right), \quad \epsilon_t \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1). $$

Theses files were created by the dump function of pickle package. Data can be unserialized using the "load" function from the same module.
After unserialization operation, we get the following data regarding the file under consideration:

  1. For files having suffix "test", we get variables (data_S, data_X, init_values).
  2. For files having suffix "train", we get variables (data_S, data_X, init_values, data_S_for, data_X_for).

The previous variables are defined as bellow:

  • data_S list of N state sequences of length T
  • data_X list of N time series of length T
  • init_values list of N initial values of length 2, associated to the previous time series
  • data_S_for list of N state sequences of length 30
  • data_X_for list of N time series of length 30

Note that, data_S_for and data_X_for are respectively 30-steps ahead out-of-sample forecast states and values. They are used in forecating experiments.

Run experiments

 python3 -O train_data_file output_dir P
 python3 -O train_data_file output_dir rho


  • data_file Training data file, equals "data-set_train_T=100_N=y" for y=1, 10, 100
  • output_dir The name of the output directory
  • P $\in [0, 100]$ Percentage of labelled observation within training set
  • rho $\in [0, 100[$ The level of unreliability upon labels

The estimated model is serialized into a binary file and saved within the given output_dir.
File and contains functions that allow to perform inference and forecasting tasks.

Experiment on realistic machine condition data

Data description

Directories train_FD00X for X=1,2,3,4 contain the health indicators [1,2] and the ground truth segementations [3] computed from the corresponding original CMAPSS datasets [4].
Files train_FD00X_LHI_state are binary files in which health indicators and ground truth segementations was serialized by pickle module.
Script takes one of these files as its first argument.

[1] E. Ramasso. Investigating computational geometry for failure prognostics. Int. J. Progn. Health Manag., vol. 5, no. 1, p. 005, 2014.
[3] E. Ramasso, Segmentation of CMAPSS health indicators into discrete states for sequence-based classification and prediction purposes,” tech.rep., 2016.

Run experiment

 python3 -O data_file output_dir P D


  • data_file Equals data/cmapss-data/train_FD00X_HI_state for X=1,2,3,4
  • output_dir The name of the output directory
  • P Equals 0 or 1 where 0 means unsupervised scheme (MSAR model) and 1 means semi-supervised scheme (PHMC-LAR model)
  • D The autoregressive order

The estimated model is serialized within a binary file and saved in output_dir.
File contains functions that allow to perform inference task.