title | description |
Quickstart |
Create a course and watch SensAI in action |
Create a cohort, add learners to it, create a course, add tasks to it and group the tasks under a milestone.
The course that you will create later will be added to this cohort. A cohort can have learners, mentors and groups. Groups are a way to organize learners. Learn more in the [Glossary](/glossary) section. Only learners added to a cohort can access the course. You can assign the course to one or more cohorts at the time of creation. Then, you can see the list of cohorts the course is assigned to in the course page and the list of courses in a given cohort in the cohort page. Tasks will be added to the course in the next step. Tasks are the units of work that learners will complete. They are assigned to one or more courses. There are two types of tasks: `Reading Material` and `Question`. Learn more in the [Tasks](/teachers/tasks) page. We will create one `Reading Material` task and one `Question` task in this step.While adding a `Question` type task, you can add a reference answer to it. This is the solution that the AI will use to check if the learner's response is correct. You can even use AI to generate the reference answer for you as shown in the video below.
title="Creating a cohort"
<source src="./videos/quickstart-6-create_tasks.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
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Phew! That was a lot of work. Congratulations! You have created your first course. 🎉
If you go back to your home page now, you will see the course you created along with the tasks grouped under the milestone you created.
<video width="100%" height="315" controls title="Course created"
: When a learner attempts a question, they are simply told whether their response is correct or not. If they are feeling stuck, they need to find someone who can help them understand where they went wrong.
: With SensAI, you can let the AI do the heavy lifting for you. As shown in the video below, SensAI will provide a personalized feedback to the learner on their response and nudge them in the right direction.
title="Question type task"
<Card title="Showcase" icon="video" href="./showcase"
See examples of how SensAI acts as a teaching assistant for both learners and educators