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Code associated with the R Shiny App CYANUS.

Code required for the paper "Systematic Evaluation of Existing and Novel Approaches for Differential Expression Anaylsis on Real and Simulated CyTOF Data" can now be found at biomedbigdata/Cyanus-Paper-Code.

Table of Contents

CYANUS Shiny App

User-friendly R Shiny App Analyzing Cytometry Data

The public web interface is available at

The source code can be found in ui/, server/, functions/, server.R and ui.R.

Additionally, a docker image for our shiny app is publicly available on Docker Hub. First, make sure docker is installed on your machine. Then run

docker pull quirinmanz/cyanus:latest

You can run the app in a single container using

docker run --rm -p 3838:3838 quirinmanz/cyanus:latest

If you go to localhost:3838, you can see our Shiny app.

You can also run the Shiny App in your R session with shiny::runApp(). In that case, you have to restore the project library using renv:

# install.packages('renv')

To use multiple instances of the app, we configured nginx and shinyproxy with docker. The command to use this production-ready version of CYANUS is

docker-compose up -d


Lis Arend, Judith Bernett, Quirin Manz, Melissa Klug, Olga Lazareva, Jan Baumbach, Dario Bongiovanni, Markus List, A systematic comparison of novel and existing differential analysis methods for CyTOF data, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021;, bbab471,


If you have difficulties using CYANUS, please open an issue. If issues on the simulation of data or evaluation of methods arise, you can either open an issue or contact the authors of the paper.


Package License
HDCytoData MIT + file LICENSE
readxl GPL-3
data.table MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE
ggplot2 MIT + file LICENSE
BiocParallel GPL-2 | GPL-3
fs GPL-3
SummarizedExperiment Artistic-2.0
dplyr MIT + file LICENSE
reshape2 MIT + file LICENSE
ggside MIT + file LICENSE
cowplot GPL-2
ggpubr GPL-2
ComplexHeatmap MIT + file LICENSE
ConsensusClusterPlus GPL version 2
flowCore Artistic-2.0
FlowSOM GPL (>= 2)
ggridges GPL-2 | file LICENSE
graphics Part of R 4.0.5
grDevices Part of R 4.0.5
grid Part of R 4.0.5
igraph GPL (>= 2)
purrr GPL-3 | file LICENSE
RColorBrewer Apache License 2.0
S4Vectors Artistic-2.0
Rcpp GPL (>= 2)
RcppAlgos GPL (>= 2)
diffcyt MIT + file LICENSE
rstatix GPL-2
multcomp GPL-2
gamlss GPL-2 | GPL-3
gamlss.dist GPL-2 | GPL-3
lme4 GPL (>= 2)
circlize MIT + file LICENSE
magrittr MIT + file LICENSE
scales MIT + file LICENSE
dimRed GPL-3 | file LICENSE
ggvenn MIT + file LICENSE
RANN GPL (>= 3)
uwot GPL (>= 3)
renv MIT + file LICENSE
shinydashboard GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
shinyjs MIT + file LICENSE
shinyWidgets GPL-3
stats Part of R 4.0.5
shiny GPL-3 | file LICENSE
shinycssloaders MIT + file LICENSE
shinyBS GPL-3
sortable MIT + file LICENSE
xlsx GPL-3
plotly MIT + file LICENSE
waiter MIT + file LICENSE