+ Gift daily.dev Plus
+ Gifting daily.dev Plus to a friend is the ultimate way to say,
+ 'I've got your back.' It unlocks an ad-free
+ experience, advanced content filtering and customizations, plus AI
+ superpowers to supercharge their daily.dev journey.
+ variant={ButtonVariant.Secondary}
+ color={ButtonColor.Bacon}
+ onClick={() => {
+ logSubscriptionEvent({
+ event_name: LogEvent.GiftSubscription,
+ target_id: TargetId.InviteFriendsPage,
+ });
+ openModal({
+ type: LazyModal.GiftPlus,
+ });
+ }}
+ className="max-w-fit border-action-plus-default text-action-plus-default"
- Gifting daily.dev Plus to a friend is the ultimate way to say,
- 'I've got your back.' It unlocks an ad-free
- experience, advanced content filtering and customizations, plus AI
- superpowers to supercharge their daily.dev journey.
+ Buy as gift