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MediaQuery is a React component that helps to render different layouts on different devices and viewport sizes.
npm i @dailybeast/react-media-query --save
Let's say you have a DesktopComponent you need to render only on desktop viewport size and you have also a MobileComponent - only for mobile/tablet viewport sizes. All you need to do - wrap these components in MediaQuery and specify the breakpoints via the 'breakpoints' prop.
import MediaQuery, { BREAKPOINT } from '@dailybeast/react-media-query';
import DesktopComponent from './DesktopComponent';
import MobileComponent from './MobileComponent';
export default function Page() {
return (
<div className="Page">
<MediaQuery breakpoints={[BREAKPOINT.DESKTOP]}>
<DesktopComponent />
<MobileComponent />
propTypes = {
// array of breakpoints when the `children` will be rendered
breakpoints: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
// current device type you detected on server (from Request object)
// it's optional and should be used only when you use server-rendering
guessedBreakpoint: PropTypes.string,
// array of additional media queries
queries: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
minWidth: PropTypes.number,
maxWidth: PropTypes.number,
maxDeviceWidth: PropTypes.number,
maxDeviceHeight: PropTypes.number,
// something you want to render
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([
// if you want to render 'children' inside of a wrapper-element you can specify it via 'wrapper' prop
wrapper: PropTypes.string,
export const BREAKPOINT = {
DESKTOP: 'desktop',
TABLET: 'tablet',
MOBILE: 'mobile',
MOBILE_LANDSCAPE: 'mobileLandscape',
Default breakpoints use following default queries:
export const QUERY = {
minWidth: 1032,
minWidth: 704,
maxWidth: 1031,
maxWidth: 703,
landscape: true,
maxDeviceHeight: 703,
If you want to specify some other breakpoints, you should use 'queries' prop:
{ minWidth: 380, maxWidth: 1000 },
{ landscape: true }
This text will be rendered only when the viewport width is >= 300px AND <= 1000, OR device is in landscape mode.
When rendered you 'children' can be wrapped into a specified html tag:
This text will be rendered inside of 'span' when the viewport width matches 'desktop'
Made by The Daily Beast team