This file will contain information to help you migrate from one version to another.
In version 0.7.0 the CodeSystems
was a big enum
that contains the
individual CodeSystems
for the different classes. With the new version
1.0.0 the CodeSystems
are now stand alone classes.
In detail the change for the CodeSystems looks like the following:
// v0.7.0
public class CodeSystems {
public enum AbstractType {}
public enum AccountStatus {}
public enum AddressType {}
In version 1.0.0 each CodeSystem will be it’s own standalone enum class
with the naming pattern CodeSystem…
// v1.0.0
public enum CodeSystemAbstracType { }
public enum CodeSystemAccountStatus { }
public enum CodeSystemAddressType { }
In case you made use of the CodeSystems
you need to update the imports
to th specific CodeSystem class.
CodeSystems.AbstractType.ANY -> CodeSystemAbstractType.ANY
CodeSystems.AccountStatus.INACTIVE -> CodeSystemAccountStatus.INACTIVE
// ...
CodeSystems.AddressType.POSTAL -> CodeSystemAddressType.POSTAL
// ...
In our 0.7.0 version all FHIR Model properties have been in alphabetical order, this was not according the FHIR specification.
From version 1.0.0 on properties are in the correct order. This could be problematic if the same property type changed positions, e.g. for DocumentReference
new DocumentReference(..., Identifier identifier, Identifier masterIdentifier, ...)
// changed to
new DocumentReference(Identifier masterIdentifier, Identifier identifier, ...)
Ideally this is covered by tests.