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James Bury edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Wiki for the Unofficial FinViz API in Golang (Go)!

This package offers a full-featured interface for the FinViz stock screener in Go and on the command line (shell).


This wiki provides a simple viewing of the different inputs and values to the RunScreen function. The RunScreen function takes a ScreenInput struct as its primary input.

// ScreenInput represents the data passed to the screen
type ScreenInput struct {
	Signal           SignalType
	GeneralOrder     GeneralOrderType
	SpecificOrder    SpecificOrderType
	Tickers          []string
	Filters          []FilterInterface
        View             string
        CustomColumns    []string
        CustomChartStyle string
        CustomTimeFrame  string




The Tickers input is simply a list of ticker strings. Both lowercase and uppercase forms are accepted.


Filters are the primary parameters used to modify a screen. Each filter has an array of default options provided by Finviz.

Initializing a filter with a default value:

industry := IndustryFilter(Gold)

Initializing a filter with multiple default values:

industry := IndustryFilter(Gold, Silver, Steel)

If Finviz supports a filter option that is not currently available in the default list, it can still be used. The custom value passed to the filter must be the same as the value passed in the Finviz screen url. For the following example, the Finviz screen url would contain the parameter exch_virtualreality. Thus, virtualreality must be passed to the filter as shown below.

Initializing a filter with a custom value:

industry := IndustryFilter("virtualreality")

Each filter, by definition, stores its own URL prefix. Examples include exch_, fa_netmargin_, and ta_sma200_ respectively for Exchange, Net Profit Margin, and 200-Day Simple Moving Average. Users only need to register the filter value they want to use, i.e. NYSE, OMUnder80, Price10PercentBelowSMA200. The values of the default 60+ filters provided by Finviz have already been defined as constants in filters.go.

All registered filters are documented below.

Screener Views

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