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272b086 · Oct 1, 2024




Helm chart for LightDevOps

Universal CI/CD pipelines.



Kubernetes: >= 1.14.0-0


Key Type Default Description
nameOverride string "" Override the name of the chart
fullnameOverride string "" Override the default fully qualified app name
image.repository string "czetech/lightdevops" Image repository
image.tag string "0.1.0" Image tag
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (imagePullPolicy of a container)
imagePullSecrets list [] Registry secret (imagePullSecrets of a pod, see example in values.yaml)
http.annotations object {} http deployment annotations
http.replicaCount int 1 Number of http deployment replicas
http.podAnnotations object {} http deployment pod annotations
http.lifecycle object {} http deployment container lifecycle hooks
http.resources object {} http deployment container resources
http.affinity object {} http deployment pod affinity
http.nodeSelector object {} http deployment pod node selector
http.tolerations list [] http deployment pod tolerations
http.service.annotations object {} http service annotations
http.service.type string "ClusterIP" http service type
http.service.port int 80 http service port
http.service.nodePort int nil http service node port
ingress.enabled bool false Ingress record generation
ingress.className string nil Ingress class name
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS certificates
ingress.hosts list [] List of hosts pointing to an application (list of strings)
ingress.path string "/" Path pointing to an application (the format depends on the Kubernetes provider)
ingress.pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" Ingress path type
ingress.precedingPaths list [] Additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress before the main path (see example in values.yaml)
ingress.succeedingPaths list [] Same as precedingPaths but added after the main path

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