Building py4cytoscape
(This list assumes you're already working on the Github branch for the new release, and that you'll be merging it into Master.)
- Verify the version number in both py4cytoscape/ and build.bat
- If any API changes were made, be sure to update the [Automation API Definition]( and change the Automation API version in py4cytoscape/
- If any functions were added, be sure to add them to the appropriate .rst file in the References section of the document.
- Verify that the requirements.txt file in the docs directory correctly identifies all external dependencies.
- Verify that the file correctly identifies all external dependencies. If any dependencies have changed, be sure to update the Install.rst file, too.
- Verify that changes to the [user manual]() are correct. Be sure to activate automatic ReadTheDocs [building]( for this new version.
- Check all sources (including documents and tests) into Github, merge them into the Master branch, and make Master the current branch
- Successfully execute all tests by using the tests/runalltests.bat and tests/runsanitytests.bat files
- Execute liveness test (e.g., [Sanity Test]( on Google Colab
- Execute both local and remote GangSu workflows (e.g., [Workflow1]( and [Workflow2]( on Google Colab
- Execute build.bat to check into PyPI __... be sure you updated the version number in build.bat first__
- Again, successfully execute all tests by using the tests/runalltests.bat file, Gang Su workflows and the Sanity Test. (Change Sanity Test to fetch
from PyPI instead of Github.) - Check any/all changes to the [user manual]( and fix them now. (Note that the manual is automatically re-compiled when changes are made to the Master branch in Github.)
- Create a new Github tag (in the Releases section on the far right of the Github GUI)
- Start a branch to contain the next round of py4cytoscape changes.
- Update the version number in both py4cytoscape/ and build.bat
- Create a new release file in doc/release to match the version number (e.g., release_0.0.1.rst)
- Update the theme list in doc/release_log.rst and reference the release file you just created
- Check all changes into github
- Activate the new branch in