- Instal Java 8 JDK
- Install Docker and Docker Compose
- Install Intellij Idea
For mac:
docker-compose -f dev-environment/env-mac.yml up -d
For linux family:
docker-compose -f dev-environment/env.yml up -d
docker cp dev-environment/elassandra-bootstrap.cql elassandra-markets:/elassandra-bootstrap.cql
docker exec -it elassandra-markets bash
cqlsh -f elassandra-bootstrap.cql
Open Project in idea by selecting: Import Project -> selecting build.gradle file from the repository root
Wait for dependency downloading and indexation
Go to ExchangesConnectorApplication.kt and press green triangle on left to the code (on example line 16):
If, you use parity endpoint different rather that localhost:8545, than Etherdelta connector will fail due to lack of environment property PARITY_URL. Let's define it: Select "Edit Configurations"
Add next properties:
Now, run exchanges connector one more time then etherdelta connector should start. You can add environment variables in the same way for Tickers, APIs and etc.