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392 lines (314 loc) · 13.1 KB


The nested function when used in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement filters documents of nested object type based on field properties. Two syntax options are available to users, see section 1.1 Syntax. Both syntax options achieve the goal of filtering a nested field with an Operator and a Literal value. Although semantically the syntax options can produce the same query, they will produce different DSL to push to OpenSearch. This difference is based on the AND/OR/NOT boolean queries residing inside a nested query or vice versa. See section 2.1 and 2.2 for examples depicting this alternate DSL creation. Testing large groups of push down execution times for identical queries using the different syntax options showed a nominal difference of approximately 3% for Syntax option 2.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Syntax
  3. Changes To Core
  4. Example Data And Usage
  5. Example Queries
  6. Architecture Diagrams
  7. Syntax Option 1 Object Tree to DSL
  8. Syntax Option 2 Object Tree to DSL
  9. Additional Info
  10. Release Schedule

1 Overview

1.1 Syntax

The nested function has two syntax options when used in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement. Both syntax options can produce the same OpenSearch response, but will form different DSL used in the query.

  1. nested(path, condition)
  2. nested(field | field, path) OPERATOR LITERAL

1.2 Changes To Core

  • FilterQueryBuilder: Added logic to handle nested functions in WHERE clause as predicate expression and FunctionExpression.
  • LuceneQuery: Added logic to handle nested functions and FunctionExpression's on both sides of OPERATOR in WHERE clause.

1.3 Example Data and Usage

A basic example from data mapping to response from SQL plugin.


  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "message": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
          "info": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "index": "true"




  • SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested(message, = 'a');
  • SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested( = 'a';

Both queries produce same response from OpenSearch.


  "schema": [
      "name": "message",
      "type": "nested"
  "datarows": [
          "info": "a"
  "total": 1,
  "size": 1,
  "status": 200

1.4 Example Queries

A basic nested function in the SELECT clause. This example filters the nested object message and the inner field info with the value of a.

  • SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested( = 'a' OR nested( = 'elm';

Using the same query as above but with syntax option 1, the response from OpenSearch will be the same, but the DSL used in the query will differ.

  • SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested(message, = 'a' OR = 'elm');

This example has a nested function in the SELECT clause and the WHERE clause of the query. Using the nested function in the SELECT clause will flatten the response nested objects from OpenSearch. See Nested In Select for more details on flattening.

  • SELECT nested( FROM nested_objects WHERE nested( = 'a';

When using syntax option 1 we need separate function calls when the path is not identical. This query exemplifies how a user can use multiple queries with differing path values.

  • SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested(message, = 'a') OR nested(comment, = '123');

2 Architecture Diagrams

2.1 Syntax Option 1 Object Tree to DSL

The following example illustrates the object tree that is built from the example query. This query's object tree will impact the structure of the DSL to be pushed to OpenSearch.

Example Query: SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested(message, = 'a' OR = 'b' AND message.dayOfWeek > 4);

graph TB;
    A[Function: NESTED\n<hr>arguments]-->B1[ReferenceExpression:\nmessage]
    A-->B2[Function: OR\n<hr>arguments]
    B2-->C1[Function: =\n<hr>arguments]
    B2-->C2[Function: AND\n<hr>arguments]
    C2-->D3[Function: =\n<hr>arguments]
    C2-->D4[Function: >\n<hr>arguments]

Syntax Option 1 Filter Push Down Sequence

This diagram illustrates the steps the SQL plugin does to translate the object tree to DSL for execution in OpenSearch. Notice that the nested function forms the outer portion of the DSL query.

  direction LR

  NestedNode --> OrFuncNode
  OrFuncNode --> OrFuncNode1
  OrFuncNode --> OrFuncNode2
  OrFuncNode2 --> AndFuncNode1
  OrFuncNode2 --> AndFuncNode2

  state "Function: NESTED" as NestedNode {
    state "visitFunction(NESTED)" as NestedNodeVisitFunc
    state "'nested': {\n&nbsp'query': {\n...\n}}" as NestedNodeDSL
    state "visitFunction(condition)" as NestedNodeVisitCondition

    NestedNodeVisitFunc --> NestedNodeDSL
    NestedNodeVisitFunc --> NestedNodeVisitCondition

  state "Function: OR" as OrFuncNode {
    state "visitFunction(OR)" as OrFuncNodeVisitFunc
    state "'bool': {\n&nbsp'should': {\n...\n}}" as OrFuncNodeDSL
    state "arguments.accept()" as OrFuncNodeArgs

    OrFuncNodeVisitFunc --> OrFuncNodeDSL
    OrFuncNodeDSL --> OrFuncNodeArgs

  state "Function: =" as OrFuncNode1 {
    state "visitFunction(=)" as OrFuncNode1VisitFunc
    state "'term': {\n&nbsp'': {\n&nbsp&nbsp'value':'a'\n}}" as OrFuncNode1DSL

    OrFuncNode1VisitFunc --> OrFuncNode1DSL

  state "Function: AND" as OrFuncNode2 {
    state "visitFunction(AND)" as OrFuncNode2VisitFunc
    state "'bool': {\n&nbsp'filter': {\n...\n}}" as OrFuncNode2DSL
    state "arguments.accept()" as OrFuncNode2Args

    OrFuncNode2VisitFunc --> OrFuncNode2DSL
    OrFuncNode2DSL --> OrFuncNode2Args

  state "Function: =" as AndFuncNode1 {
    state "visitFunction(=)" as AndFuncNode1VisitFunc
    state "'term': {\n&nbsp'': {\n&nbsp&nbsp'value':'b'\n}}" as AndFuncNode1DSL

    AndFuncNode1VisitFunc --> AndFuncNode1DSL

  state "Function: >" as AndFuncNode2 {
    state "visitFunction(>)" as AndFuncNode2VisitFunc
    state "'range': {\n&nbsp'message.dayOfWeek': {\n&nbsp&nbsp'from':4\n}}" as AndFuncNode2DSL

    AndFuncNode2VisitFunc --> AndFuncNode2DSL

Syntax Option 1 Output Query

After pushing down the filter object tree we have a DSL query to push to OpenSearch. This query forms the boolean logic inside the nested query. This mirrors the syntax option chosen which has the condition specified inside the nested function.

  "nested" : {
    "query" : {
      "bool" : {
        "should" : [
            "term" : {
              "" : {
                "value" : "a",
                "boost" : 1.0
            "bool" : {
              "filter" : [
                  "term" : {
                    "" : {
                      "value" : "b",
                      "boost" : 1.0
                  "range" : {
                    "message.dayOfWeek" : {
                      "from" : 4,

2.2 Syntax option 2 Object Tree to DSL

The following example illustrates the object tree that is built from the example query. Rather than have the boolean logic specified within the nested function, we have the nested function used in a predicate expression.

Example Query: SELECT * FROM nested_objects WHERE nested( = 'a' OR nested( = 'b' AND nested(message.dayOfWeek) > 4;

graph TB;
    A[Function: OR\n<hr>arguments]-->B1[Function: =\n<hr>arguments]
    A-->B2[Function: AND\n<hr>arguments]
    B1-->C1[Function: NESTED\n<hr>arguments]
    B2-->C3[Function: =\n<hr>arguments]
    B2-->C4[Function: >\n<hr>arguments]
    C3-->D2[Function: NESTED\n<hr>arguments]
    C4-->D4[Function: NESTED\n<hr>arguments]

Syntax Option 2 Filter Push Down Sequence

This diagram illustrates the steps the SQL plugin goes through to translate the object tree to DSL for execution in OpenSearch. Notice that the boolean operations(should/filter) form the outer potion of the DSL query.

  direction LR

  OrFuncNode --> OrFuncNode1
  OrFuncNode --> OrFuncNode2
  OrFuncNode2 --> AndFuncNode1
  OrFuncNode2 --> AndFuncNode2

  state "Function: OR" as OrFuncNode {
    state "visitFunction(OR)" as NestedNodeVisitFunc
    state "'bool': {\n&nbsp'should': {\n...\n}}" as NestedNodeDSL
    state "arguments.accept()" as NestedNodeVisitCondition

    NestedNodeVisitFunc --> NestedNodeDSL
    NestedNodeVisitFunc --> NestedNodeVisitCondition

  state "Function: =" as OrFuncNode1 {
    state "visitFunction(=)" as OrFuncNode1VisitFunc
    state "'nested': {\n&nbsp'query': {\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'term'\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'': {\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'value': 'a',\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp}}}" as OrFuncNode1DSL

    OrFuncNode1VisitFunc --> OrFuncNode1DSL

  state "Function: AND" as OrFuncNode2 {
    state "visitFunction(AND)" as OrFuncNode2VisitFunc
    state "'bool': {\n&nbsp'filter': {\n...\n}}" as OrFuncNode2DSL
    state "arguments.accept()" as OrFuncNode2Args

    OrFuncNode2VisitFunc --> OrFuncNode2DSL
    OrFuncNode2DSL --> OrFuncNode2Args

  state "Function: =" as AndFuncNode1 {
    state "visitFunction(=)" as AndFuncNode1VisitFunc
    state "'nested': {\n&nbsp'query': {\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'term'\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'': {\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'value': 'b',\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp}}}" as AndFuncNode1DSL

    AndFuncNode1VisitFunc --> AndFuncNode1DSL

  state "Function: >" as AndFuncNode2 {
    state "visitFunction(>)" as AndFuncNode2VisitFunc
    state "'nested': {\n&nbsp'query': {\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'range'\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'message.dayOfWeek': {\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp'from': 4,\n&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp}}}" as AndFuncNode2DSL

    AndFuncNode2VisitFunc --> AndFuncNode2DSL

Syntax Option 2 Output Query

After pushing down the filter object tree we have a DSL query to push to OpenSearch. This query forms the boolean logic as the outer portion of the query and has nested queries used inside. This mirrors the syntax option chosen which has the boolean operators forming a predicate expression with the nested functions in the SQL query.

  "bool" : {
    "should" : [
        "nested" : {
          "query" : {
            "term" : {
              "" : {
                "value" : "a",
                "boost" : 1.0
        "bool" : {
          "filter" : [
              "nested" : {
                "query" : {
                  "term" : {
                    "" : {
                      "value" : "b",
                      "boost" : 1.0
              "nested" : {
                "query" : {
                  "range" : {
                    "message.dayOfWeek" : {
                      "from" : 4,

Additional Info

Demo Video


Normalizing Strategy

A normalization strategy could produce identical DSL independent on the syntax option used in the query. Testing so far hasn't highlighted any major improvements with query execution that necessitate identical DSL. Additional benchmarking and planning will be done to determine a viable normalization strategy and if implementation is required.

Release Schedule

See Issues Tracked under Issue 1111 for related PR's and information.