import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import sys
import cv2
import math

def generate_dummy(size=14,num_fixations=100,num_salience_points=200):
	# first generate dummy gt and salience map
	discrete_gt = np.zeros((size,size))
	s_map = np.zeros((size,size))

	for i in range(0,num_fixations):
		discrete_gt[np.random.randint(size),np.random.randint(size)] = 1.0

	for i in range(0,num_salience_points):
		s_map[np.random.randint(size),np.random.randint(size)] = 255*round(random.random(),1)

	# check if gt and s_map are same size
	assert discrete_gt.shape==s_map.shape, 'sizes of ground truth and salience map don\'t match'
	return s_map,discrete_gt

def normalize_map(s_map):
	# normalize the salience map (as done in MIT code)
	norm_s_map = (s_map - np.min(s_map))/((np.max(s_map)-np.min(s_map))*1.0)
	return norm_s_map

def discretize_gt(gt):
	import warnings
	warnings.warn('can improve the way GT is discretized')
	return gt/255

def auc_judd(s_map,gt):
	# ground truth is discrete, s_map is continous and normalized
	if np.max(gt) == 255:
		gt = discretize_gt(gt)
	s_map = normalize_map(s_map)

	# thresholds are calculated from the salience map, only at places where fixations are present
	thresholds = []
	for i in range(0,gt.shape[0]):
		for k in range(0,gt.shape[1]):
			if gt[i][k]>0:

	num_fixations = np.sum(gt)
	# num fixations is no. of salience map values at gt >0

	thresholds = sorted(set(thresholds))

	#fp_list = []
	#tp_list = []
	area = []
	for thresh in thresholds:
		# in the salience map, keep only those pixels with values above threshold
		temp = np.zeros(s_map.shape)
		temp[s_map>=thresh] = 1.0
		assert np.max(gt)==1, 'something is wrong with ground truth..not discretized properly max value > 1'
		assert np.max(s_map)==1, 'something is wrong with salience map..not normalized properly max value > 1'
		num_overlap = np.where(np.add(temp,gt)==2)[0].shape[0]
		tp = num_overlap/(num_fixations*1.0)

		# total number of pixels > threshold - number of pixels that overlap with gt / total number of non fixated pixels
		# this becomes nan when gt is full of fixations..this won't happen
		fp = (np.sum(temp) - num_overlap)/((np.shape(gt)[0] * np.shape(gt)[1]) - num_fixations)


	#print tp_list
	area.sort(key = lambda x:x[0])
	tp_list =  [x[0] for x in area]
	fp_list =  [x[1] for x in area]
	return np.trapz(np.array(tp_list),np.array(fp_list))

def auc_borji(s_map,gt,splits=100,stepsize=0.1):
	gt = discretize_gt(gt)
	num_fixations = np.sum(gt)

	num_pixels = s_map.shape[0]*s_map.shape[1]
	random_numbers = []
	for i in range(0,splits):
		temp_list = []
		for k in range(0,num_fixations):

	aucs = []
	# for each split, calculate auc
	for i in random_numbers:
		r_sal_map = []
		for k in i:
			r_sal_map.append(s_map[k%s_map.shape[0]-1, k/s_map.shape[0]])
		# in these values, we need to find thresholds and calculate auc
		thresholds = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9]

		r_sal_map = np.array(r_sal_map)

		# once threshs are got
		thresholds = sorted(set(thresholds))
		area = []
		for thresh in thresholds:
			# in the salience map, keep only those pixels with values above threshold
			temp = np.zeros(s_map.shape)
			temp[s_map>=thresh] = 1.0
			num_overlap = np.where(np.add(temp,gt)==2)[0].shape[0]
			tp = num_overlap/(num_fixations*1.0)

			#fp = (np.sum(temp) - num_overlap)/((np.shape(gt)[0] * np.shape(gt)[1]) - num_fixations)
			# number of values in r_sal_map, above the threshold, divided by num of random locations = num of fixations
			fp = len(np.where(r_sal_map>thresh)[0])/(num_fixations*1.0)


		area.sort(key = lambda x:x[0])
		tp_list =  [x[0] for x in area]
		fp_list =  [x[1] for x in area]


	return np.mean(aucs)

def auc_shuff(s_map,gt,other_map,splits=100,stepsize=0.1):
	gt = discretize_gt(gt)
	other_map = discretize_gt(other_map)

	num_fixations = np.sum(gt)

	x,y = np.where(other_map==1)
	other_map_fixs = []
	for j in zip(x,y):
		other_map_fixs.append(j[0]*other_map.shape[0] + j[1])
	ind = len(other_map_fixs)
	assert ind==np.sum(other_map), 'something is wrong in auc shuffle'

	num_fixations_other = min(ind,num_fixations)

	num_pixels = s_map.shape[0]*s_map.shape[1]
	random_numbers = []
	for i in range(0,splits):
		temp_list = []
		t1 = np.random.permutation(ind)
		for k in t1:

	aucs = []
	# for each split, calculate auc
	for i in random_numbers:
		r_sal_map = []
		for k in i:
			r_sal_map.append(s_map[k%s_map.shape[0]-1, k/s_map.shape[0]])
		# in these values, we need to find thresholds and calculate auc
		thresholds = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9]

		r_sal_map = np.array(r_sal_map)

		# once threshs are got
		thresholds = sorted(set(thresholds))
		area = []
		for thresh in thresholds:
			# in the salience map, keep only those pixels with values above threshold
			temp = np.zeros(s_map.shape)
			temp[s_map>=thresh] = 1.0
			num_overlap = np.where(np.add(temp,gt)==2)[0].shape[0]
			tp = num_overlap/(num_fixations*1.0)

			#fp = (np.sum(temp) - num_overlap)/((np.shape(gt)[0] * np.shape(gt)[1]) - num_fixations)
			# number of values in r_sal_map, above the threshold, divided by num of random locations = num of fixations
			fp = len(np.where(r_sal_map>thresh)[0])/(num_fixations*1.0)


		area.sort(key = lambda x:x[0])
		tp_list =  [x[0] for x in area]
		fp_list =  [x[1] for x in area]


	return np.mean(aucs)

def nss(s_map,gt,gt_is_image=True):
	if np.max(gt) == 255:
		gt = discretize_gt(gt)
	#x,y = np.where(gt==1)
	xy = np.where(gt==1)
	s_map_norm = (s_map - np.mean(s_map))/np.std(s_map)

	'''temp = []
	for i in zip(x,y):
	return np.mean(s_map_norm[xy])#np.mean(temp)#np.mean(s_map_norm*(gt==1).astype(int).astype(np.float32))

def infogain(s_map,gt,baseline_map):
	gt = discretize_gt(gt)
	# assuming s_map and baseline_map are normalized
	eps = 2.2204e-16

	s_map = s_map/(np.sum(s_map)*1.0)
	baseline_map = baseline_map/(np.sum(baseline_map)*1.0)

	# for all places where gt=1, calculate info gain
	temp = []
	x,y = np.where(gt==1)
	for i in zip(x,y):
		temp.append(np.log2(eps + s_map[i[0],i[1]]) - np.log2(eps + baseline_map[i[0],i[1]]))

	return np.mean(temp)

def similarity(s_map,gt):
	# here gt is not discretized nor normalized
	s_map = normalize_map(s_map)
	gt = normalize_map(gt)
	s_map = s_map/(np.sum(s_map)*1.0)
	gt = gt/(np.sum(gt)*1.0)
	x,y = np.where(gt>0)
	sim = 0.0
	for i in zip(x,y):
		sim = sim + min(gt[i[0],i[1]],s_map[i[0],i[1]])
	return sim

def cc(s_map,gt):
	s_map_norm = (s_map - np.mean(s_map))/np.std(s_map)
	gt_norm = (gt - np.mean(gt))/np.std(gt)
	a = s_map_norm
	b = gt_norm
	r = (a*b).sum() / math.sqrt((a*a).sum() * (b*b).sum());
	#r = np.corrcoef(s_map_norm, gt_norm)
	return r

def kldiv(s_map,gt):
	s_map = s_map/(np.sum(s_map)*1.0)
	gt = gt/(np.sum(gt)*1.0)
	eps = 2.2204e-16
	return np.sum(gt * np.log(eps + gt/(s_map + eps)))