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HDM Full Installation

This Tutorial guides you on How to install hdm full stack on your local machine.


Software :

  • Linux/MacOS 64bit or Windows 10 64bit with WSL2
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Python 3.9+

Hardware : Minimal🤓

- CPU     :   4 Cores
- RAM     :  16 Go
- Storage :  10 Go

Hardware : Recommended 😎

- CPU     :  12 Cores
- RAM     :  32 Go
- Storage :  30 Go

In this Tutorial, we are going to install HDM in Full Stack mode. That means that we are going to :

⚠️ Before we start : all comandlines have to be executed at the root folder of the git source repository

1. Launch all the software stack :

- Airflow
- Nexus
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
- HDM frontend

2. Ingest some dataset to our MySQL database, simulating a dataware that we want to scan.

3. Register our Metric Packs & Rule Packs on Nexus and configure them into HDM.

4. Add an Airflow DAG to run them.

5. Run our HDM Airflow DAG and compute metrics/alerts.

6. Finally, add our Kibana Dashboards and use the Explorer and Alert Dashboard.

1. Launch all the software stack

To run the stack we need :

We are going to run the docker-compose files :

  • docker-compose.yml (HDM primary Stack)
  • docker-compose-airflow.yml (Airflow Stack) More INFO Here
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' tutorials/full-installation/*.sh
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' packs/hdm-metric-packs/basic/*.sh
sed -i -e 's/\r$//' packs/hdm-rule-packs/basic/*.sh
bash tutorials/full-installation/

When the installation is complete, you should check the different application endpoints :

When you have all done. Let's go to the next step.

2. Ingest a Dataset

We are using the Kaggle API to download our example datasets.

2.1 Kaggle cli installation

In a Client with python 3 on it, run :

pip install kaggle --upgrade

2.2 Kaggle cli login

Type kaggle to check if kaggle is installed.

Setup API credentials :

Run the commandline if needed :

Warning: Your Kaggle API key is readable by other users on this system! To fix this, you can run 'chmod 600 /home/<User>/.kaggle/kaggle.json'

Test with : kaggle datasets list

2.3 Download Heart Attack Dataset

kaggle datasets download rashikrahmanpritom/heart-attack-analysis-prediction-dataset -p ./datasets --unzip

2.4 Run Ingestion Script

We are now going to ingest our Kaggle dataset to our MySQL database.

bash tutorials/full-installation/

Data is ingested ! Check it out on mysql://

3. Metric Pack & Rule Pack Registration

In this step, we are going to register the metric pack and rule pack that are used for HDM.

3.1 Setup Nexus

  1. In order to setup Nexus we need to get the password :
docker exec -ti nexus sh -c "cat /nexus-data/admin.password"

This will give you the admin password for Nexus

  1. Go to http://localhost:8081/ and login as "admin" + [Password from previous command]

  2. Do the setup by changing the default admin password and then checkout the [x][Enable Anonymous Access]

3.2 Run Nexus Import Script

⚠️ Change the PASSWORDNEXUS to your Nexus admin password value.

# Nexus User Credentials
export PASSWORDNEXUS="123qwe"
export USERNEXUS="admin"

And run the script :

bash tutorials/full-installation/

This script will create a Maven2 Repository on Nexus named : hdm-snapshots

The script then packages into zip files the metric pack & rule pack basic and upload them into the maven repository.

Check if it's ok : http://localhost:8081/#browse/browse:hdm-snapshots

3.3. HDM DB Initialization

We now have to initialize the hdm core db Go to the [Databases] Admin Tab http://localhost/admin.php?tab=databases

Then click in this order on :

  1. [Launch db hdm script creator]
  2. [Sync db-config File to HDM's Table [Database List]]

db init

3.4. Metric Pack & Rule Pack Configuration

3.4.1 Enabling Metric Pack / Rule Pack

We Then have to activate our mp & rp on :

metric pack configuration page Rule pack configuration page

3.4.2 Edit Configuration Metric Pack / Rule Pack

metric pack configuration page

We edit our metric pack configuration to add :

  "print_cat_var": false,
  "print_mat_num_plot": false,
  "limit_enabled": true,
  "search_results_limit": 2000000,
  "rootResultFolder": "../results/",
  "esHost": "elasticsearch",
  "esPort": 9200,
  "esSSL": false

metric pack configuration page

And same for our rule pack with :


4. Airflow DAG

Login to Airflow http://localhost:8080/home with (login : airflow | password: airflow)

4.1 Add env variables

In your previous terminal run these commands :

# Airflow User Credentials
export PASSWORDAIRFLOW="airflow"
export USERAIRFLOW="airflow"

# Add variables
curl -u $USERAIRFLOW:$PASSWORDAIRFLOW -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/variables" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"key\":\"env\",\"value\":\"dev\"}"

They will create all the airflow environment variables in order for our DAG to run.

4.2 Enable the dag

Toggle the dag :


5. Run the dag

Trigger the dag :


You can check it's execution :


6. HDM Visualisation

6.1 Import kibana dashboard

Run the following comandline to import all the dashboards from the Basic Metric Pack into kibana.

curl -X POST http://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import?overwrite=true -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@packs/hdm-metric-packs/basic/kibana-dashboard/export.ndjson

6.2 Explorer Dashboard

You can explore the different metric pack dashboards from the Explorer.


6.3 Alert Dashboard

You can check all the alerts emmitted by the different rule packs from the Alert dashboard :


7. Stopping HDM Stack

To stop the stack :

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-airflow.yaml down -v
docker-compose down -v