Create FMCRestClient instance
fmc = FMCRestClient(fmc_server_url, username, password)
# create a resource instance
host1 = Host('host1', '')
# create in FMC
host1 = fmc.create(host1)
# get all Host objects
hosts = fmc.list(Host())
for host in hosts:
# update value for host1
host1.value = ''
# get host1 from FMC
host1 = fmc.load(host1)
# delete host1 from FMC
fmc = FMCRestClient(fmc_server_url, username, password)
# create a resource instance
host1 = Host('host1', '')
host2 = Host('host2', '')
# create in FMC
hosts = fmc.create([host1, host2])
Checkout the directory 'samples' for more example script using this client. To add new resource type checkout examples under 'fmc_rest_client.resources' module.
To add a new class representing FMC REST API resource, follow the below guideline
- Class name should be singular name of the FMC REST resource or url endpoint.
- The class should extend the appropriate base classes defined in 'fmc_rest_client.core.base_resources' module.
- The member variables name should match the attribute names in json
- Complex structure or nested attributes in json can be models as dictionary or another object of a class extending BaseContainedResource class.
For Network Group object we have following json -
"id": "005056A9-0AC2-0ed3-0000-025769807771",
"name": "nog1",
"type": "NetworkGroup"
"objects": {
"type": "Range",
"id": "005056A9-0AC2-0ed3-0000-025769808881",
"name": "range1",
"literals": [
"type": "Network",
"value": ""
A simple resource class for this can be like below -
class NetworkGroup(ObjectResource):
def __init__(self, name=None, objects=None, literals=None):
self.objects = objects
self.literals = literals
Or a complex resource class can look like following -
class NetworkGroup(ObjectResource):
def __init__(self, name=None, objects=None, literals=None):
if objects == None:
objects = []
if literals == None:
literals = []
super().__setattr__('literals', literals)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ['objects', 'literals']:
raise Exception("You cannot set value for attribute {}. Its a list, operate on that, "
"e.g net_grp_obj.{}.append(host1)".format(name, name))
super().__setattr__(name, value)
Refer AccessPolicy and AccessRule class examples in fmc_rest_client.resources module. AccessPolicy uses a AccessPolicyDefaultAction for a nested structure for defaultAction field, while AccessRule uses a dict for field sourceNetworks.
If the FMC API supports bulk payload for a particular operation, to leverage that capability you should specify that operation in bulk_operations list, as shown below example -
class AccessRule(ContainedPolicyResource):
bulk_operations = ['POST']