aka succinct guide handling clients as known users with node.js, express.js and passport.js
- modular.
- for each application unique authentication strategies.
- prerequisites:
node.js & npm, app scaffold.
add to your package.json: - express - passport - passport-strategyNameHere
same as
$ node install -S express passport passport-local passport-strategyNameHere
- To use passport with express, conf modules in this order:
app.configure( function() {
express.session({ secret: 'raBoof' })
- Strategies must be installed, required and configured.
- Strategy config should implement a verify callback.
- A verify callback should check for valid credentials, then invoke done accordingly.
// example strategy config
passport.use( new LocalStrategy(
function( username, pw, done ) ) {
// handle server exeptions, return done(err)
// handle auth fails, return done(null, false, { message: 'Bad username.'})
// if succ
return done(null, user)
- You authenticate the user first, then use session variables.
passport.authenticate('local', obj|cbF)
- replace local with suitable strategy.
- Arg object
can specify redirects, session and flash messages. - Redirects specified in obj properties
. - Sessions can be disabled by setting bool session to false.
- Flash messages require
middleware in express 3.x. - Flash messages with obj properties
, boolean or string for msg. - Custom callback function takes args
. With custom callback session setup and redirects are not automagic.
- Fail
- passport responds with 401 Unauthorized.
- custom callback will receive
will be set false; must callreq.login()
& send response.
- Success
- If succeeds, session is generated.
- custom callback gets
Passport maintains a session with a unique cookie - no need to transmit credenteals.
instances are de/serialized from/to session. -
Must implement
passport.serializeUser( function( user, done) {})
andpassport.deserializeUser( function( id, done) {})
in the argument function have
to userId-hsh anduserId
-obj logic of the app. -
- where is session data stored?
- what data is stored?
- cookie only?
- using passport with session store such as redis or leveldb?
- First get authorization details from your provider: f.ex. authorization & access token -urls, plus client ID & secret.
- Implement strategy
- Require the strategy module, and implement a new strategy with
new OAuth2Strategy( argObj, verifyFunc )
. - verify -callbacks
argument may be undefined,profile
contains the user profile data from provider.
var passport = require('passport'),
OAuth2Stg = require('passport-oauth').OAuth2Strategy,
stgArgs = {
authorizationURL: 'https://www.provider.com/oauth2/authorize',
tokenURL: 'https://www.provider.com/oauth2/token',
clientID: '123-456-789',
clientSecret: 'shhh-its-a-secret',
callbackURL: 'https://www.example.com/auth/provider/callback'
verifyFunc = function( accessToken, refreshTokent, profile, done ) {
User.findOrCreate( ... , function(err, user) {
done(err, user)
passport.use( 'provider', new OAuth2Strategy( argObj, verifyFunc ) )
- Set up routes
- passport OAuth2 requires 2 routes: providers authentication url and the return url for the app.
- Scope of the access to provider can be provided with arg obj property
. See provider Api doc. - Multiple scopes as arr:
scope: ['email','photo']
app.get( '/auth/provider', passport.authenticate('provider', { scope: 'email' }) )
app.get( '/auth/provider/returm', passport.authenticate('', { successRedirect: '/app', failureRedirect: '/log' }) )
- Add a link to a page:
<a href="/auth/provider">Log In with OAuth 2.0 Provider</a>