The CIF Software Development Kit (SDK) for Perl contains library code and examples designed to enable developers to build applications using CIF.
We highly recomend using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential cpanminus libmodule-install-perl zlib1g-dev
sudo cpanm git://
# ~/.cif.yml
remote: https://localhost
token: 1234
$ cif --token 1234 --remote 'https://localhost' -q
use CIF::SDK qw/init_logging $Logger/;
use CIF::SDK::Client;
use CIF::SDK::FormatFactory;
my $loglevel = ($debug) ? 'DEBUG' : 'WARN';
level => $loglevel,
category => 'cif',
$Logger->info('starting client...');
my $cli = CIF::SDK::Client->new({
token => $token,
remote => $remote,
timeout => $timeout,
$Logger->info('running search...');
my ($err,$ret) = $cli->search({
query => $query,
confidence => $confidence,
limit => $limit,
$Logger->info('formatting results...');
my $formatter = CIF::SDK::FormatFactory->new_plugin({ format => 'table' });
my $text = $formatter->process($ret);
print $text."\n";
use feature 'say';
use CIF::SDK::Client;
my $ret = $cli->ping();
say 'roundtrip: '.$ret.' ms';
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CIF::SDK
perldoc CIF::SDK::Client
You can also look for information at the GitHub repo.
Copyright (C) 2015 the CSIRT Gadgets Foundation
Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL v3.0). For details see the file LICENSE
included with the distribution.