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File metadata and controls

180 lines (107 loc) · 6.75 KB

iDAI.field Web


  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • A couchdb data source with data, as generated by dainst/idai-field-client



Prepare the configuration:

$ cd api
$ cp config/dev_prod.exs.template config/dev.exs
$ vi config/dev.exs # Edit

Set up a connection to a couchdb instance and configure at least one project (projects: ["<project>"]). Also make sure for the following curl commands to work withouth authentication in a quick demo, that you give the anonymous user admin rights by setting users: [%{ name: "anonymous", admin: true }].

Start elasticsearch, cantaloupe and the api web service with docker and index all configured projects

$ docker-compose up
$ curl -XPOST localhost:4000/api/worker/reindex
$ curl localhost:4000/api/documents             # See properly indexed documents via api


Visit the ui directory

$ cd ui
$ npm i

Prepare the configuration:

$ cp src/configuration.json.template src/configuration.json
$ vi src/configuration.json # Edit

Start the iDAI.field UI with npm start and visit http://localhost:3001. Start the iDAI.shapes UI with npm run start-shapes and visit http://localhost:3002.


For conversion of images and tiles run

$ curl -XPOST localhost:4000/api/worker/conversion       # if one has images from the client
$ curl -XPOST localhost:4000/api/worker/tiling           # if there are georeferenced images

If you have images, place them under data/cantaloupe (or override the docker-compose configuration as described further below, to change the default location)

Usage | User-Managerment

The Api.Auth section of the active config file dev.exs has two parts, users and readable_projects.

The users array has three possible keys: name, pass and admin. The name and pass values are used to authenticate users, either directly via the API or via the user interfaces of either iDAI.field or iDAI.shapes. The admin property is optional and a boolean value which allows a given user to access all projects as well as to control all administrative functions via the API.

There is one user, which always exists, even when not declared in the users array, which is anonymous. If one wants to speed up development, one can grant this user admin rights by declaring %{ name: "anonymous", admin: true } (the pass property is not necessary here).

The readable_projects section then determines, which of the configured projects can be seen by which users. readable_projects is a map, with user names as keys and arrays for the readable projects (chosen from :api.projects) the corresponding user. Here one can also specify which projects can be seen by anonymous users. For that, simply use the :anynomous or "anonymous" key and list the projects publicly accessible.

Users can sign in with the configured credentials via the user interfaces and see their readable projects. In addition to that they see all publicly accessible projects, which are, of course, also accessible without any login.

Usage | API

In addition to handling of requests from the user interface, direct calls to API allow to access some extra administrative functionality.


As already said, development can happen with an anonymous user endowed with admin rights. The curl statements listed all refer usually to protected endpoints which are only accessible with admin permissions. To obtain a token via the api, one can do the following:

$ curl -d '{ "name": "user-1", "pass": "pass-1" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:4000/api/auth/sign_in

The obtained token then can be used on subsequent requests to authenticate and authorize for using the protected endpoints.

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]" localhost:4000/api/documents

For simplicity, we omit such authentication when listing calls to curl here.


To index a single project

$ curl -XPOST localhost:4000/api/worker/update_mapping    # necessary at least once before reindexing any project
$ curl -XPOST localhost:4000/api/worker/reindex/:project 


Note that containers can be started independently

$ docker-compose up elasticsearch
$ docker-compose up cantaloupe
$ docker-compose up api

Development | API

Interactive Elixir

$ docker-compose run --service-ports --entrypoint "iex -S mix" api


$ docker-compose run --service-ports --entrypoint "mix test test/app && mix test --no-start test/unit" api


$ docker-compose run --entrypoint "/bin/bash" api
$ mix test test/app                 # application/subsystem tests
$ mix test --no-start test/unit     # unit tests

Development | UI

The frontend runs on port 3001. It autmatically picks the next available port if 3001 is already in use.

To build for production use:

$ npm run build

Development | Managing containers

(Re-)building containers

$ docker-compose up --build api

Managing dependencies

In order to add a dependency it has to be added to mix.exs. Afterwards, the api docker container has to be rebuilt explicitly with:

$ docker-compose build api

After removing a dependency from mix.exs the following command has to be run inside api/ to make sure mix.lock reflects the change:

$ mix deps.clean --unused --unlock

Afterwards, the api docker container has to be rebuilt explicitly with:

$ docker-compose build api

Development | Advanced

Override docker-compose configuration to change image directories

in config.exs

In order to be able to see images you can override the images volume by creating a docker-compose.override.yml that contains the volume definition. This file gets automatically picked up by docker-compose and will not be published to the repository.


version: "3.7"

            - "/host/environment/path/to/images/project_a_name:/imageroot/project_a_name"
            - "/host/environment/path/to/images/project_b_name:/imageroot/project_b_name"
            - "/host/environment/path/to/images/project_a_name:/imageroot/project_a_name"
            - "/host/environment/path/to/images/project_b_name:/imageroot/project_b_name"


Prerequisites: Make sure that ui/src/configuration.json points to the correct URLs to the production version.

Use docker-compose push to publish the docker images to dockerhub.

Afterwards make sure to pull the latest image versions from dockerhub in the respective environment (e.g. portainer).

Make sure to update the mapping and reindex all projects if the new version contains changes to the elasticsearch mapping or preprocessing.