- abstract data types: container (stack, queue), dictionary, priority queue
- common data structures than can be used to implement them: arrays or linked lists and so on
- Contiguously-allocated structures are composed of single slabs of memory
- Linked data structures are composed of distinct chunks of memory bound together by pointers
- fundamental contiguously-allocated data structure
- arrays are structures of fixed-size data records
- each element can be efficiently located by its index
- constant-time access given the index
- space efficient as no links/pointers
- memory locality: continuity between successive data accesses helps in exploiting CPU/memory caches
- cannot adjust their size in the middle of a program’s execution
When running out of allocated space:
- allocate bigger (e.g double) space
- and copy old contents
How many times might an element have to be recopied after a total of n insertions?
- starting from log2n doublings to get to n elements
- last half will only be copied once
- a quarter of the elements will be copied twice
- all movements M will always be less than 2n
each of the n elements move only two times on average
total work of managing the dynamic array is the same O(n)
no longer constant access all the time
- pointers represent the address of a location in memory
- each node in our data structure contains one or more data fields that retain the data that we need to store
- each node contains a pointer field to at least one other node (e.g. next)
- (please note all these pointers require extra space)
- we also need a pointer to the head of the structure, so we know where to access it
- simplest linked structure
- special linked list: doubly-linked, each node points both to its predecessor and its successor element (some operations are simpler at the cost of the extra pointer)
- searching: if x is in the list, it is either the first element or located in the smaller rest of the list
- insertion: simplest, insert at the beginning and update the head of the list
- deletion: recurively find the precedessor and update its 'next' pointer (take care when head is deleted or the list doesn't contain the element)
The relative advantages of linked lists:
- overflow on linked structures only when memory is really full
- insertions and deletions are simpler than for contiguous (array) lists.
- with large records it's easier to move data then pointers
The relative advantages of arrays include:
- no extra space required for pointers
- efficient random access
- better memory locality and cache performance than random pointer jumping