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+Enhancement: Datatx tutorial
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+title: "Data transfer functionality in Reva"
+linkTitle: "Data transfer functionality"
+weight: 5
+description: >
+ Data transfer functionality in Reva.
+This is a guide on how to try the data transfer functionality in Reva in your local environment using rclone as the data transfer driver.
+### Recap
+A data transfer is initiated through an OCM share by setting the `protocol` to type `datatx`.
+## Prerequisites
+* Have an rclone instance running (see [Rclone setup](#1-rclone-setup) below).
+* A mesh setup equal to the OCM share tutorial (see [Reva daemons setup](#2-reva-daemons-setup)).
+## 1. Rclone setup
+Use rclone version v1.61 or higher. Available at [https://rclone.org/](https://rclone.org/).
The rclone server should be run with the `server-side-across-configs` flag set to `true` which will make HTTP Third Party Copy (TPC) transfers possible:
+rclone -vv rcd --server-side-across-configs=true --rc-user=rclone --rc-pass=rclonesecret --rc-addr=
+TPC allows for direct (ie. efficient) Reva to Reva transfers as opposed to streaming the data through rclone
+## 2. Reva daemons setup
+Follow the setup ([prerequisites](https://reva.link/docs/tutorials/share-tutorial/#prerequisites), [building](https://reva.link/docs/tutorials/share-tutorial/#2-build-reva), [running](https://reva.link/docs/tutorials/share-tutorial/#3-run-reva)) of the OCM share [tutorial](https://reva.link/docs/tutorials/share-tutorial/).
+Use the [data transfer example config](https://github.com/cs3org/reva/blob/master/examples/datatx/datatx.toml) for the relevant settings to enable rclone driven data transfer.
+At this point you should have a two Reva daemon setup between which we will establish a data transfer driven by rclone.
+## 3. Create a datatx protocol type OCM share
+(assume we are logged in as einstein on the first Reva instance and we have uploaded some data to the `/home/my-data` folder)
The tutorial explains transfer between user einstein at cern and user marie at cesnet.
+Creating a transfer is similar to creating a regular OCM share through the `ocm-share-create` command with the addition of the `-datatx` flag. The `-datatx` flag signifies that this is a data transfer.
The `ocm-share-create` command makes (see example below), via an OCM share, the contents of folder `/home/my-data` available for transferring to the grantee.
*Note that only a folder can be transferred!
+>> ocm-share-create -grantee f7fbf8c8-139b-4376-b307-cf0a8c2d0d9c -idp cesnet.cz -transfer /home/my-data
+| edc8f1c3-5f12-4430-8680-95b9034d6592 | cernbox.cern.ch | 4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51 | storage_id:"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" opaque_id:"fileid-einstein%2Fmy-data" | GRANTEE_TYPE_USER | cesnet.cz | f7fbf8c8-139b-4376-b307-cf0a8c2d0d9c | 2023-04-11 11:52:08 +0200 CEST | 2023-04-11 11:52:08 +0200 CEST |
+## 4. Discovering the transfer
+(assume we are logged in on the receiving Reva instance as marie)
The grantee (ie. the receiver of the transfer) can now discover the transfer share and its details in the same way as with regular shares using the `ocm-share-list-received` command to obtain the share id, and subsequent `ocm-share-get-received` command using that share id:
+>> ocm-share-list-received
+| 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5 | cernbox.cern.ch | 4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51 | opaque_id:"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000:fileid-einstein%2Fmy-data" | GRANTEE_TYPE_USER | cesnet.cz | f7fbf8c8-139b-4376-b307-cf0a8c2d0d9c | 2023-04-11 11:52:08 +0200 CEST | 2023-04-11 11:52:08 +0200 CEST | SHARE_STATE_PENDING | SHARE_TYPE_USER |
+>> ocm-share-get-received 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5
+{"id":{"opaqueId":"79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5"}, "name":"my-data", "resourceId":{"opaqueId":"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000:fileid-einstein%2Fmy-data"}, "grantee":{"type":"GRANTEE_TYPE_USER", "userId":{"idp":"cesnet.cz", "opaqueId":"f7fbf8c8-139b-4376-b307-cf0a8c2d0d9c"}}, "owner":{"idp":"cernbox.cern.ch", "opaqueId":"4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51", "type":"USER_TYPE_FEDERATED"}, "creator":{"idp":"cernbox.cern.ch", "opaqueId":"4c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51", "type":"USER_TYPE_FEDERATED"}, "ctime":{"seconds":"1683549473", "nanos":722800878}, "mtime":{"seconds":"1683549473", "nanos":722800878}, "shareType":"SHARE_TYPE_USER", "protocols":[{"transferOptions":{"sourceUri":"https://cernbox.cern.ch/remote.php/dav/ocm/IFs4ZVKVjp7OQsArvCSvXkf8A7emEQ71"}}], "state":"SHARE_STATE_PENDING", "resourceType":"RESOURCE_TYPE_CONTAINER"}
+To start the transfer it must be accepted by the grantee.
+## 4. Accepting the transfer by the grantee
+The grantee (ie. the receiver of the transfer) must now accept the transfer by updating the `state` of the transfer to `accepted`. That will start the transfer. Optionally the grantee can also specify a path to which the data must be transferred:
+>> ocm-share-update-received -state accepted -path /home/transfers 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5
+At this point the transfer should have started automatically. In the command example above the data will be transferred into the `/home/transfers` folder of the grantee. In this case the final resulting path will read `/home/transfer/my-data/`
+If a path is not provided with the command the transfers will be written into the folder as set by the configuration property `data_transfers_folder` of the gateway as follows:
+data_transfers_folder = "/home/MyTransfers"
+Note that at least one of each must be provided but that the `path` command flag overrides the configuration setting (ie. per transfer).
+## 4.1 Do over a transfer
+In case the transfer has failed and it is not a driver (rclone) issue, or maybe you want to transfer to another folder, use these 2 steps:
First update the share to `pending`:
+ocm-share-get-received -state pending 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5
+Next accept the transfer, optionally with a different path:
+>> ocm-share-update-received -state accepted -path /home/transfers-sec 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5
+Now the data will be transferred to the `/home/transfers-sec/my-data/` folder.
+Whenever transfer shares are accepted corresponding transfer jobs will be created for them. These can be [managed](#5-managing-transfer-jobs).
+## 5. Managing transfer jobs
+The transfer driver creates a transfer job for each transfer. These jobs can be managed (request status, retried, cancelled). For this one must first discover the transfer id from the transfers list.
+## 5.1 List transfers
+List the transfers using the `transfer-list` command to discover their corresponding transfer id:
+>> transfer-list
+| 2c55dc61-4a06-4f44-9478-78eb1243971b | 0f901f2c-a004-4126-b810-29bf51909035 |
+| 1f5de8f0-5565-4694-8eca-f66e578783c8 | f0b3b410-0e39-4591-92f7-8e229650b3c7 |
+| 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5 | fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb |
+## 5.2 Show status transfer
+Show the current status of a transfer using the `transfer-status` command. Possible transfer states are:
+cancel failed
+in progress
+transfer-get-status -txId fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb
+| 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5 | fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb | STATUS_TRANSFER_COMPLETE | Mon May 8 12:38:08 +0000 UTC 2023 |
+## 5.5 Retry transfer
+Retry a transfer using the `transfer-retry` command with the transfer id specified. This should restart the transfer job and return the new status of the transfer:
+transfer-retry -txId fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb
+| 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5 | fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb | STATUS_TRANSFER_NEW | 2023-05-08 12:41:07 +0000 UTC |
+## 5.4 Cancel transfer
+A running transfer (transfer state `in progress`) can be cancelled using the `transfer-cancel` command as follows:
+transfer-retry -txId fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb
+| 79a2bf32-4bba-437a-ad8f-ec93211375b5 | fe671ae3-0fbf-4b06-b7df-32418c2ebfcb | STATUS_TRANSFER_CANCELLED | 2023-05-08 13:50:12 +0000 UTC |
+## 6 Cleanup transfers
+Transfers will be removed from the db using the `transfer-cancel` command when the configuration property `remove_on_cancel` of the datatx service has been set to `true` as follows:
+remove_on_cancel = true
+Currently this setting is recommended.
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