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477 lines (345 loc) · 9.65 KB

Neutron Install

Neutron logo


Database setup

  1. Access database as root:
  1. Create neutron database:
  1. Grant proper access to neutron user:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'localhost' identified by 'password123';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'%' identified by 'password123';

Create Openstack objects

  1. Source .adminrc
source .adminrc
  1. Create service and creds
  • Create neutron user and add role:
openstack user create --domain default --password password123 neutron

openstack role add --project service --user neutron admin
  • Create neutron service:
openstack service create --name neutron \
  --description "Openstack Networking" network
  1. Create service API endpoints:
for i in public internal admin; \
  do openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
  network $i http://controller:9696; \

Install and configure componenets

  1. Install packages:
apt install neutron-server neutron-plugin-ml2 -y
  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/neutron.conf:
cp -p /etc/neutron/neutron.conf /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)' /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 > /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf sections:
# ...
core_plugin = ml2
service_plugins = router
allow_overlapping_ips = true
transport_url = rabbit://openstack:password123@controller
auth_strategy = keystone
notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = true
notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = true

# ...
# remove other connections
connection = mysql+pymysql://neutron:password123@controller/neutron

# ...
www_authenticate_uri = http://controller:5000
auth_url = http://controller:5000
memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = password123

# ...
auth_url = http://controller:5000
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
region_name = RegionOne
project_name = service
username = nova
password = password123

# ...
lock_path = /var/lib/neutron/tmp
  1. Remove unused sqlite database file:
rm -f /var/lib/neutron/neutron.sqlite
  1. Fix packaging bug:
install -d /var/lib/neutron/tmp -o neutron -g neutron

Configure ML2 plugin

  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini:
cp -p /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 > /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini sections:
# ...
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
tenant_network_types = vxlan
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,l2population
extension_drivers = port_security

# ...
flat_networks = provider

# ...
vni_ranges = 1:1000

# ...
enable_ipset = true

Configure nova to use neutron

  1. Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf sections:
# ...
auth_url = http://controller:5000
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
region_name = RegionOne
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = password123
service_metadata_proxy = true
metadata_proxy_shared_secret = s3cr3t_m3tadat4

Finalize installation

  1. Populate database:
su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \
  --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron
  1. Restart compute API service:
service nova-api restart
  1. Restart Networking API service
service neutron-server restart


Install and configure componenets

  1. Install packages:
apt install neutron-server \
neutron-linuxbridge-agent neutron-l3-agent \
neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-metadata-agent \
python3-neutron-fwaas -y
  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/neutron.conf:
cp -p /etc/neutron/neutron.conf /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)' /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 > /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf sections:
# ...
core_plugin = ml2
service_plugins = router
allow_overlapping_ips = true
transport_url = rabbit://openstack:password123@controller
auth_strategy = keystone

# ...
www_authenticate_uri = http://controller:5000
auth_url = http://controller:5000
memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = password123

# ...
# make sure this dir exists
lock_path = /var/lib/neutron/tmp

Configure Linux bridge agent

  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini:
cp -p /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 > /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini sections:
physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE_NAME

# ...
enable_security_group = true
firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver

enable_vxlan = true
l2_population = true
  1. Ensure network bridge filters enabled (br_netfilter kmod):
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables

Configure L3 agent

  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini:
cp -p  /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini  /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)'  /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 >  /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini sections:
# ...
interface_driver = linuxbridge

Configure DHCP agent

  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini:
cp -p  /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini  /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)'  /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 >  /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini sections:
# ...
interface_driver = linuxbridge
dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq
enable_isolated_metadata = true

Configure Metadata agent

  1. Backup an sanitize ** /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini**:
cp -p   /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini   /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)'   /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 >   /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini
  1. Edit ** /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini** sections:
# ...
nova_metadata_host = controller
metadata_proxy_shared_secret = s3cr3t_m3tadat4
  1. Fix packaging bug:
install -d /var/lib/neutron/tmp -o neutron -g neutron

Start services:

service neutron-linuxbridge-agent restart
service neutron-dhcp-agent restart
service neutron-metadata-agent restart
service neutron-l3-agent restart


Install and configure components

Configure common component

  1. Install packages:
apt install neutron-linuxbridge-agent -y
  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/neutron.conf:
cp -p /etc/neutron/neutron.conf /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)' /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 > /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf sections:
# ...
transport_url = rabbit://openstack:password123@controller
auth_strategy = keystone


# ...
www_authenticate_uri = http://controller:5000
auth_url = http://controller:5000
memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = neutron
password = password123

# ...
lock_path = /var/lib/neutron/tmp
  1. Fix packaging bug:
install -d /var/lib/neutron/tmp -o neutron -g neutron

Configure Linux bridge agent

  1. Backup an sanitize /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini:
cp -p /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini.bak
grep -Ev '^(#|$)' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini.bak|sed '/^\[.*]/i \ '|tail -n +2 > /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini
  1. Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini sections:
physical_interface_mappings = provider:PROVIDER_INTERFACE_NAME

enable_vxlan = true
l2_population = true

# ...
enable_security_group = true
firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver
  • TODO: Is phys_interface_mappings required here?
  1. Ensure network bridge filters enabled (br_netfilter kmod):
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables

Restart services

  • Restart compute service:
service nova-compute restart


Verify ops

  1. Source .adminrc
source .adminrc
  1. Show network agents (should show 4 on network and 1 on compute):
openstack network agent list