A Software project with the objective of providing a desktop application with features aiming to make game-club receptionist work more convenient.
Please read the EULA; the EULA file is located in the root directory.
The current, non-exclusive, granted license does not permit commercial-use of this software nor permits modification of the source code by those other than the original authors, but does permit the forking and reproduction of this software and source code. The intent is to allow the open inspection of the source code for educational and inspection purposes without having the repository as private (which would prevent inspection).
The project requires having a Java 8 JDK
and an internet connection.
This project uses Maven
as a build tool. Clone to a directory of choice and import as Maven to have all dependencies downloaded.
Currently, run the package
lifecycle phase of maven. This will compile, test, and then package the project into a runnable jar.
- Support for stations with station specific equipment
- User friendly check-in and check-out forms.
- Wait-list and session-timer support with accurate estimated wait times.
- Automated inventory availability management.
- Inventory configuration management with full CRUD support.
- Notifications with full CRUD support.
- Automatic saving of the application state to allow for quick re-opening.
- Reporting of logged data (such as wait times and station usage) as Excel documents.
- Robust protection against user errors regarding application's logical state.
- Scalable and maintainable code design.