PgNio is an asynchronous PostgreSQL client for Java and the JVM. It was built to solve both simple and advanced Postgres needs without being too opinionated or inflexible. Since all protocol features are supported callers can take advanced approaches to problems.
visibility excluded)
- Java 8+
- Simple and small codebase, no dependencies
- NIO and SSL
- Notification support
support- Advanced prepared and bound query support including max-rows and suspension
- Flexible server communication - control when/how data is sent/received, support all protocol features
- Extensible - almost everything can be extended
- Low level - can be the base of higher-level Postgres libraries (such as the upcoming async JDBC API or combined with other reactive libs)
- Extensible yet not embedded/forced parameter and row data serialization from/to Java types
- Support for date, geom, network, money, hstore, etc data types
This is deployed to Maven Central. In maven project:
Or in Gradle:
compile 'com.github.cretz.pgnio:pgnio-driver:0.2.0'
Below are simple examples on how to use the client library. The library makes heavy use of composition with
values which is why some of the code appears quite functional and non-ergonomic. All top-level
classes in the library are in the pgnio
package. While there are synchronous get
invocations in these examples, in
normal use developers might not want to block for a result.
To connect to a database, a Config
instance is needed. It's a simple class with already-defaulted public fields that
can be set directly. Each field also has a corresponding builder method to set its value and return back the Config
instance. Here is a simple config:
Config conf = new Config().hostname("myhost").username("myuser").password("mypass");
See the Config
Javadoc for more details on the values. Besides common values, developers are encouraged to set timeout
values that are used for reading/writing from/to the server.
A connection is first connected via the Connection.init
static method which accepts a Config
. It is then
authenticated by calling auth on the resulting opened connection:
Connection.init(conf).thenCompose(conn -> conn.auth()).thenCompose(conn -> /* do stuff */);
Note, this example does not block for response or close the connection but normal code would. A shortcut for this is to
just call Connection.authed
Once the connection is done, just call terminate
or pass a future to terminated
Connection.authed(conf).thenCompose(conn -> conn.terminated(/* do stuff returning future */)).get();
This example does block using get
at the end. It also calls terminated
to close the connection after stuff is done.
Here is an example of fetching a simple string from a query:
List<QueryMessage.Row> rows = Connection.authed(conf).thenCompose(conn ->
conn.terminated(conn.simpleQueryRows("SELECT current_database() AS database_name"))).get();
System.out.println("Current DB: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), "database_name", String.class));
is covered later.
A ConnectionPool
can be created with a Config
like a connection and has a withConnection
method that helps make
sure connections can be reused:
ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool(conf);
List<QueryMessage.Row> rows = pool.withConnection(conn ->
conn.simpleQueryRows("SELECT current_database() AS database_name")).get();
System.out.println("Current DB: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), "database_name", String.class));
The Config
's poolSize
determines the fixed pool size. While not set by default, developers are encouraged to set
to something like SELECT 1
to make sure borrowed connections are always valid. A
should be closed after use. For the rest of these examples, the pool
variable above will be reused.
To execute a simple query and retrieve the query result connection state, use simpleQuery
. This usage requires that
you mark the result done
. There are convenience methods to do this automatically and return values. They are
for discarding the result, simpleQueryRowCount
to get the returned/affected row count, and
to get the row list:
pool.withConnection(c ->
c.simpleQueryExec("CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar VARCHAR(100))").
// The result is just of type java.lang.Void anyways, so ignore it
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleQueryRowCount("INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('test1'), ('test2')")).
// The result is an integer, so this outputs "Rows: 2"
thenAccept(rowCount -> System.out.println("Rows: " + rowCount)).
// Now select em all
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleQueryRows("SELECT * FROM foo")).
// Show the strings
thenAccept(rows ->
System.out.println("Rows: " +
map(row -> RowReader.DEFAULT.get(row, "bar", String.class)).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))
Rows are returned as QueryMessage.Row
objects. These objects include metadata about the columns and the two
dimensional byte array, with a byte array for each column. Instead of putting the logic to convert from byte arrays
inside the row class, PgNio offers a RowReader
class for reading row data. The class may be manually instantiated
with custom converters, but most common uses will use the RowReader.DEFAULT
pool.withConnection(c ->
c.simpleQueryRows("SELECT 'test' AS first_row, 12, '{5, 6}'::integer[]").
thenAccept(rows -> {
// Pass in the row, column name, and type to fetch
System.out.println("Col 1: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), "first_row", String.class));
// Can also pass in the zero-based column index
System.out.println("Col 2: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 1, Integer.class));
// Even works with arrays
System.out.println("Col 3: " + Arrays.toString(RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 2, int[].class)));
See the Javadoc for more information on custom column value converters. See the Data Types section below for more information on supported data types.
In the PostgreSQL protocol, there are two ways to submit queries. One is the simple query form which issues a query and gets row metadata and row data. These are the calls prefixed with "simple". The other way is the "advanced" or "prepared" approach which separates the steps to parse the query, bind parameters, describe the result, and execute the query. The "simple" approach can be seen as just combining those 4 steps together in one call on the server side. PgNio offers separate calls for each of these steps allowing the caller to choose when/how they are called. There are also "prepared" convenience methods analogous to the "simple" convenience methods which invoke all of these steps internally:
pool.withConnection(c ->
// Ask for a series from 1 through a parameter (4 in this case)
c.preparedQueryRows("SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, $1)", 4).
// Will be a count of 4
thenAccept(rows -> System.out.println("Row count: " + rows.size()))
Internally, PgNio uses a ParamWriter
instance (configured with a default via Config.paramWriter
) to convert from
Java types to PostgreSQL parameters. See the Data Types for more information on suggested data types for
certain parameter types.
The prepared queries above are "unnamed" (internally they use an empty string as the name) which means they can't easily be reused. PgNio supports named prepared queries which are stored for the life of the connection or until closed. Unlike unnamed prepared queries, there aren't convenience methods to create a named query, but convenience methods can be used for binding, executing, and retrieving rows:
pool.withConnection(c ->
c.simpleQueryExec("CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar VARCHAR(100))").
thenCompose(__ -> c.prepareReusable("myquery", "INSERT INTO foo VALUES ($1)")).
// We would use bindDescribeExecuteAndDone if this were a select
thenCompose(prepared -> prepared.bindExecuteAndDone("test1")).
thenCompose(result -> result.done()).
// Count will be 1
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleQueryRows("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo")).
thenAccept(rows ->
System.out.println("Count: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 0, Long.class))).
// Reuse the query
thenCompose(__ -> c.reusePrepared("myquery")).
thenCompose(prepared -> prepared.bindExecuteAndDone("test2")).
thenCompose(result -> result.done()).
// Count will be 2
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleQueryRows("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo")).
thenAccept(rows ->
System.out.println("Count: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 0, Long.class))).
// Try to close the statement regardless of error
handle((__, ex) ->
thenCompose(prepared -> prepared.closeStatement()).
thenCompose(prepared -> prepared.done()).
thenCompose(result -> result.done()).
thenAccept(___ -> { if (ex != null) throw new RuntimeException(ex); })).
Note, "life of the connection" means as long as the socket is open to the server. So when using a connection pool, developers should always close their prepared statements or they will remain open as long as the connection does.
The regular "ready for query" connection state is the QueryReadyConnection.AutoCommit
class which automatically
commits everything. Running beginTransaction
on it returns a QueryReadyConnection.InTransaction
class which won't
return back to auto commit mode until commitTransaction
or rollbackTransaction
is executed. Example:
pool.withConnection(c ->
c.simpleQueryExec("CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar VARCHAR(100))").
// Start the transaction
thenCompose(__ -> c.beginTransaction()).
// Insert a value
thenCompose(txn -> txn.simpleQueryExec("INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('test')").thenApply(__ -> txn)).
// Count should be 1
thenCompose(txn ->
txn.simpleQueryRows("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo").thenApply(rows -> {
System.out.println("Count: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 0, Long.class));
return txn;
// Roll it back
thenCompose(txn -> txn.rollbackTransaction()).
// Count should be 0
thenCompose(conn -> conn.simpleQueryRows("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo")).
thenAccept(rows ->
System.out.println("Count: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 0, Long.class)))
Transactions can also be nested which is internally supported via savepoints.
PostgreSQL has LISTEN
support which allows pub/sub. PgNio allows subscription to these messages on a per
connection basis. Once subscribed to the messages, it must be read from the server side. This will happen during normal
query operations since a notification is sent along with other messages. But if not querying, developers need to wait
while reading for a message, which can be done via unsolicitedMessageTick
and a timeout.
// Create a listener
CompletableFuture listener = pool.withConnection(c -> {
// Subscribe to the notification
c.notifications().subscribe(notification -> {
System.out.println("Got: " + notification.payload);
// This function requires a future result so it can continue on its way.
// Here we just return a completed nothing, but developers could listen for another message if they wanted.
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// Let PostgreSQL know we're listening
return c.simpleQueryExec("LISTEN my_notifications").
// Wait for 30 seconds for a single message.
// To listen for more messages, we'd have to call this again.
thenCompose(__ -> c.unsolicitedMessageTick(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// Send a notification
pool.withConnection(c -> c.simpleQueryExec("NOTIFY my_notifications, 'test1'")).get();
// Wait for listener to end
In addition to notifications, developers can also listen for notices and server parameter/option changes (e.g. time zone change). Note, when a connection is returned to a pool, all of its subscriptions are cleared. Same thing when a connection is terminated. Therefore, developers who want to listen to notifications for a longer period should consider creating a longer lived connection or just never giving the connection back to the pool.
PostgreSQL supports a fast insert mode called a COPY and PgNio supports it. Here's how to insert some CSV values:
pool.withConnection(c ->
c.simpleQueryExec("CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar VARCHAR(100), baz integer)").
// Begin copy
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleCopyIn("COPY foo FROM STDIN CSV")).
thenCompose(copy -> copy.sendData("test1,123\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))).
thenCompose(copy -> copy.sendData("test2,456\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))).
thenCompose(copy -> copy.done()).
// Count should be 2
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleQueryRows("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM foo")).
thenAccept(rows ->
System.out.println("Count: " + RowReader.DEFAULT.get(rows.get(0), 0, Long.class)))
There are other formats including the default text format. ParamWriter
can be used to help with this.
Copying can also occur when reading out from a table:
pool.withConnection(c ->
c.simpleQueryExec("CREATE TEMP TABLE foo (bar VARCHAR(100), baz integer);" +
"INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('test1', 123), ('test2', 456)").
thenCompose(__ -> c.simpleCopyOut("COPY foo TO STDOUT CSV")).
thenCompose(copy -> {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return copy.
receiveEachData(b -> {
try { bytes.write(b); }
catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
thenAccept(__ ->
System.out.println("Got:\n" + new String(bytes.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))).
thenCompose(__ -> copy.done());
In PostgreSQL, a long-running query cannot simply be cancelled within the same connection. Instead, a separate connection must be created solely to cancel using the original connection's process ID and secret key:
// We'll just set the process ID and secret key into an int array
CompletableFuture<int[]> processIdAndSecretKey = new CompletableFuture<>();
// Run a query for 10 seconds
CompletableFuture longQuery = pool.withConnection(c -> {
// Set the process ID and secret key of this connection
processIdAndSecretKey.complete(new int[] { c.getProcessId(), c.getSecretKey() });
// Wait 10 seconds
return c.simpleQueryExec("SELECT pg_sleep(10)");
// Kill that query
processIdAndSecretKey.thenCompose(idAndKey ->
Connection.init(conf).thenCompose(c -> c.cancelOther(idAndKey[0], idAndKey[1]))).get();
// This will throw an exception since it was cancelled
Note, the newly created connection doesn't have to be explicitly closed/terminated because it is implied with
Many more cases are not covered here but can be learned from the code or test cases including:
- Advanced handling of query results including asking for one row at a time, skipping results, etc
- Fetching a maximum bound-query row set then fetching more
- Nested transactions
- Fetching results from multiple queries
- Using
instead ofdone
on prepared/bound queries - Describing prepared statements to get parameter requirements
- Custom
use and subscriptionSSL
including use of customSSLContext
s to validate keys
Below is a table of PostgreSQL types and their suggested Java data type. Some Java types can be used for multiple PostgreSQL types and some PostgreSQL types can be represented by multiple Java types. These are listed in the order they appear in the PostgreSQL data type documentation
PostgreSQL Type | Java Type |
smallint |
java.lang.Short |
integer |
java.lang.Integer |
bigint |
java.lang.Long |
decimal |
java.lang.BigDecimal 1 |
numeric |
java.lang.BigDecimal 1 |
real |
java.lang.Float |
double precision |
java.lang.Double |
smallserial |
java.lang.Short |
serial |
java.lang.Integer |
bigserial |
java.lang.Long |
money |
pgnio.DataType.Money |
varchar(n) |
java.lang.String |
char(n) |
java.lang.String |
text |
java.lang.String |
bytea |
byte[] |
timestamp without time zone |
java.time.LocalDateTime |
timestamp with time zone |
java.time.OffsetDateTime |
date |
java.time.LocalDate |
time without time zone |
java.time.LocalTime |
time with time zone |
java.time.OffsetTime |
interval |
pgnio.DataType.Interval |
boolean |
java.lang.Boolean |
enumerated types | java.lang.String |
point |
pgnio.DataType.Point |
line |
pgnio.DataType.Line |
lseg |
pgnio.DataType.LineSegment |
box |
pgnio.DataType.Box |
path |
pgnio.DataType.Path |
polygon |
pgnio.DataType.Polygon |
circle |
pgnio.DataType.Circle |
inet |
pgnio.DataType.Inet |
cidr |
pgnio.DataType.Inet |
macaddr |
pgnio.DataType.MacAddr |
macaddr8 |
pgnio.DataType.MacAddr |
bit(n) |
java.lang.String |
bit varying(n) |
java.lang.String |
tsvector |
java.lang.String |
tsquery |
java.lang.String |
uuid |
java.util.UUID |
xml |
java.lang.String |
json |
java.lang.String |
jsonb |
java.lang.String |
arrays | arrays |
hstore |
java.util.Map<String, String> |
all other types | java.lang.String |
- If
are expected to ever be NaN or infinity, users might prefer to deserialize toString
first before converting toBigDecimal
. Otherwise an exception occurs. For parameters that need to be NaN or infinity, consider using a float or double.
My company needs a non-blocking PostgreSQL Java driver that is simple and yet can be used for advanced items. The other ones carry unnecessary dependencies, are opinionated on what they make visible, aren't very configurable with serialization, don't allow flexible use of the protocol, don't support all PostgreSQL features, and/or are unmaintained (I've opened issues or made PRs on some of them). Granted there is no guarantee that this one will be maintained forever either.
As mentioned in the features/goals section, this library is simple, extensible, and both low-level + high-level. Serialization concerns are separated from protocol use. I also wanted to build this in preparation for the upcoming async JDBC API and to develop a deep understanding of the PostgreSQL protocol.
No. Sometimes it is when you don't want to use a thread per connection though internally NIO leverages thread groups/pools. Also, since PostgreSQL's protocol doesn't support multiplexing a single connection there is even less benefit than there might be with other protocols. Having said that, rarely is it worse and this library could easily be used in a higher-level, synchronous, blocking application or library.
In order to make this library simple, only the practical converters are included. Those collections can easily be derived from arrays and/or custom converters can easily be written to build them.
For the RowReader
, the get
accepts a Class
instead of a Type
. There was no need using the current converters
to support generic types, but this may change in the future.
For the current set of converters, simply traversing the class hierarchy to find a suitable conversion was good enough. If there is a need for a converter for an interface, this could be supported in the future.
This library only supports hstore
converting to a Map<String, String>
. One might assume that, like arrays, it should
allow map values of other types that recursively does conversions on them. But PostgreSQL doesn't tell you the value
types of hstore
. It was decided to perform the simple conversion. There is a RowReader.get
call that accepts a
string if the caller wants to convert further, but it was decided that this library would not do it for them.
PostgreSQL has two formats in the protocol for parameters and results: binary and text. Right now, PgNio only supports
the text format (the default). The text format sends everything as normal strings and is portable across PostgreSQL
versions. This is usually good enough for almost all purposes. However, as more use cases for binary formatting come
about, it very well might be implemented in the library. In the meantime, the library is built to be extensible enough
that ParamWriter
s and RowReader
s operate purely on bytes and anyone can write binary formatters. Also, all protocol
calls that support specifying text or binary format are exposed to let the caller choose if they want.
PgNio gladly accepts pull requests. In general the style is two-space indent, 120-char line max, and try to be clean with line wrapping ideally with punctuation at the end of the line instead of the start. Since this is also a library that can be used as a basis for others, we prefer to set the visibility protected instead of private or package-private for anything that could have any value to anyone. We prefer fields over getters, nested classes over a bunch of files, simpler code over longer code, and clarity over confusion.
The checker framework is used mainly to check nullability. This is preferred over
runtime checks for this library. Sometimes the initialization constraints get in the way, so feel free to mark code
The project can be built with Gradle. Unlike other projects, PgNio does not bundle a Gradle wrapper script with the
repository. Simply download Gradle to some/path
and run:
some/path/bin/gradle --no-daemon :driver:assemble
Granted --no-daemon
is just a choice that some choose to not keep a running Java process in the background, but it
will be a slower build. Also, the checker framework's annotation processor slows down
compilation quite a bit.
The unit tests are more like integration tests in that they actually run a PostgreSQL instance as an
embedded PostgreSQL server. It will automatically download
itself and create directories as needed in ~/.embedpostgresql
. To run all tests, simply:
some/path/bin/gradle --no-daemon :driver:test
By default it chooses the latest PostgreSQL version configured in the library (10.2
as of this writing). A different
version can be used by setting the version number that appears in the
download link as the system property
. It is usually just the version with -1
appended. So to test against 9.6.7
some/path/bin/gradle --no-daemon :driver:test -Dpgnio.postgres.version=9.6.7-1
Note, on Windows sometimes the process remains open or there are other oddities. Developers may have to kill the
processes themselves and/or make sure the data files at ~/.embedpostgresql/data
are actually deleted (that is
the C:\Users\username\.embedpostgresql\data
For updates that may not have been released into a numbered version, developers can use
JitPack. Essentially this means using the JitPack resolver in the
build tool, and setting a dependency on the group com.github.cretz
, name pgnio
, and version master-SNAPSHOT
When using Java 9 or newer to compile, the checker framework
cannot perform checks so it is disabled. For this reason,
developers ar encouraged to use Java 8 when compiling the driver
NOTE: Work on ADBA support has been suspended. See this issue for more info.
Asynchronous database access support (a.k.a. ADBA, JDBC-Next, async JDBC, java.sql2, etc) is currently in development
in the adba
subproject which uses Java 9. This means that Java 9+ must be used to compile it which, as mentioned
above, disables checker framework checks.
ADBA support requires the ADBA source which is available from the
OpenJDK sandbox as of this writing.
Developers have to compile it to use it; here is a
script that will build the ADBA JAR when assemble
is run. Once the JAR is available, the full path to
the JAR must be set as the adba.jar.path
system property when running the adba
build in this project. E.g.:
some/path/bin/gradle --no-daemon :adba:assemble -Dadba.jar.path=/full/path/to/jdk.incubator.adba.jar
Or if you are using an IDE such as IntelliJ this can be set as a Gradle option in the settings.
- Streaming/logical replication
- Support other authentication options